Iron Germany

Chapter 1476 Cannon fodder joins the war

"Company commander, the Russians have set up a position on the corner of the street ahead. Not only anti-tank guns, but also heavy machine guns. In addition, there is an anti-tank gun. We have stopped two charges and were suppressed .” A second lieutenant platoon leader reported.

"Can you use mortars to destroy that position of the Russian army?" The captain and company commander put down the binoculars in his hand.

"It's very difficult. It's almost in a blind spot for shelling. It's very difficult for our mortars to fire in that direction. In addition, if we move the mortars forward, they will be hit by Russian machine gun fire," the second lieutenant said. said the platoon leader.

The captain and company commander nodded: "Pause the attack and ask for fire support from your superiors! I don't believe it. Letting our artillery attack them with a round of fierce firepower is enough to make the Russians go away. If it doesn't work, You can also ask the Air Force to give us air support!"

"Yes, company commander." The second lieutenant platoon leader nodded.

A few minutes later, the company entered the area.

The German artillery position a few kilometers away is adjusting the elevation and azimuth of the artillery according to the coordinates provided by the frontline troops.

There are 12 150mm heavy howitzers on this artillery position. After the German army launched an attack on the urban area of ​​​​Moscow, a large number of German artillery took on the task of providing support for the infantry.


The artillery commander gave the order to fire, and 12 150mm heavy howitzers began to fire violently. One after another, the shells roared and hit the intended target.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Explosions continued to sound, and these large-caliber shells slammed into the Russian army's position. Even if it is blocked by the ruins, it cannot withstand these shells falling from the sky. In other words, under the heavy shelling of the German army, even the ruins were blown up.

The German army's 12 150mm heavy howitzers fired a total of more than one hundred shells. Although only part of these shells fell on the Russian army's position, it was enough to destroy the Russian army's position.

After the shelling ended, the Germans attacked again. However, they did not encounter any obstacles at all. The Russian army on the ground had almost died under the heavy shelling of the German army.

During the attack on the city of Moscow, the German army could get fire support from its own artillery and air force. This allows the German army to destroy the Russian army in the city at the lowest cost.

In this case, although the attack speed is a little slower, the ammunition is also consumed a little more. However, it can effectively control the losses of the German army. This is also in line with the German combat objectives. And eliminate the vital forces of the Russian army as much as possible.

In order to stop the German attack, the Russian army had to send a large number of troops to various fronts. Even launched counterattacks again and again. However, the powerful firepower of the German army is even stronger when defending. Let the attacking Russian army suffer heavy losses.

In order to maintain the battle in Moscow, the Russian army had to mobilize more troops from other regions to Moscow. Only in this way can the Russian army be able to persist in Moscow.

The main purpose of the German army's attack on Moscow was to cause heavy losses to the Russian army with the help of the attack on Moscow, and to consume the vital strength of the Russian army bit by bit. And now, all this is moving in favor of the German army.

On the evening of May 17, the sun gradually sank below the horizon. The German offensive was also temporarily halted. However, this does not mean that the day's battle is over. The soldiers of the German army had to be prepared for the Russians to attack at night. During daytime battles, the German army could get support from its own powerful artillery and air force, and the Russian army could not resist it at all. At night, the German Air Force's fighter planes could not be dispatched, and the accuracy of the artillery's hits was also greatly restricted. This is undoubtedly more beneficial to the Russian army. Therefore, the Russian army often launches night raids at night to seize positions lost during the day.

Of course, the actions of the Russian army may be successful, but their own losses will also be great. This caused the Russian army's vital strength to be further lost.

At the same time, at the headquarters of Army Group B of the German Army, the commanders of the armies of the protectorate countries and slave countries under Army Group B gathered here.

Soon, Marshal Guderian appeared in the conference room.

"Good evening, all generals!" Marshal Guderian smiled. Because the current battle situation is very favorable to the German army, Marshal Guderian is also in a very good mood.

"Your Excellency Marshal, good evening!" All the generals said one after another.

After a brief greeting, the conversation came to the point.

"Everyone, our army's attack on Moscow has been going on for several days. Even the attack on the downtown area of ​​Moscow has been going on for three days. In these three days, our army has successfully attacked the city of Moscow. They have gained a firm foothold. Moreover, they have caused great losses to the Russian army. However, the resistance of the Russian army in Moscow is still very tenacious. They even continue to launch counterattacks at night. It has also caused considerable losses to our army Yes. So, I hope that in the next battle, we can draw troops from various units to participate in the attack on Moscow!" Marshal Guderian said.

Once the attack situation has stabilized, the troops of the slave countries are sent to the battlefield to replace the German troops. Use these servants to consume the vital strength of the Russian army.

This was originally a plan that the German army had drawn up. Now, the German army has basically completed the scheduled goal. Then, naturally, it was time for these servants to go to the battlefield.

The army commanders of the various servant armies have also known this for a long time. They also know the brutality of street fighting. It is impossible for the German army to fight tough street battles by themselves, and let them, these servants, watch the fun outside. Therefore, they have already made preparations.

Everyone is very clear that, as a protectorate and slave country of Germany, in such a big war, they must contribute their own strength. Otherwise, why would Germany protect their safety and allow them to mobilize so many troops?

"Your Excellency Marshal, our troops are ready to go to the battlefield at any time!" Lieutenant General Saker, commander of the Polish 1st Army, replied.

More than a dozen other commanders of the Servant Army Group Army have expressed their views that they can send troops to the battlefield.

"Very well, starting tomorrow, the armies will deploy troops to fight in Moscow!" Marshal Guderian said.

The German Army Group A and Army Group C are also holding such meetings. Beginning on May 18, the armies of many slave countries of Germany began to enter Moscow to fight.

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