Iron Germany

Chapter 859 Request (asking for a monthly ticket)

"Send a telegram to Marshal Hindenburg, asking him to speed up the extermination of those guerrillas!" Qin Tian ordered.

Regardless of whether the purpose of the Bu-Russia special envoy's visit was for those guerrillas, Qin Tian could not take it lightly. In order to ensure the interests and safety of Germany, it is better for those guerrillas to be wiped out. In this case, it is more conducive for Germany to control those new territories. After all, as long as those clothiers are eliminated, the remaining low-level people will be easier to deal with.

"Yes, Your Majesty. However, it is the cold winter season. It would be inappropriate to send out large-scale troops at this time!" Although Wahit is the Minister of Foreign Affairs, he is not ignorant of military common sense.

"Don't worry, Marshal Hindenburg and the others will be ready! Besides, there are not many guerrillas left. There is no need to dispatch many troops at all. Just let the elite troops do it!" Qin Tian said.

Since he took charge of the 8th Army, he has deliberately cultivated elite troops. Each battalion has an elite reconnaissance platoon, and each regiment has an elite reconnaissance company. Each division has an elite reconnaissance battalion. In the next stage, he also plans to form an elite special forces unit for each group army. The elites on these battlefields can play a greater role.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Vashite nodded. Now that Qin Tian has already said that, he will not say anything more. He believes that the Imperial Army will take care of all this.

"Your Majesty, the Russian special envoy asked to meet with you, shall we agree to them?" Wahit asked.

Qin Tian thought for a while: "Joseph is our old friend. If we don't see each other, it's not good. Besides, we are not enemies with Bu'er now, but friends. Make an arrangement, and I will meet him tomorrow afternoon!" When the time comes, you come together."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Vashite nodded.

Joseph was still smoking his pipe at the Burusa representative office. The director of the representative office walked in with a happy face.

"Comrade Joseph, the Germans have agreed to meet with you. Kaiser Wilhelm III will meet with you in the palace office tomorrow afternoon," said the director of the representative office.

Joseph was very annoyed by the delay in obtaining the consent of the German side to arrange a meeting between Joseph and the Kaiser. The director of the representative office also received a lot of scolding, and was about to be scolded as a turtle.

"Very good!" A smile appeared on Joseph's face. As long as the German side agrees to meet with them, this is undoubtedly good news. Although he knew that it would be difficult to get the Germans to agree to their request, as long as they could meet, it was possible to continue the conversation.

At the same time, Joseph also began to think about how to get the German side to agree to their request.

The next afternoon, Joseph took the car of the representative office to the German Imperial Palace. Although Bu'er's life is difficult, the representative office represents Bu'er's face. So, they still have cars here. Although it is just an ordinary car, it is already very good. After all, there are not many people in Bu Russia who can get into a car.

After Joseph arrived at the palace, led by the attendant, he arrived at Qin Tian's study. And Qin Tian and Foreign Minister Wahit had already been waiting here.

"Your Majesty, good afternoon!" Joseph greeted.

"Comrade Joseph, hello, welcome to the German Empire!" Qin Tian also had a smile on his face. He is very optimistic about Joseph, the future leader of Russia is still very capable. Being able to maintain a good relationship with him is also very beneficial to the German Empire.

Of course, Qin Tian knew clearly that they would be enemies in the future. Both Joseph and Buer must be destroyed. For the benefit of the German Reich, that must be done.

Foreign Minister Wahit and Joseph also exchanged greetings.

After some routine greetings, the conversation came to the point.

"Your Majesty the Emperor, your country's army is on a rampage on the Eastern European Plains, and many Russians have already died. If this continues, the entire Eastern European Plains will be panic-stricken. The people in our country, too. I am dissatisfied because of the death of a large number of people of the same race. So far, many people have asked our government to come forward to rescue those people of the same race. Our government has been under a lot of pressure. If possible, we hope that your country can stop this Military action!" Joseph said.

After he finished speaking, he began to observe Qin Tian's expression in order to guess whether their request might be successful. However, when he saw that Qin Tian's face was not very good-looking, he felt that there was no way to complete the task this time.

"Comrade Joseph, you should know who are those people that our army wiped out? They are all rebels who undermine social stability and attack government agencies and the army. It is completely reasonable for the empire to send troops to exterminate them!" Qin God said.

"But, Your Majesty the Emperor, you killed too many people? The entire Eastern European plain is in turmoil!" Joseph said.

"It's not that we killed too many people, but that too many people participated in the rebellion. Of course, the empire cannot tolerate those people. As long as they are not wiped out, the empire's military operations will not stop for a day!" Qin Tian's attitude was very firm.

For a moment, Joseph didn't know what to say.

The atmosphere in the office became a little dignified. Joseph frowned tightly.

"Comrade Joseph, your request is indeed too strong. After all, those people are an unstable factor for the empire. In order to maintain the stability of the Eastern European Plain, the empire must eliminate them." Wahit also said.

Joseph's face suddenly became even uglier.

After hesitating for a while, Joseph said: "Your Majesty, to be honest, there are some members of our party among those guerrillas."

Of course, Qin Tian and Wahit already knew about this.

However, they also pretended that they had just learned about it.

"Comrade Joseph, you mean you organized those guerrillas?" Qin Tian's expression was a little scary.

"Your Majesty, there are only a small number of guerrillas who have us, and most of them have nothing to do with us!" Joseph quickly explained. However, his explanation is more like trying to cover up.

"Your Majesty, I know this will embarrass your Majesty. However, please let your Majesty look at the relationship between our two countries and let those people go!" Joseph begged.

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