Iron Germany

Chapter 686: The British Way Back (20th)

London, the capital of the United Kingdom, has become desolate here. On the streets, trenches were being dug and fortifications being built everywhere. The citizens of London were also mobilized to help the army build fortifications. Of course, the participating citizens can get a little food that is barely enough to survive. But this has already made those starving citizens ecstatic.

As the capital of the British Empire, once the German army lands on the British mainland, London will inevitably be attacked. The building of fortifications begins now to make London a fortress. Of course, that's an exaggeration. But the new Prime Minister Churchill undoubtedly hoped that the Germans would shed blood in London.

Downing Street, Prime Minister's Office, meeting room. Churchill was having a meeting with a group of ministers.

"Gentlemen, the whole of Britain has been mobilized. Almost all our conscription points have been overwhelmed by boys. I am very relieved to have the support of so many people when the British Empire is facing a crisis of life and death. I I believe that with everyone united, we will be able to defeat the Germans." Churchill smiled.

The other cabinet ministers also had smiles on their faces. Although, the current situation is still very difficult. However, the people's will to fight is high, which gives them a glimmer of hope.

With such a huge disparity in strength, these British ministers knew that it was impossible to defeat Germany. What they are striving for now is to resist the German attack. And in the case of having a local combat advantage, try to cause greater damage to the Germans as much as possible. In this case, it may be possible to stop the German offensive and end the war at a relatively small cost.

"Your Excellency Prime Minister, the army's strength has been expanded to three million. The remaining one million quota is estimated to be used up soon. If possible, I hope to add another one million! Once the army expands If it reaches five million, we will be more confident in defending the mainland of Britain!" Richard Haldane, the Minister of War, smiled.

"No problem! At this juncture, the more troops we have, the better!" Churchill said.

Although, if the army is expanded to five million, almost all the young adults of the right age will be taken into the army. But Churchill didn't care at all. What he cares about is to resist the German attack, which is the most important thing.

"Having mobilized so many troops, do we have so many weapons and equipment to arm them? We can't let them go to the battlefield with bare hands, right?" Sir Edward Gray, the Foreign Secretary, frowned.

The UK is now in lockdown, and almost all factories have shut down. Even for those arsenals, due to the lack of raw materials, the operating rate is getting lower and lower. Without enough weapons and equipment, what to use to arm those soldiers!

"It is true that we are seriously short of weapons and equipment. Only two million people can be guaranteed to be armed. The remaining three million people don't even have rifles. But we can't cool down the patriotic enthusiasm of the people because of this, right? ! Weapons and equipment, we will try our best to find a solution." Richard Haldane said.

Sir Edward Gray was obliged to remain silent. Under the current situation, Churchill and Richard Haldane, who are in charge of the army, have risen to the top in the cabinet. The others simply nodded and agreed.

"Any information on the Germans?" Churchill asked.

Although, Britain is preparing for war as much as possible, hoping to hold off the Germans. However, the strength of the German army kept Churchill in doubt.

"The numbers of the German troops that appeared near Calais are as many as three legions, namely the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd legions of the German army. The 8th legion, the Kaiser's enemy attack, did not appear. But We believe that the German 8th Army will definitely participate in the attack. Therefore, we judge that the troops sent by the Germans to the British mainland should only be these four armies, with a total of about one million people." Richard Ha Erdan said.

"A million people? If the Germans don't increase their troops, can we withstand their attack?" Churchill asked.

This gave Churchill a glimmer of hope if the Germans only dispatched a million men.

"If we try our best, we should be able to resist them. However, if the Germans continue to increase their troops, then we will be very struggling. However, another news is that the Germans have dispatched 4 legions and are raging in Eastern Europe. Encircle and suppress the local guerrillas and other resistance forces. In this case, the Germans should have no extra troops to invest in the attack on the British mainland. As long as we can resist the attack of the million Germans, our goal will be It can be achieved." Richard Haldane said.

"Excellent!" Churchill said.

In his opinion, it should not be difficult to resist the attack of a million German troops. After all, they have an army of five million.

"Your Excellency, I suggest that we prepare to retreat. If the German army dispatches more troops to attack the British mainland, it will be difficult for us to resist." Sir Edward Gray said.

The smile on Churchill's face disappeared. He frowned and thought for a while, then nodded: "Okay, Sir Edward Gray, you go to Canada secretly. If it is impossible, we will withdraw to Canada."

"Yes, Your Excellency. However, the Americans may not welcome us to Canada," said Sir Edward Gray.

Churchill nodded, standing on the standpoint of the Americans, of course they would not want the British to withdraw to Canada. In that case, it is very likely that the flames of war will spread to America. Once the Germans attack Canada and the British can't resist it, the Germans are very likely to gain a foothold in the Americas. At that time, it will be a huge threat to the Americans.

In addition, the Americans dominate the Americas, and they don't want to have a powerful neighbor around them, which will pose a great threat to them. Therefore, the Americans should try their best to prevent the British from withdrawing to Canada. When necessary, those Americans will even use force.

"Let's find a way to talk to the Americans! It's a big deal, give them some benefits. Tell them that we are just living in Canada temporarily. When we defeat the Germans, we will leave!" Churchill said.

"Yes, Your Excellency." Sir Edward Gray nodded.

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