Iron Germany
Chapter 1478 War of Attrition
"Attack, attack! Kill those Russians!"
A large group of Belarusian troops is charging under the leadership of officers. Behind them, heavy machine guns and mortars are providing them with fire cover. Although many soldiers still have indelible fear on their faces, these Belarusian soldiers are still charging bravely.
"Fire! Kill those Belarusians!"
The Russian officers on the ground gave orders, even though Belarusians and Russians are both Slavs, they can be said to be of the same language and the same race. But now, they are fighting fiercely in the city of Moscow.
"Da da da!"
The two heavy machine guns on the Russian army's position began to fire, and the dense bullets enveloped the Belarusian officers and soldiers like a torrential rain. Many soldiers were knocked down to the ground, howling to death.
The rest of the people were also suppressed on the street, not daring to move forward.
Fierce battles were staged in downtown Moscow. Although, the casualties of the German army were not small, especially the armies of the various slave countries that entered the city of Moscow to replace the German army suffered heavy casualties. But overall, the Germans remained on the offensive. The positions occupied in the Moscow city area are also getting bigger and bigger.
On the other hand, the Russian army suffered a lot of losses under the German attack. Even after the German troops gradually withdrew from Moscow, the pressure on them dropped a lot. Even, gradually launched a counter-offensive against the German slave army. However, as the German servants gradually adapted to the fierce fighting in Moscow, the losses of the Russian army began to rise continuously. This made the Russian army have to send more troops to attack if they wanted to persist in the fierce battle in Moscow.
Under the ebb and flow, the losses of the Russian army continued to increase. It is foreseeable that in order to defend Moscow, they will pay a very heavy price. Even, the vital force of the Russian army will be gradually lost here. This is undoubtedly very unfavorable for Russia. The main generals of the Russian army have also realized this problem.
"Damn, the Germans are so vicious. Do they want to use up our vital forces through street fighting in Moscow and Josefgrad? That way, once our troops are all lost, we can no longer fight them !” General Zhukov’s face was very ugly.
The same is true of Marshal Shaposhnikov sitting in front of General Zhukov.
"Now the main combat troops that the Germans put into Moscow are Poles, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Hungarians, Bohemians, and people from the three Baltic countries. Although there are still some Germans in Moscow, the number But there are not many. The Germans want to consume our troops with their cannon fodder!" said Marshal Shaposhnikov.
"Yes, Comrade Chief of Staff. Obviously, this vicious strategy of the Germans is about to succeed." General Zhukov looked a little frustrated.
Although they have already realized the strategy of the German army. However, they have no way to solve it. This is undoubtedly a very painful thing for them. Because they want to watch Russia's vital forces being wiped out by the Germans bit by bit.
Shaposhnikov nodded, and there was nothing he could do about it.
"Now it seems that defending Moscow and Josephgrad to the death is not a good idea at all. The street fighting in these two cities will swallow up our vital forces. Although the casualties of the Germans are not small, they What we paid was only the cannon fodder. Once our vital force is almost lost, we will no longer be able to stop the Germans. The whole of Russia will perish." General Zhukov continued.
Marshal Shaposhnikov had an ugly face, of course he could guess that. However, it is Joseph's request to stick to Moscow and Josephgrad. The generals and marshals who commanded the battle could only follow Joseph's orders. Once disobeyed, the consequences will be very serious, and Joseph will never let them go.
"If possible, we can evacuate Moscow and Josephgrad, and continue to retreat eastward, or even retreat all the way to the east of the Ural Mountains. On the Eastern European Plain, only a few troops are left, and more guerrillas are formed. Use the guerrillas to consume the vital strength of the Germans. Anyway, our main factories have moved to the east of the Ural Mountains. In that case, not only can we preserve our strength, but also further lengthen the German logistics supply line. This is for the It will be very beneficial for us to defeat the Germans." General Zhukov continued.
Marshal Shaposhnikov said nothing, although he also knew that General Zhukov's suggestion was correct. However, when Joseph was involved, he didn't dare to speak indiscriminately. In that case, he will also be included in it.
General Zhukov was very disappointed with the performance of Marshal Shaposhnikov. He had hoped that Marshal Shaposhnikov would support him. In that case, perhaps Joseph can be persuaded. But now it seems that Marshal Shaposhnikov still chose to protect himself wisely. Even though he knew that Joseph's strategy was wrong, he was still unwilling to take the risk of angering Joseph. Even, that would be of great benefit to Russia.
Afterwards, General Zhukov went directly to the Kremlin, and had a long talk with Joseph in the basement of the Kremlin.
Zhukov proposed that the Russian army should now abandon Moscow and Josephgrad and retreat to the east. Even retreat to the east of the Ural Mountains. However, this was flatly rejected by Joseph.
Joseph asked General Zhukov to stop thinking about these useless things. Instead of thinking about this, it is better to focus on fighting the Germans. That's in Russia's favor! General Zhukov saw that Russia was being destroyed step by step, but he had no other way.
Fortunately, Joseph really valued General Zhukov's ability. Even under such circumstances, he did not order General Zhukov to be dismissed from his post. If it were someone else, they might have been dismissed or even exiled long ago.
In fact, Joseph is not unaware that Zhukov's proposal is of great benefit to Russia. However, if he really abandons Moscow, can he continue to be the supreme leader of Russia? I don't know how many people will take the opportunity to rise up against him. Therefore, Joseph did not dare to take the risk. He would rather put his hope on the Americans. As long as the United States enters the war as scheduled, the pressure on Russia will be much less.
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