Iron Germany

Chapter 864 Security Threat (Fifth Change)

It was mid-January when Joseph returned to Moscow. Before leaving Berlin, he had already reported the results of his visit to Germany to the country. However, those agreements have aroused fierce debate within the Budapest party. Some people think that Germany has malicious intentions in doing so. The most important point is that Germany proposed to help Bu Russia build a transportation network, which will be a preparation for the invasion of Bu Russia.

There are also people who can accept help from Germany. After all, Germany is currently the only country that has promised to help Russia rebuild its industrial system. Without a sound industrial system, it is almost impossible for Bu Russia to develop into a powerful industrial country. As for the malicious intentions of the Germans, there is no need to worry at all after Bu Russia's strength develops. They will be strong enough to hold against Germany.

Although the top leaders of the cloth party have discussed it several times, they also failed to reach an agreement on this issue.

Ulyanov decided to put the proposal on hold for the time being, and wait until after Joseph returned to Moscow to hold a meeting of the Politburo to discuss it.

When Joseph returned to Moscow, Chicherin met him outside the city. Compared with another time and space, Joseph in this time and space has the title of People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs. Chicherin, on the other hand, was his deputy. In another time and space, it was Trotsky who served as the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs.

The main reason why Joseph was able to hold this position was his relationship with Germany. Germany is now the world's hegemon. Being able to appoint a person who is familiar with Germany and keeps in touch with high-level German officials as the People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs is very helpful to Bu Russia's foreign policy.

"Comrade Joseph, you have worked hard all the way. Comrade Ulyanov sent me to meet you. Your trip to Germany this time has undoubtedly achieved great results. Comrade Ulyanov, I am very satisfied with this ’” Chicherin said.

"Comrade Qiqierin, how did I hear that some people in the party were very dissatisfied with this? I almost didn't directly say that I betrayed the interests of the party and the country." Joseph also had his own news channel. Although he is no longer in Moscow, he is not completely ignorant of what happened in Moscow.

Those who openly accused Joseph of betraying the interests of the Burkina Communist Party and Russia were none other than those under Trotsky. From this, it can undoubtedly be seen that the competition for successors seems to have reached a fever pitch.

Chicherin looked a little unnatural: "Comrade Joseph, at least Comrade Ulyanov is very appreciative of your success this time."

Joseph nodded. Indeed, now Ulyanov's influence in the party has almost been deified. This made it almost impossible for him to think about anything else. As long as Ulyanov is satisfied with him, the attitude of others is not important at all.

"Comrade Joseph, Comrade Ulyanov asked you to meet him in the Kremlin in the afternoon!" Chicherin said.

"Okay, I see!" Joseph nodded.

Joseph knew that Ulyanov was concerned about this mission to Germany, and at the same time, wanted to ask his opinion. Undoubtedly, if Ulyanov cannot be persuaded, then the credit for his mission this time will be greatly reduced. This is not what Joseph wants. Therefore, he began to think carefully about how to persuade Ulyanov.

When Joseph arrived at the Kremlin that afternoon, Ulyanov was taking a nap. As he got older and was exiled in Siberia in his early years, Ulyanov's health became worse and worse. It is precisely because of this that the conflict between Joseph and Trotsky has intensified. Both want to be identified as successors before Ulyanov dies. Only in this way can he become the supreme leader of this country.

Joseph prevented Ulyanov's secretary from waking Ulyanov up, but waited quietly aside.

After a while, Ulyanov opened his eyes, and when he saw that Joseph was waiting, he said angrily: "Comrade Joseph, why didn't you wake me up, how precious our time is! There are still a lot of things to do, and it is really inappropriate to waste so much time!"

"Comrade Chairman, you are too tired. For the sake of the country and the party, you should also take more rest. As for the wasted time, I will work overtime to make up for it." Joseph said.

"Well, Comrade Joseph, let's not make an example!" Ulyanov said. Although he looked a little angry on the surface, in fact, he was very satisfied with Joseph's actions in his heart.

Joseph is better than Trotsky, probably in these aspects. He could always get through little things and make Ulyanov look at him differently.

When the secretary withdrew and there were only the two of them left in the office, the conversation got to the point.

"Comrade Joseph, how do you feel about your trip to Germany this time?" Ulyanov asked.

"Comrade Chairman, the deepest feeling I have left on my trip to Germany this time is that Germany is too powerful! Really, Germany is really too powerful! They deserve to be the most powerful country in the world! Not only do they have the world's most powerful The army and the most powerful navy in the world. Other countries simply cannot compare with them." Joseph said.

Ulyanov's expression was solemn, and he knew that since Joseph said so, it must not be exaggerated in the slightest. Germany's strong military strength is undoubtedly a great threat to other countries. Similarly, Russia is also among the countries threatened. What's more, the threat to Bu Russia is even greater. After all, once Germany wants to unify the whole of Europe, Bu Russia will probably bear the brunt of Germany's attack.

"If the Germans attack us, will we be able to hold them off?" Ulyanov asked.

"Comrade Chairman, I don't understand military affairs. However, I can tell you with certainty that with the strength of our army, it is almost impossible to resist the German attack!" Joseph said.

After hearing this, Ulyanov remained silent for a long time. Although, in the process of seizing the rule of Russia by the cloth party, Germany's support helped them a lot. However, Ulyanov has always had a sense of crisis. He knew that when Germany became stronger, the security of Bu Russia would be threatened. However, they could not refuse Germany's help. Otherwise, their revolution would not have been so easy to succeed.

And now, it is time for Bu Russia to make every effort to ensure national security.

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