Iron Germany

Chapter 901 The Situation in India

The capital of India, Delhi.

It has been almost four years since the British and Indian colonial authorities moved the capital from Calcutta back to Delhi in 1912. In another time and space, since then, Delhi has always been the capital of India. In addition, New Delhi has also been built since 1911. It's just that it hasn't been built yet, so the Governor's Mansion is also located in Delhi.

The current governor of India is Baron Charles Harding, and he has another title, that is, Vice-Prince of India. Because after the emperor of India was abolished by the British colonial authorities, the emperor of India was concurrently held by the king of the British Empire. The Governor of India is also honored as the Deputy King of India, that is, the supreme ruler of India.

It stands to reason that the wealth of India is known to the whole world. It is undoubtedly a very pleasant thing to be the Governor of India. After all, if you take a little wealth from India during your term of office, it will never be used up in your lifetime.

Baron Charles Harding has served as the Governor of India since 1910. Over the past few years, he has collected a lot of wealth. Originally, his term ended this year. However, the British Empire failed in this damn war, lost even its homeland, and could only linger in Canada. Baron Charles Harding's path to ascension was naturally cut off. Originally, he also wanted to return to his home country to serve as a cabinet minister after his term of office ended. After earning enough money for retirement in India, I went back to my native land. But now, everything is in vain.

This is why, during this period, Baron Charles Harding hastened the speed of making money. He has already reported to the British cabinet, hoping to step down from the post of Governor of India as soon as possible. Although India is still relatively far away from Europe, the flames of war will not be able to burn India for a while. However, Baron Charles Harding was still worried. He knew very well that the greedy Germans would never let India go. It won't be long before the Germans will definitely come to India.

Unfortunately, his report was not approved. In peacetime, if someone wants to step down as the governor of India early, he will definitely be called a fool. However, at this time, a fool will succeed the Governor of India. It was precisely because no successor could be found that the British government did not dare to approve the resignation of Baron Charles Harding and asked him to continue serving as the governor of India so as to obtain more benefits for the British Empire from India.

The British cabinet also knew that India might not be able to keep it, so it asked Baron Charles Harding to take over India as much as possible during this period and transport some supplies to Canada. Once one degree is lost, there may be problems with the finances of the British government in exile in Canada. At that time, they can only sit and eat. It is obviously impossible to support the British government with the millions of people in Canada alone. After all, in order to be able to take revenge, the British government has been committed to developing its military power. But to develop the army, it requires a huge amount of funds.

Baron Charles Harding is also worrying about this matter. Especially after learning that the German army has begun to attack Egypt, I am very worried. He knew that after the Germans took Egypt, it would not be long before they attacked India. By then, will they be able to hold on to India? That's almost impossible.

"Your Excellency, Lord Nicholson please see me!" the secretary said.

"Your Excellency, please come in. In addition, bring in two cups of black tea." Baron Charles Harding ordered.

"Okay, sir." The secretary nodded and went to prepare immediately.

Lord William Nicholson was the commander of the British Army in India and the British-Indian Army. It can be said that the entire Indian army is under his control. He and Baron Charles Harding controlled the military and political power in India. Of course, in terms of position, Baron Charles Harding is the supreme ruler of India, and Lord William Nicholson must obey him. However, in reality, once the battle for India started, Lord William Nicholson, the leader of the military, would have greater power. In order to win the war, Baron Charles Harding needs to cooperate with him. Otherwise, once the battle is lost, the consequences will be very serious, and no one can afford it.

Soon, Lord William Nicholson in military uniform walked in.

"Good morning, Your Excellency the Governor!" Lord William Nicholson greeted him.

"My lord, hello, please sit down!" Baron Charles Harding nodded.

After the secretary brought the black tea, Baron Charles Harding began to ask questions.

"My lord, how is the situation now?" asked Baron Charles Harding.

"Your Excellency, the current situation is very bad. The Germans have already captured the Suez Canal. It is estimated that they will enter the Middle East soon. We are retreating from the Middle East, and the indigenous forces in the Middle East do not rely on Spectrum. It is almost impossible to resist the Germans." Lord William Nicholson's face was not very good. As the commander of the British Army in India and the British and Indian Army, he was undoubtedly under great pressure. Once the German army launched an attack, he had to lead the troops to the top. As for whether he can withstand the German attack, he is really not sure at all.

"Alas! This war seems inevitable. After so many years of British rule in India, it seems to be coming to an end," exclaimed Baron Charles Harding.

He is obviously not very optimistic about the next war. It's no wonder that the German army is too strong, and the strength of the British and British Indian troops stationed in India is too bad. It is impossible to resist the German attack.

Lord William Nicholson nodded: "Yes, Your Excellency Governor. We will do our best. If we can delay here for a longer time, we will be able to evacuate more people and supplies from Australia and other places Go to Canada and prepare for our resurgence. In the future, maybe we will have a chance to defeat the Germans!"

"India has a population of more than 300 million. We have ruled in India for so many years, and we have a basis for ruling. If we operate well, it may not be possible to turn India into a quagmire of war. At that time, the Germans will be deeply trapped in the Here, they are constantly consuming their national strength. In that case, we will all be heroes of the British Empire!" said Baron Charles Harding.

In the case of being unable to leave office, Baron Charles Harding also wanted to leave. Since you can't leave, let's do our part for the British Empire. Anyway, he has transferred most of his wealth to Canada. That money is enough for his family to live comfortably for several lifetimes.

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