Iron Germany

Chapter 890: The Lion Opens His Mouth

"The Empire only has these three conditions. If the Kingdom of Spain is willing to accept, then this conflict can end. If the Kingdom of Spain refuses, then, unfortunately, I can only say that this time the negotiations have broken down. All consequences , will be borne by the Kingdom of Spain!" After Wahit finished speaking, he looked at the American ambassador and the Spanish ambassador.

The American ambassador frowned. The German's request was beyond the expectations of the United States.

The Spanish ambassador's face was even paler. In his opinion, the Germans were clearly talking like a lion! It can be seen from the attitude of the Germans, if they do not accept it, then the conflict is very likely to evolve into a real war. Even, the scale of the war may expand. That would undoubtedly be a disaster for the Kingdom of Spain.

The Spanish ambassador had no choice but to look at the American ambassador for help, hoping that the American ambassador could help them think of a way.

"Cough! Your Excellency, Minister of Foreign Affairs, your country's conditions seem to be too harsh. The dispute between Germany and Spain originated in Gibraltar. Spain can agree to Germany's lease of Gibraltar. If this is the case, this conflict will end! This is for Germany Both China and Spain are very beneficial," said the US ambassador.

Wahit glanced at the American ambassador, and then said: "The lease of Gibraltar was a request made by the Empire before the conflict. However, the Kingdom of Spain rejected the Empire's request without hesitation, discrediting the Empire. Now, the conflict has already broken out. Is it possible to end the war if you want to meet the previous requirements of the empire?"

Obviously, what Wachter said is still a set of robber theory. However, now Germany has an absolute advantage. If the conditions of the Germans are not agreed, the negotiations will break down and the war will break out again. For Spain, such consequences will be unbearable.

"Your Excellency, Minister of Foreign Affairs, I need to ask the country for instructions on whether Gibraltar can be ceded to the German Empire. However, I don't think His Majesty the King will agree to the last two. One billion marks is really astronomical for the Kingdom of Spain. We simply can’t afford that much money. In addition, the Balearic Islands are an inherent territory of the Kingdom of Spain, and it is absolutely impossible for the Kingdom of Spain to cede them here,” said the Spanish ambassador.

After losing this war, the Spaniards also knew very well that they would definitely not be able to keep Gibraltar. If the Germans are more talkative, they can let Spain continue to retain the sovereignty of Gibraltar, and then lease Gibraltar at a very low price. If the Germans were tougher, Gibraltar would have to be ceded to Germany.

The Spaniards didn't feel distressed about this. After all, for more than two hundred years, they have never really managed Gibraltar, nor have they gained any benefits from it. Gibraltar has always been occupied by the British as a military base. Now, it's just a change to the Germans, no big deal.

However, the compensation of up to one billion marks, and the fact that the Germans have to go even further to claim the Balearic Islands, this is unacceptable to the Spaniards. After all, Spain's financial situation is not very good, and one billion marks is enough to make their finances collapse. And the Balearic Islands are the mainland that Spain values, so it is naturally impossible to cede them.

Wahit shook his head: "The empire is in conflict, but it consumes a lot of ammunition and other war materials. The casualties of the empire are not small, and these need to be compensated. Therefore, one billion marks is not much. As for The Balearic Islands were once occupied by the Roman Empire, the Vandals, the Byzantine Empire, the Arabs, and the Aragonese Empire. The Aragonese Empire originally administered the Balearic Islands as a vassal of the Majorca Empire until 1344 It was spelled into the territory of the empire, and then the entire empire was annexed by Spain. At the beginning of the 18th century, it was occupied by the United Kingdom. It became a Spanish province in 1833. Therefore, the Spaniards did not rule for a long time, and it is not considered your inherent territory at all. Use those islands to make up for the loss of the empire. It is undoubtedly a very cost-effective thing to calm the anger of the empire. If the Kingdom of Spain persists in its obsession, then you will definitely pay a very heavy loss. No country can provoke the majesty of the empire. Any person or country that dares to provoke the empire will pay a heavy price for it!"

"Two days! You only have two days to think about it. If the Kingdom of Spain cannot accept the conditions of the empire, then this means that the negotiations have broken down. And, there will never be a chance to restart the peace talks." Wa After Hitt finished speaking, he left the US embassy directly. He did this, not as if he came to negotiate, but to inform the result.

Seeing Vachter leave, the Spanish ambassador turned pale immediately. He knew that the Germans were serious this time. If the conditions of the Germans are rejected, the consequences may be very serious.

The American ambassador's face was also very ugly. The Germans dared to raise such harsh conditions when the United States came forward to mediate, obviously they did not take the United States seriously!

"What shall we do now?" asked the Spanish ambassador, mournfully.

"Report to the country!" said the American ambassador.

The Germans obviously did not take the United States seriously, and made the United States useless on this issue. If Spain does not agree to Germany's request, then the Germans may really expand the scale of the war and strengthen their offensive against Spain. At that time, Spain will not be able to resist.

"Well, let's leave these problems to the domestic headache!" said the Spanish ambassador.

He has nothing to do with the tough attitude of the Germans. The only thing that can be done, perhaps, is to pray to God, and pray that Spain can survive this crisis safely.

When the Spanish ambassador sent back the conditions offered by the Germans, Alfonso XIII's face turned green.

"God! The appetite of the Germans is too big! They not only want Gibraltar, but also want us to pay one billion marks, and even let us cede the Balearic Islands to them! They regard us as a defeat Can the country be slaughtered at will?" Alfonso XIII was very angry.

The military and political ministers of the Kingdom of Spain all bowed their heads in silence. The conditions offered by the German government exceeded their expectations. However, this is not incomprehensible. Germany is the most powerful country in the world, and Spain offended Germany, allowing it to be dealt with and slaughtered, which is also reasonable.

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