Iron Germany

Chapter 1390 Heavy Loss

Although the 36 FW-190 fighter jets of the German Air Force are much smaller in number than the carrier-based aircraft fleet of the Japanese Navy, they are like no one in the land, wantonly killing those carrier-based aircraft of the Japanese Navy.

Whether it is the Type 99 carrier-based bomber or the Type 97 carrier-based attack aircraft, neither is the opponent of the German Air Force FW-190 fighter.

Although the 99th Ship Explosion and the 97th Ship Attack also have self-defense weapons, but the three 7.7mm aviation machine guns and one 7.7mm aviation machine gun are undoubtedly very weak. It is undoubtedly very difficult to shoot down Luftwaffe fighters with such firepower. Unless the bullet directly penetrated the cockpit of the aircraft and hit the pilot. Otherwise, it would be almost impossible to shoot down a Luftwaffe fighter plane.

"God! These islanders' fighter planes are too easy to shoot down! I have a feeling that I will definitely become an ace pilot today!" A Luftwaffe pilot said in surprise.

"Idiot, be careful behind you, a Zero fighter is biting you, dive quickly and get rid of him!" The squadron leader's voice came from the headset.

The pilot did not dare to neglect, and immediately began to dive.

"Da da da!" At this time, the Zero fighter also opened fire. The bullet almost flew past the plane, which made the German pilot feel lingering fear.

The Zero fighter seemed unwilling to let go of this opportunity, and followed the German fighters and began to dive.

However, when a fighter plane dives, it bears a very large force, which requires a very strong body structure. Otherwise, the aircraft is in danger of disintegrating in the air.

In order to increase the range and enhance the maneuverability of the Type Zero Combat, aluminum alloys and other materials were widely used on the aircraft. This certainly reduces the weight of aircraft, has increased flight range, has also strengthened maneuverability. However, the body structure of the aircraft is not strong. In the case of a high-speed dive, it is very easy to disintegrate.

This Zero fighter is currently in such a state. In order to shoot down the German fighter, he simply ignored the performance of his fighter. It was only when the plane made a clicking sound that it woke him up. However, it is too late.

The Zero fighter disintegrated directly in the air, turned into pieces, and fell towards the sea. The pilot parachuted for the first time. But in this vast South China Sea, if you want to escape, it will undoubtedly be very difficult.

The commander of the carrier-based aircraft of the navy of the island country had to order the fighter pilots to prohibit rapid dives.

It can neither climb with a German fighter, nor can it dive and chase a German fighter. This is undoubtedly a great restriction for the carrier-based fighter pilots of the island navy. What made them restrained made them even more unable to compete with the fighter jets of the Luftwaffe. In many cases, I can only watch the German Air Force fighters shoot down their carrier-based aircraft.

While the battle was in full swing, the BF1-09 fighter jets of five squadrons of the Luftwaffe were rushing to the battlefield at high speed.

"Hey, guys, you killed so many island country planes! Anyway, leave us some soup!" said a squadron leader of the Luftwaffe.

"Shit, why are you guys here?"

Although the number of carrier-based aircraft fleets of the Japanese navy is quite large, there are actually only so many of them. The more fighters the Luftwaffe had in combat, the less success each aircraft could achieve.

"Haha! You guys, don't try to take advantage of one person. Everyone! This is a good opportunity to get the results!"

The arrival of sixty BF-109 fighter jets on the battlefield is undoubtedly another heavy blow to the carrier-based fleet of the island navy.

"Asshole! Why are there so many German planes coming? Don't we have to lose all our carrier-based planes if we haven't found the German aircraft carrier yet?" Said the carrier-based plane pilot of the island nation's navy speechlessly.

Under the attack of the FW-190 fighter jets of the Luftwaffe, they have lost dozens of carrier-based aircraft. Now, there is another large group of BF-109 fighter jets, which will undoubtedly further increase their losses. When the German Navy's aircraft carrier is found, it is very difficult to say how many carrier-based aircraft they will have left. If it is not done well, there will not even be one left. In that case, how did they go about sinking the aircraft carrier of the German Navy?

The performance of the BF-109 fighter, although weaker than the FW-190 fighter. However, for the carrier-based aircraft of the Japanese navy, it still has an overwhelming performance advantage. Especially those ninety-nine ship explosions and ninety-seven ship attacks, they can only be slaughtered.

After the addition of these BF-109 fighter jets, the loss rate of the island navy's carrier-based aircraft began to soar.

On the aircraft carrier "Aries" of the German Navy, Lieutenant General William Canaris and Major General Berger have been watching the air battle on the front line. Although they cannot see the battlefield, they can accurately understand the movement of the battlefield through radio signals.

When they learned that sixty BF-109 fighter jets had arrived on the battlefield and began to massacre the carrier-based aircraft of the island navy, the faces of the two finally looked a little better.

"It seems that the islanders' carrier-based aircraft are no longer a concern. The fighter pilots of the Air Force are enough to deal with them." Lieutenant General William Canaris said with a smile.

"Yes, General. Fortunately, we have the support of the Air Force. Otherwise, it would be very difficult for us to deal with so many carrier-based aircraft of the islanders." Major General Berger said.

"Our number of aircraft carriers is still too small. While ensuring the defense in the Pacific Ocean, we must also take into account operations in the South China Sea. Some are not enough. After the two aircraft carriers of the Indian Ocean Fleet are repaired, the situation may be better. Lieutenant General William Canaris said.

Rear Admiral Berger nodded. When the German Navy was unable to send the main force to the Pacific Ocean, they were indeed under a lot of pressure.

"General, our first wave of aircraft is returning. They have sunk one of the Islander battleships and severely damaged one!" an officer reported.

"Very well, the aircraft carrier is ready to recover the carrier-based aircraft." Lieutenant General William Canaris ordered.

"General, after the first wave of aircraft is refueled and loaded with ammunition, will it continue to attack the islanders' capital fleet or their aircraft carrier fleet?" Major General Berger asked.

Lieutenant General William Canaris thought for a while, and then said: "Attack the islanders' aircraft carrier team! Compared with the islanders' battleships, their aircraft carriers pose a greater threat to us!"

Major General Berger agrees. Although the carrier-based aircraft of the island navy suffered heavy losses, if those aircraft carriers are not destroyed, the threat to the German navy will still exist.

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