Iron Germany

Chapter 1780 Battle to the Death

"Your Excellency, the Germans have landed, and the troops of the 146th Infantry Division and the 303rd Infantry Division deployed on the coast have been defeated by the enemy." Major General Andaku, Chief of Staff of the 40th Army of the Japanese Army, reported.

"Baga! A bunch of idiots! The German attack has just begun, and the troops are defeated. Are they still warriors of the empire?" Lieutenant General Mitsuo Nakazawa, commander of the 40th Army, cursed.

The current island country army is no longer the elite force of the past. Although the island nation has formed a large number of troops, most of them are recruits who have just joined the army. Moreover, the proportion of young and middle-aged people is only half, and the other half is old and weak. Not even equipped with enough weapons and equipment, it is simply impossible for such an army to fight against the elite German army.

"Order the 4th Artillery Headquarters to fire with full force to stop the Germans!" Lieutenant General Mitsuo Nakazawa ordered.

In addition to the 146th Infantry Division and the 303rd Infantry Division, the troops under the 40th Army also have the 125th Independent Mixed Brigade and the 4th Artillery Command, including the 9th Independent Field Artillery Corps. The 28th Field Heavy Artillery Battalion, the 20th Field Heavy Artillery Battalion, the 44th Independent Heavy Artillery Battalion, the 8th Self-Propelled Artillery Battalion, and the 21st, 24th and 25th Mortar Battalions.

I have to admit that the artillery strength of the 40th Army of the Japanese Army is still very strong. When the battleships of the German Navy were bombarded fiercely, these artillerymen were hidden and did not show up. But now, if you don't open fire, the 40th Army of the Japanese Army will be defeated.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

A series of 150mm howitzers, 105mm howitzers, 75mm field guns, 75mm mountain guns and mortars of various calibers from the Japanese Army opened fire. A large number of shells fell from the sky, causing a lot of trouble to the German army.

However, when hundreds of dive bombers visited the artillery position of the Japanese Army, the entire artillery position was bombed into a mess.

With the massive landing of the German army, the main infantry unit of the 40th Army of the Japanese Army was continuously defeated. As a last resort, Lieutenant General Mitsuo Nakazawa had no choice but to request reinforcements from the higher headquarters.

The 16th Front Army under the jurisdiction of the 2nd General Army of the Japanese Army was stationed on Kyushu Island. The 40th Army was stationed in Fukuoka. Although the Luftwaffe had already bombed Fukuoka into ruins before. However, the ports here are still very useful to the German army. Therefore, the German army chose to land here.

Lieutenant General Isamu Yokoyama, commander of the 16th Front Army of the Japanese Army, immediately ordered the 40th Army to fight to the death and not to retreat after receiving the 40th Army's request for help. At the same time promised to send reinforcements to reinforce them.

Lieutenant General Isamu Yokoyama ordered the 56th Army under the 16th Front Army to reinforce Fukuoka from Kitakyushu. In addition, the 25th, 57th, and 77th Divisions directly under the 16th Front Army, and the independent and mixed 64th, 107th, and 118th Brigades also rushed to Fukuoka from various parts of Kyushu Island.

It's just that, with the German Air Force already gaining air supremacy, the transfer of the island country's army cannot be hidden from the German army at all. Both the Luftwaffe and the Navy dispatched a large number of fighter planes to bomb these reinforcements of the island army. Not only made their marching speed slow, but also paid heavy losses.

On the afternoon of October 18, the German army completely drove the 40th Army of the Island Army out of Fukuoka and took control of the surrounding areas of Fukuoka.

Although when the island country army withdrew from Fukuoka, it detonated the explosives buried in the port, destroying most of the port. However, with the efforts of German engineers, it is still possible to load and unload materials through the port. This allowed the German Army's 3rd Army and 13th Army to disembark faster. A large number of heavy weapons were also quickly disembarked.

"Bastard, immediately organize a counterattack. We must drive the Germans into the sea. Our reinforcements are already on the way and will arrive tomorrow!" Lieutenant General Mitsuo Nakazawa roared with red eyes.

With no other choice, the remaining troops of the 40th Infantry Army of the Japanese Army had no choice but to muster up the courage to attack the German positions.

However, the attack of these troops is destined to be an act of death.

They not only had to face the bombing of the German Air Force and Navy carrier-based aircraft, but also had to withstand the firepower of the German Navy warships and the powerful firepower of the German Army.

"Come on! His Majesty the Emperor is on board! The Empire is on board!"

"Kill all the Germans!"

Numerous island soldiers, armed with bayonet-mounted rifles, chanted slogans and rushed towards the German positions.

Perhaps, the soldiers of the army of these island countries are poorly equipped and undertrained. But I have to admit, they are very brave. Even in the face of the powerful firepower of the German army, they were not frightened, as if they didn't care about life and death at all.

"Boom! Boom!"

Shells and bombs continued to fall, tearing countless island soldiers to pieces.

But more soldiers from the island nation continued to attack.

"Da da da!"

The TA-152 fighter jets and carrier-based FW-190 fighter jets in the sky strafed with aviation machine guns, reaping the lives of soldiers from these island countries.

There are very few troops that can really rush to the front of the German defense line.

Facing the machine guns and mortars on the German defense line, they had only a dead end.

Under the order of the island army to fight to the end, the German army wiped out these island armies with little effort, but it just consumed more ammunition.

"God! Those islanders are not afraid of death? I bet, I have killed at least twenty islanders."

"The islanders are lunatics, we must kill them. Otherwise, once they break through our defenses, we will pay a heavy price!"

A German soldier couldn't help but shuddered, he didn't want to engage in hand-to-hand combat with these crazy islanders.

As a result, these German soldiers accelerated their firing speed one after another.

Countless island soldiers were torn to pieces by the powerful firepower of the German army, and many people who survived by luck lay on the battlefield and wailed. Perhaps at this time, after the madness in their minds fades, they will feel fear.

The German army completely annihilated the 40th Army of the Japanese Army before sunset. The 60,000-strong army was almost completely wiped out.

However, the casualties of the German army in this battle were very small. Of course, the brave attack method of the island army also shocked the German soldiers. If it weren't for their strong will to fight, they might have been frightened.

On October 19, the main forces of the German 3rd Army and the 13th Army faced the 56th Army of the Japanese Army and the troops directly under the 16th Front Army in the north and east of Fukuoka respectively.

The island army is still very crazy and very brave. But it is a pity that in front of the German army armed to the teeth, no matter how brave the army of these island countries is, they still cannot cause much trouble to the German army.

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