Iron Germany

Chapter 909 Blocking India

On February 9, 1916, the German Foreign Office held a press conference.

German Foreign Minister Vachter announced to reporters that starting today, India has become a war zone. The coast of India will become a no-go zone. A week later, the German Navy will blockade the coast of India, and ships from any country are not allowed to enter the coast of India. Otherwise, it will be regarded as supporting the enemy of the German Empire. Those ships, once discovered, were all sunk!

There is no doubt that the German Foreign Minister Vachter's statement is undoubtedly very tough. In terms of size, India is definitely a big country with a very long coastline. The German Navy dispatched a large number of warships to blockade the coast of India. This approach is undoubtedly very strong.

Of course, Germany has done it once in the UK before to delineate the no-fly zone. Although Germany had the upper hand in the war at that time, it did not win the war. Therefore, many countries are dissatisfied with Germany's approach. The United States, in particular, has dispatched a powerful fleet to break through Germany's no-fly zone. As a result, it was intercepted by the German Navy. After some open and secret fighting, the Americans were still defeated. From this we can see how strong Germany is.

This time, Germany once again designated a no-fly zone. Although, the area of ​​the no-fly zone is larger. But with Germany's current strong status as the world's hegemon, there really is no country that dares to defy. With the behavior of the Germans, if they really dare to defy, the Germans will definitely sink their ships.

However, even so, journalists from many countries have expressed doubts about Germany's approach, thinking that it is too rude for Germany to do so.

But Wahit ignored it at all, and only claimed that India was already a colony of the empire. It is completely legal and reasonable for the empire to send troops to recover the colony of India! Any attempt to obstruct Germany's recovery of India will become Germany's enemy.

Germany will not let go of the colony of India, which is well known. After all, India's wealth makes all countries drool. In other words, those natives in India are too easy to manage. They who have been tamed by the British are undoubtedly the best candidates for enslavement in the world. If it were any powerful country, I am afraid that such a colony would not be spared.

Germany began to blockade India, which also indicates that Germany will soon attack India.

In this regard, the world's major powers are very concerned. There is anger, there is envy, and more is the hope that Germany will suffer in India. It would certainly be better if the British could turn India into a war quagmire and trap the Germans in it.

British Prime Minister Winston Churchill instructed the Governor of India, Baron Charles Harding, to find a way to hold the Germans in India no matter what. It would be even better if the Germans could suffer heavy losses in India and even drag down Germany. Even Churchill made a promise to Baron Charles Harding. If Germany can be defeated in India, Baron Charles Harding will be the next chancellor of the exchequer. You know, according to the usual practice, as long as the party he belongs to wins the next general election, the chancellor of the exchequer is often the definite candidate for prime minister!

Churchill's promise made Baron Charles Harding ecstatic. This made him work harder to develop India's military power, and was ready to fight the Germans in India. After all, these Indian natives were used to fight the Germans anyway, and no matter how many people died, it had nothing to do with the British Empire. If Germany can be defeated, even if the whole of India is sent to death, Baron Charles Harding will not frown.

At the same time, the United States and the United Kingdom are also seizing the last time to send as much weapons and equipment to India as possible. They all knew that once the German blockade started, it would be impossible for them to send weapons and equipment to India. The more weapons and equipment shipped to India, the more Indian troops can be armed. Even if those armies will not have much combat effectiveness, they will always play a certain role. Even if ten Indians were killed for the life of one German, it would undoubtedly be very cost-effective.

Crown Prince Karl of the Austro-Hungarian Empire is in the Imperial Palace in Vienna, waiting for the Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph I to take his last breath so that he can justifiably ascend the throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. For this day, he has waited a lot of time. However, although the Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph I looked like he was about to smoke, he kept dragging it down, which made Crown Prince Karl very angry. Regarding Germany's upcoming attack on India, Crown Prince Karl also hoped that Germany would make a big fall in India. Because he knew that if there were no accidents in Germany, it would be almost impossible for the Austro-Hungarian Empire he led to surpass Germany. Now, only if Germany has its own problems, they have a chance.

On the Arabian Sea, a huge fleet is sailing. This is the combined fleet of the German Navy's Pacific Fleet and Indian Ocean Fleet. There are a total of 8 battleships and 6 battlecruisers, plus light cruisers and destroyers, there are nearly a hundred battleships.

Admiral Spee, commander of the Pacific Fleet, served as the commander of the combined fleet. This term will last until the war in India comes to an end. After Germany defeats India, the Indian Ocean Fleet will choose one of the coastal ports in India as its home port and begin its patrol mission in the Indian Ocean. The Pacific Fleet, on the other hand, will continue to move eastward and cooperate with the army to take down the British colonies in Southeast Asia and Australia, so that the empire can fully receive the British colonies this time.

The battleship 'King', the flagship of the Pacific Fleet, became the flagship of the United Fleet. Admiral Spee, the commander of the Pacific Fleet, and Lieutenant General Norman, the chief of staff, and Lieutenant General Ingenuel, the commander of the Indian Ocean Fleet, and Rear Admiral Ruyter, the chief of staff, all gathered on the front deck of the battleship.

"Gentlemen, there are still two days before we arrive in India. However, India's coastline is too long, and it is very difficult to completely block it. I propose that we divide India's coastline into two parts. The Indian Ocean Fleet is in charge, and the Pacific Fleet in the east is in charge. In this case, the division of labor and cooperation may be more efficient." Admiral Spee suggested.

"Okay, General Spee." Lieutenant General Ingenuel nodded.

"The army will soon start to attack India. In addition to performing the blockade mission, we will also have to perform fire support tasks for the army when they land. In any case, India is important to the empire. It's too important. This time, we must do our best to beat it down!"

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