Iron Germany

Chapter 1398 The Rage of the Army

The heavy loss of the Japanese navy in the South China Sea this time was indeed a big slap in the face to the senior officials of the Japanese government. At the same time, it also made them realize the reality. That is, this battle will not be as easy as they imagined. Germany's military power in the Pacific region is far stronger than the island government imagined.

Before the outbreak of the war, the strength of the island nation's navy was enough to rank third in the world. But now, in just two months, their powerful navy has been almost completely wiped out. This is a complete blow to the island nation. If the navy of the island country wants to make a difference, I am afraid it will have to wait patiently for a few more months. After the island navy's follow-up capital ships and aircraft carriers are in service, they will have the strength to challenge the German navy again and regain control of the sea in the Western Pacific.

However, it is very difficult to say whether the world situation will change in a few months. After all, Germany is now attacking Bu Russia with all its strength. The war between the two countries is in full swing. Once Germany wins on the Bu-Russia battlefield, it will completely defeat Bu-Russia. Then, Germany will be able to free up its hands and devote more military strength to other battlefields.

The army of the island country was also very angry at the fiasco of the navy. After the failure of the navy, the army of the island country was fighting alone in Southeast Asia and Australia. This will make them pay a greater price in the war in Nanyang. Even after paying heavy losses, it may not be possible to win, which naturally made it unacceptable for the island army.

The Minister of the Army of the island country Toshiro Hata, the six generals, even spoke publicly, believing that the navy of the island country has failed the support and expectations of the people for a long time. The whole navy of the island country has to apologize for this.

Of course, this was nothing more than what they said in a fit of rage. If the island nation's navy is completely disbanded, can the war be won by relying solely on the strength of the army? That is obviously impossible.

Mitsumasa Mitsumasa, Prime Minister of the island country, immediately started a cabinet meeting. Although he was the previous Minister of the Navy, he was also the leader of the navy of the island country. But in the case of successive defeats by the Navy, he also needs to express his attitude. After all, after becoming prime minister, he not only represents the navy, but also needs to consider the interests of the entire island country.

"Yoshida-kun! The task force suffered a disastrous defeat this time, what is the navy going to do next?" Minai Mitsumasa asked.

"Your Excellency, the fiasco of the task force this time has made the Imperial Navy no longer have the strength to fight again in a short period of time. Therefore, we hope to be able to recuperate in the next few months. Wait until our strength is restored. , and then launch an offensive to try to defeat the Germans, seize the sea dominance in the Western Pacific, and drive the Germans out of the Pacific Ocean and even the Indian Ocean!" Admiral Yoshida Zengo said.

"Hmph! Who knows if it will be a disastrous defeat? Anyway, isn't the navy already used to losing? The powerful navy built by the empire with all the efforts of the whole country will not let you lose it in just two months Are you clean?" Lu Xiangjun's six generals had a sneer on his face.

"The navy has done its best in this war! The reason why we lost is because the Germans are too strong! This time the naval battle, the task force has tried its best. The Germans not only dispatched the navy, The air force was also dispatched. The more than 300 carrier-based aircraft pilots of the naval aviation force were all killed in battle!" Admiral Yoshida Zengo said.

"Is it considered to be the best effort if more than 300 people died? The army has killed more than 200,000 soldiers in Borneo. Now, the army still has hundreds of thousands of soldiers fighting in Borneo. And, there will be more soon Soldiers will be thrown into the battle. It is all because of the failure of the navy that the soldiers of the army have to fight with their own lives! If the navy can live up to it and defeat the German navy, the army will not have to pay such a big price Yes. The reason why the army has suffered such a large loss is entirely because of the navy!" The six generals of Hata Jun looked angry.

You must know that the losses of the island army on the Nanyang battlefield are definitely heavy. They pessimistically predicted that on the entire Borneo battlefield, the army of the island country might suffer more than 500,000 casualties. You know, these troops are standing armies! It can be regarded as an elite unit of the Japanese Army. If the navy of the island country can defeat the German navy, perhaps their losses will be much smaller than this.

"Master Lu, the navy doesn't want to lose the war either! The loss of the army is indeed huge, but for the future of the empire, we must do our best. Both the army and the navy are the armed forces of the empire. In order to defeat the Germans , we all have to work together." Minai Mitsumasa said. After becoming prime minister, of course he can no longer just favor the navy. In that case, his prime minister may soon come to an end.

"Hmph!" The six generals of Jun Jun Hata snorted coldly, obviously not accepting this statement.

At the beginning, in order for the island country to win the war, the army of the island country has been gritting its teeth to support the development of the navy for more than 20 years. The military expenses they get are even just enough for the daily expenses of the army. There is no money to replace weapons and equipment. The purpose is to hope that the navy can defeat the Germans after the outbreak of the war, so that they can win the battles in Southeast Asia and Australia.

But what I didn't expect was that the navy lost so cleanly. In the end, it still needs the army to fight with the lives of its soldiers. This made the generals of the Japanese army feel betrayed.

Admiral Yoshida Zengo's complexion suddenly became very ugly. The accusation of the six Admirals Toshiro Hata is undoubtedly a disgrace to the entire navy. However, he had no reason to refute. Everyone knows that in order to support the development of the navy, the island army has paid a huge price over the years. Such a result of the island navy is indeed very disappointing.

However, General Yoshida Zengo also has hardships that he can't tell! The island navy also does not want to lose this war. They also wanted to defeat the German navy and win the naval battle. However, I can't do what I want!

"The navy needs six months. At that time, we will do our best to defeat the Germans. Our four 'Yamato-class' battleships, 12 modified aircraft carriers and three main aircraft carriers will all be in service within six months!" General Yoshida Zengo said.

"Gentlemen, please give the navy another six months! I believe they will be able to defeat the Germans." Admiral Minai Mitsumasa said.

The other island cabinet ministers had no choice but to say nothing more. After all, although the navy did not perform well in this naval battle, it is also an indispensable and important combat force.

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