Iron Germany

Chapter 916 Defeat

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The naval guns of the German Navy, fierce shelling. The artillery of the German Army also joined it. These artillery shells that fell from the sky caused heavy casualties to the attacking British and Indian troops.

It can be said that this is definitely the most violent shelling experienced by these British and Indian troops from birth to the present. In the eyes of many people, this even seems like a scene from hell.

"God Shiva! Are the Germans devil-like? Otherwise, how could they have a powerful attack like a devil. How could we beat a German who looks like a devil!"

"Run away, if you don't run away, we will die."

Those Indian soldiers, forgetting their mission and responsibility, ran away. At this time, finding a way to save your own life is the most important thing.

The attack of the British and Indian troops could not even penetrate the German artillery blockade, let alone pose a threat to the German defense line. Even if they were lucky enough to break through the German artillery blockade, what awaited them was the intensive firepower on the German positions.

This caused the British army to pay great casualties, but still could not break through the German defense line. In the case of not seeing victory and just dying, even the elite troops will suffer a devastating blow to their morale. What's more, these British and Indian troops with low combat effectiveness and weak fighting will.

"General, this is the fifth time we have failed. Our army alone has suffered more than 50,000 casualties. It's only been half a day. If this continues, our entire army will collapse." Lieutenant General Paul, commander of the 11th Army of the British Indian Army, complained.

Although the 11th Army is a newly formed force, its combat effectiveness is already bad. But such a big loss still made him very distressed.

"General Paul, there is no other way. The German firepower is too strong, and I know you have suffered a lot. But now, we have no other way but to continue. Don't worry, your troops I will ask Your Excellency the Commander to supplement you as soon as possible. We are fighting in India now, and India has the least shortage of soldiers." Admiral Howard said.

Lieutenant General Paul didn't say anything more. What he was afraid of was that his troops would be disabled and he would become a poor commander. If it can be supplemented, then there is nothing. As Admiral Howard said, India has no shortage of population and soldiers, and it can be replenished no matter how much it loses.

"It's getting dark now, let's take a break and continue our offensive tomorrow. Although the Germans have strong firepower, they need to consume a lot of ammunition. Their supplies have to be shipped all the way from Germany. Once They're out of supplies, and we win!" Admiral Howard said.

However, all the British generals present sneered. Since the Germans launched the Indian war, how could it be impossible to guarantee the consumption of troops? With Germany's industrial strength and naval transportation capabilities, even if war breaks out in any corner of the world, they will be able to guarantee the supply of the German army!

The headquarters of the German Eighth Army has been moved from the Navy's transport ship to the beach. Although, this is somewhat dangerous. Admiral Ludendorff, however, didn't care. He always believed that it was impossible for the British and Indian troops to break through the German blockade. And the cannons of the British and Indian troops, under the threat of the German naval guns, could not hit the beach. So Admiral Ludendorff is actually pretty safe.

"General, the offensive of the British and Indian troops has stopped." A major general and division commander reported to General Ludendorff.

"Hmph! Idiots. Are they giving our troops time on purpose? After our main force goes ashore, they will have no chance. Since the enemy wants to give us time, we are very grateful to them. Jean has not yet The disembarking troops should speed up and strive to disembark all before dawn tomorrow. At that time, it is time for us to launch a counterattack." Admiral Ludendorff ordered.

"Yes, General."

The British and Indian troops stopped attacking, just to give the Germans more time to disembark the troops calmly.

At the disembarkation speed of the German army, if those heavy weapons are not considered, it will not be a big problem to disembark all the troops of the 8th Army in one afternoon and one night.

That night, the pier in Alibag was brightly lit. Teams of German soldiers disembarked from the transport ship, and after completing their formation on the pier, they headed to the resting place under the leadership of the officers. They must recharge their batteries so that they can defeat the British and Indian troops in the next battle and win this battle.

Time passed by every minute and every second. More and more German troops successfully landed, which made the disadvantage of the German army in this battle gradually disappear.

After the sun rose the next day, the offensive of the British and Indian troops began again. However, their attack is still no different from sending them to death.

In the face of the powerful firepower of the German army, their charges were all futile. Apart from the corpses left all over the place and the soldiers who have been frightened out of their wits, there are almost no other results.

"General, can we attack?" The generals of the German Eighth Army asked for a fight.

"Wait a second, since the British want those Indian natives to die, then don't stop them. Let them die as many people as possible. Only in this way can we defeat them at the lowest cost!" Lu Admiral Dendorf said.

"Yes, General."

At noon, the British and Indian troops did not continue to attack, perhaps because of heavy losses. And this is undoubtedly the arrival of the fighter that Admiral Ludendorff has been waiting for.

Admiral Ludendorff immediately gave the order to attack, and the ten infantry divisions of the 8th Army were divided into two groups to attack the British and Indian troops.

Although, at this time, the strength of the German 8th Army was still far inferior to that of the British and Indian Army. However, in terms of combat effectiveness, it is far better than the British and Indian troops. This is especially true when the morale of the British and Indian troops has reached its lowest point.

Facing the counterattack of the German army, the British and Indian troops could not catch it and could not resist it at all.

This made the German counterattack very successful.

A large number of British and Indian troops began to flee. They threw away their weapons and fled to Mumbai.

Even Admiral Howard, the commander of the 2nd Army of the British and Indian Army, also fled, the outcome of this battle is naturally doomed.

A large number of Indian soldiers who were chased had no choice but to raise their hands and surrender to the German army.

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