Iron Germany

Chapter 601 Sudden Attack

Almost at the same time, the British fleet also discovered the German Navy's breaking fleet.

"Very good, the Germans have finally been found! The 1st battleship squadron continued to advance, and the 2nd battleship squadron dispersed and surrounded. This time, we must eliminate all three German battleship cruisers." Lieutenant General Martin ordered.

The 12 battleships of the British fleet were divided into two battleship squadrons. The six battleships of the 1st Battleship Detachment are two 'Nevada-class' battleships, two 'New York-class' battleships, and two 'Wyoming-class' battleships. The six battleships of the 2nd Battleship Squadron are two "Florida-class" battleships, two "Delaware-class" battleships and two "South Carolina-class" battleships.

The 1st Battleship Squadron is in front, and the 2nd Battleship Squadron is behind. When the fleets of both sides just met, order the 2nd battleship squadron to turn around. In this way, it can avoid being discovered by the German fleet.

Lieutenant General Martin's move obviously wanted to outflank the three "Blücher-class" battlecruisers of the German fleet and eliminate them all in one fell swoop.

The British fleet was immediately divided into two parts, one part kept sailing, continued to advance, and encountered the German fleet head-on. The other part began to turn around, preparing to outflank the German fleet.

At this moment, the three "Blücher-class" battlecruisers led by Major General Lübeck actually encountered only six battleships of the British Fleet's 1st Battleship Squadron.

"General, they are Americans. There are six battleships!" The staff officer on the battleship 'Blücher' reported.

"What are the Americans doing here? Do they want to break into the forbidden zone of the empire like last time?" Major General Lübeck frowned.

Last time, the U.S. fleet forcibly broke into the no-navigation zone designated by the German Navy, and almost misfired, triggering a battle between the German Navy and the U.S. Navy. In that case, the scale of the war will undoubtedly be further expanded.

"Pay attention to vigilance and ask the intentions of the Americans!" Major General Lübeck ordered.

"Yes, General," replied the staff officer.

Connect with the US Fleet via a shared channel.

On the battleship 'Nevada', the communications officer of the British fleet was reporting to Vice Admiral Martin.

"General, the Germans are asking about our intentions. They claim this stretch of sea is his no-go zone!"

"Go to the f*ck no-sail zone, this is clearly the high seas. Even when the Royal Navy of the British Empire was at its strongest, it didn't dare to define such a no-sail zone so arrogantly! What's more, the German no-sail zone, It's still aimed at the British Empire." Lieutenant General Martin cursed.

"General, how should we reply?" the officer asked.

"Tell the Germans that we are on a routine cruise," Lieutenant General Martin said.

"Yes, General!" The staff officer nodded.

"Order all ships to prepare for battle. After the distance is reduced to 10,000 meters, immediately launch an attack. At the same time, lower the American flag and raise the St. George's flag." Lieutenant General Martin ordered.

"Yes, General."

Vice Admiral Martin's order was issued to all ships of the British fleet. The ships immediately began combat preparations. The turret's coat had come off and it was starting to spin. The shells were also lifted from the ammunition depot and stuffed into the barrel, ready to fire.

On the other side, the German fleet also discovered the abnormality of the British fleet. It's just that they don't know what these Americans want to do.

"General, the Americans claim they are on a routine cruise."

"Routine cruise? Warn them to turn around and leave this sea area immediately. This is a no-navigation zone designated by the German Empire Navy. If it gets closer, it will be a provocation to the German Empire!" Major General Lübeck said with a cold face.

The current Imperial German Navy is the most powerful navy in the world. They don't need to give the Americans face at all.

"General, the Americans are acting abnormally. Their main guns have taken off their gun coats, and the turrets are rotating, aiming at us!" An officer reported in panic.

"What? What do these Americans want to do? Could it be that they want to go to war with the Empire? Damn, warn them to stop provocative behavior. Otherwise, the Imperial Navy will be rude to them!" Major General Lübeck ordered.

"Yes, General."

However, Lieutenant General Martin turned a deaf ear to the warnings of the German fleet. Six battleships have already aimed at the German fleet. It's just that the distance is still relatively far, so he didn't give the order to fire.

"A little closer, a little closer. As long as the distance is shortened to 10,000 meters, we will be able to fire!" Lieutenant General Martin said secretly.

In view of the fact that there is a certain gap between the U.S. Navy warships and the German Navy's warships in terms of sighting equipment and ranging equipment. Therefore, Lieutenant General Martin hopes to shorten the distance of engagement as much as possible. In this way, the officers and soldiers of the British Navy will be able to give full play to their quality advantages. The accuracy of shelling will also be greatly improved.

"General, the Americans have not given us any response!" the staff officer reported.

"Damn! What do they want to do?" Major General Lübeck scolded.

"What is the distance between us now?" Major General Lübeck asked.

"General, we are now less than fifteen kilometers away from the Americans."

This distance is undoubtedly a relatively dangerous distance, and it has already entered the effective range of the main guns of both sides.

"Order all ships and prepare for battle!" Major General Lübeck ordered.

The three "Blücher-class" battlecruisers began to prepare for battle according to the order. The turrets swiveled, aiming at the British fleet. The gun cover of the main gun has also faded, revealing the ferocious muzzle.

"Warn the Americans, if they get closer, we will shoot." When the distance between the two sides was shortened to 12 kilometers, Major General Lübeck ordered.

"Yes, General."

After hearing the warning from the German fleet, Lieutenant General Martin showed a smile on his face.

"What is the distance between us now?" Lieutenant General Martin asked.

"General, we are about to get closer to 11,000 meters."

"Very good, but it seems that the Germans have been pushed by us. It is not easy to get closer. Order the ships, aim at the target, and open fire!" Lieutenant General Martin ordered.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The battleship "Nevada" took the lead in firing, and two double-mounted 356mm main guns and two triple-mounted 356mm main guns began the test firing. The other five battleships also started shelling at the moment the "Nevada" battleship fired.

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