Iron Germany

Chapter 899 Had to give in (seeking monthly ticket)

Kuwaiti Foreign Minister Hamid cleanly agreed to Germany's conditions, and signed his name on the subsequent documents. It can be said that from now on, the Kingdom of Kuwait has become a protectorate of the German Empire.

Although, this also means that Kuwait will lose a lot of power. Even, if Germany wants to evacuate the Emir of Kuwait, the Kingdom of Kuwait has nothing to do about it. After all, the country's military and police are already under German control. Even if Germany wants it, it will station troops in Kuwait. In this case, the Emir of Kuwait will be reduced to a real puppet.

Of course, they could hope that the Germans would not interfere in their internal affairs. In this case, it is still very good to be able to guarantee the power of internal affairs. At least, there will be no power left.

Kuwait has become a protectorate of the German Empire, so what remains is the Kingdom of Najd. The eyes of the prime minister of the empire, Biluo and the foreign minister, Wahit, all fell on the foreign minister of the Kingdom of Najd, Ghazi. Suddenly, Ghazi felt a huge pressure. He knew that after the Kingdom of Kuwait had surrendered, the Germans would be tougher on the Kingdom of Nejd.

"Your Excellency Ghazi, what about the Kingdom of Najd? How are you thinking?" the empire asked Wahit.

Ghazi gritted his teeth, and then said: "Your Excellency, Minister of Foreign Affairs, if the Nezhi Kingdom agrees to become your country's protectorate, we can maintain diplomatic consistency with the German Empire. Our army can also obey the German Empire when war breaks out." Imperial command. Our police system can also receive training from Germany. However, we hope that the control of the army and police system is in our own hands!"

Obviously, the Kingdom of Najd is unwilling to hand over the cornerstone power of the country such as the army to the Germans. Although the current Naizhi Kingdom has only a few million people. However, they are the most powerful country on the Arabian Peninsula. Moreover, the current Nezhi Kingdom is still expanding outwards. They want to defeat the Rashid family and occupy the Waichi Kingdom. At this time, military power is very important. What's more, the Kingdom of Nezhi didn't want to completely hand over the fate of its own country to the Germans.

The Kingdom of Kuwait is too weak, so they have nothing to do. So it can only be at the mercy of the Germans. However, Najd Kingdom is different, they are already the most powerful country on the Arabian Peninsula. So, they will have their own ideas.

After hearing this, the prime minister of the empire, Bilow, and the foreign minister, Wahit, couldn't help but frown.

"Your Excellency Ghazi, to become a protectorate of the empire, the conditions are set and cannot be changed. Therefore, your country can only choose to become a protectorate of the empire or not to become a protectorate of the empire. To become a protectorate of the empire After the protectorate, the empire will generally not interfere in the internal affairs of the protectorate, you can rest assured about this." Wahit said.

"Your Excellency, Minister of Foreign Affairs, is there no other choice?" Ghazi asked with a painful face. He knew that if the Nezhi Kingdom refused, then what awaited them might be a war. The German army is attacking Egypt, and the British army in Egypt cannot hold back at all. Once the Germans have settled Egypt, they can immediately march to the Arabian Peninsula. And the army of the Naizhi Kingdom is absolutely impossible to be the opponent of the German army. Even though, they are more adapted to the terrain and climate on the Arabian Peninsula. However, the gap in equipment and combat power is not so easy to make up.

Wahit shook his head: "After the rules of the empire have been decided, they cannot be changed."

"Your Excellency Ghazi, there is absolutely no need for you to worry that Germany will control the army of the Najd Kingdom. It is completely unnecessary. In terms of the population of the Nadd Kingdom, the Empire will only help you build three infantry divisions. There are only five infantry divisions in total. Thousands of people. Such a small army is nothing to the empire. Unless your country has the idea of ​​rebelling against the empire after becoming a protectorate of the empire. Otherwise, there is no need to worry at all." Prime Minister Biluo said.

"Your Excellency Prime Minister, if the Nezhi Kingdom decides to become a protectorate of the German Empire, we will definitely not rebel." Ghazi said hastily.

If you want to rebel after becoming a protectorate of the German Empire, isn't that courting death? With Germany's military strength, they can be easily destroyed.

"If that's the case, what else do you have to worry about?" Prime Minister Bilo asked.

Ghazi hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Your Excellency, the Nazhi Kingdom still has a long-cherished wish. Therefore, we must ensure the control of the army."

"The Rashid family that controls the Waizhi Kingdom is our enemy. Our King, His Majesty, is determined to eliminate the Rashid Family and annex the Waizhi Kingdom. Therefore, war will break out at any time. At this time, we must ensure the protection of the army. Control is the only way. After we have wiped out the Rashid family and annexed the Gaizhi Kingdom, we will hand over the army to Germany for reorganization. What do you think, Prime Minister?" Ghazi said.

The reason he said was half true. It is true that the Kingdom of Naizhi really wants to destroy the Rashid family and take control of the Kingdom of Waichi. However, the fake is that they want to use this as a delay.

Prime Minister Biluo is not a fool. Once the Kingdom of Nezhi annexes the Kingdom of Waichi, it will dominate the entire Arabian Peninsula and become even more powerful. At that time, it will be even more difficult to control them easily.

"Your Excellency Ghazi, we also know a little bit about your country's enmity with the Rashid family and the Waizhi Kingdom. If your country becomes a protectorate of the German Empire, the Rashid family and the Waizhi Kingdom, the Empire can help you resolve it !” Prime Minister Biluo said with a smile.

However, Bi Luo's smile made Ghazi feel terrified. He knew that there was no way out now. Bilow's underlying meaning is very obvious, the Kingdom of Nejd can become a protectorate of the German Empire. Similarly, the Gaizhi Kingdom can also become a protectorate of the German Empire. If the Kingdom of Naizhi refuses, then once the Kingdom of Waizhi becomes a protectorate of Germany, the German army will help the Kingdom of Naizhi to destroy the Kingdom of Naizhi. Although the Gaizhi Kingdom is weaker than the Nezhi Kingdom, with the help of the German army, it will be very easy to destroy the Gaizhi Kingdom.

Ghazi knew that this was undoubtedly a threat to the German Empire. However, in the face of this threat, they have no way to fight at all. There seemed to be no other way but to compromise and give in.

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