Iron Germany

Chapter 625 The advantage is no longer


There was an earth-shattering explosion, and more than a hundred 305mm shells were quite powerful. In the violent explosion, the entire side of the battleship 'Giant' was blown up. Together with the superstructure, it was bombed to pieces. It looked as if it had been bitten by a monster.

A large amount of seawater poured into the battleship 'Giant' along the hole. Such trauma is undoubtedly fatal. It is almost impossible for damage control personnel to plug the loopholes.

"Good job!" The captain of the battleship 'Grand Kurfürst' shouted excitedly.

After receiving the report, Admiral Reinhardt Scheer was also full of smiles: "Very good, now it is 12 to 13. The British only have one more battleship than us. Order the battleship 'Grand Kurfürst', Assist the battleship 'King' and attack the British battlecruiser 'Tiger'. The battleship 'Border Governor' assist the battleship '****' and attack the Italian 'Andre Duilio' Battleship No. Now, it is a good opportunity for us to reverse the gap and expand our results, so don't miss it!"

"Yes, General!" The communications officer immediately conveyed Admiral Reinhard Scheer's order to the battleship 'Grand Kurfürst' and the battleship 'Border Governor'. The battlecruiser "Tiger" of the British Navy and the battleship "Andre Duilio" of the Italian Navy were besieged by four "King-class" battleships of the German Navy, and the situation was even more difficult.

On another battlefield, the German Navy's 2nd battle line led by Lieutenant General Hipper and the British Navy's 2nd battle line led by Lieutenant General Martin also fought very fiercely.

In order to sink the opponent's warship, both sides intentionally shortened the combat distance, which directly shortened the combat distance from the original 13,000 meters to 10,000 meters. At this distance, the main guns of both sides can cause great damage to each other.

Of course, the defense of the German warships still prevails overall. The defense of the "Nevada-class" battleships purchased by the British Navy from the United States is even more extreme. It's just that the defense of other battleships is not so strong. This makes them not only have no advantage in the battle, but are still developing towards a disadvantage.

On the battleship 'Nevada', Vice Admiral Martin's face sank. Although the fleet he commands is very powerful, he has no confidence in winning the final victory at all. This naval battle is really too unfavorable for the United Fleet. Before the battle started, they still had some advantages in the number of battleships. However, as Germany dispatched a large number of planes to attack them, causing them the loss of a full ten battleships, the United Fleet was immediately at a serious disadvantage in terms of strength.

Originally, Lieutenant General Martin was still counting on the victory of the first battle line. In this case, there may be a possibility of turning defeat into victory. However, at this time of the war, the United Fleet not only has no combat advantage, but is still paying losses. If you wait until the battlecruiser formation of the German Navy arrives on the battlefield, their disadvantages will be even more obvious. At that time, they will lose.

"General, on the side of the first battle line, the battleships 'Dreadnought' and 'Giant' were successively sunk." An officer reported.

"Damn! Where are the Germans? Have any warships been sunk?" Lieutenant General Martin asked.

"Not so far. The defense of the German warships is very strong, and our warships are powerless against them!" The officer sighed.

"Now the 1st battle line has become 13 to 12, and we will soon have no advantage. When the German battlecruisers arrive, we will only be defeated!" Lieutenant General Martin's face , could not help flashing a trace of despair.


An explosion sounded on the battleship 'Nevada', and the whole battleship shook violently. Lieutenant General Martin's face became even more ugly.

"Report the loss!" Lieutenant General Martin said almost through gritted teeth.

"General, the No. 4 turret of the stern was hit. However, the German shells failed to penetrate the turret. But the gunners inside were all shocked to death." The damage control officer reported.

Lieutenant General Martin breathed a sigh of relief. The powerful defense of the battleship 'Nevada' undoubtedly stood the test. Otherwise, they might have been sunk long ago!

However, Lieutenant General Martin's rejoicing seems a little too early.

Two minutes later, the second battle line he led lost a battleship.

The battleship "North Dakota" at the tail of the battle line was hit by the battleship "West **" of the German Navy. During this salvo of the battleship "West**", two 305mm shells hit the battleship "North Dakota". 1 shell penetrated the armor of the conning tower of the 'West **', which was only 292 mm thick. The 305mm main gun with fifty times the caliber and the combination of capped armor-piercing projectiles have extremely powerful armor-piercing capabilities. This allowed the shell to penetrate the armor and explode inside the conning tower.

After the shell exploded, there were no living people in the entire command tower, and there were stumps and broken arms everywhere. This directly put the battleship 'North Dakota' in a state of no command.

Another shell hit the waterline armor of the USS North Dakota. The waterline armor, which was only 254 mm thick, was easily torn apart. Below the waterline, a wide opening was torn. Sea water poured into the battleship frantically from this big opening.

Due to the chaotic command, the damage control personnel did not conduct loss control immediately. By the time they reacted, there was already a lot of seawater pouring into the battleship. It is impossible to even close the watertight compartment, and I can only watch more and more seawater pouring into the battleship. The final result was that the battleship 'North Dakota' capsized on the surface of the sea due to too much water ingress, and sank directly into the sea in such a posture.

The sinking of the battleship "North Dakota" left only ten battleships on the second battle line of the British Navy. In terms of numbers, the Combined Fleet is already at a disadvantage. And it's an absolute disadvantage. When the battlecruisers of the German Navy arrive, they will be completely defeated. Of course, this will take a while.

After the battleship 'West**' sank the battleship 'North Dakota', it aimed its guns at the battleship 'Delaware' of the British Navy, and cooperated with the battleship 'Nassau' to attack 'Delaware'. The battleship launched an attack. In order to be able to sink the battleship 'Delaware' as soon as possible, and further expand the results of the battle.

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