Iron Germany

Chapter 932

"Damn it, if I knew that the one who donated the most military expenditures would become the vice king of India, I would have to fight for it!" The sovereigns of the major states looked at Mir Osman Ali Khan with extreme eyes. They are very depressed and disappointed. If they try their best to fight for it, it is not impossible to make up 15 billion marks. Although, this is almost equivalent to their entire net worth. But with the rich land and the position of Vice King of India, the money will soon be earned back.

In particular, the rulers of Mysore state could not accept such a result. Only 500 million marks made him miss the position of vice king of India. This is probably the worst thing he did in his life.

Mir Osman Ali Khan enjoyed the jealous and envious eyes that others looked at him. Although, he has almost handed over his entire net worth. However, he knew that he was the one who won the final victory among the many sovereigns today.

"Everyone, thank you for your support for the German Empire. Next, the Empire will soon hold a coronation ceremony for His Majesty the Emperor. After this coronation ceremony is over, the division of India's land will officially begin!" Prime Minister Biluo said .

Although many sovereigns are not willing to accept this result, they know that this cannot be changed. They can only hope that when their turn comes, the fertile fields will not have been divided. However, no matter how bad the land is, it is much better than their current land.

Next, Imperial Prime Minister Biloh and Foreign Minister Vahit specially summoned Hyderabad, Mysore, Indore, Kashmir, Travan Korbang, Junagadh and other states Lord of the land.

These states are among the many states in India with a larger territory and a larger population. This time, they will get the same area of ​​territory and a larger population. This will undoubtedly make the strength of these native states even greater. At that time, India's stability will have to rely on those native states.

"Everyone, after the land distribution this time, I believe that the strength of your several states will become stronger. But, you need to know that the German Empire can make you stronger, and it also has the strength to destroy you .So, you better not do anything detrimental to the interests of the empire!" Prime Minister Biluo looked cold.

"Your Excellency, please rest assured. All Indian states are loyal to His Majesty the Kaiser and the German Empire! No one will betray the German Empire!" Mir Osman Ali Khan said quickly.

The other sovereigns also expressed their views one after another. Together, these sovereign states accounted for more than half of India's strength. In other words, as long as these states are under control, India's stability will be guaranteed.

"You have to remember that it is what the German Empire did to allow you to expand your strength. The British ruled India for so many years before, and did not give you any benefits at all except for exploiting you. After the empire ruled India, the British People will definitely not let it go. At that time, they will definitely try their best to find trouble. Your stand must be firm. If one day, the British really defeated the empire in India, then your good days will be the same It's over," said Imperial Foreign Minister Vahit.

The faces of those land lords suddenly became serious. Indeed, the land allocated to them by Germany was originally directly colonized by the British. Now, the Germans have given them those lands, and if the British fight back to India, they will definitely not admit it. At that time, they, the land lords, may become the targets of the British. The Germans passed through those lands and successfully tied them to Germany.

"Your Excellency, Foreign Minister, the British want to retake the land that belongs to us, and we will never agree! If they dare to return to India, we will fight them to the end!" Mir Osman Ali Khan said.

As the deputy king of India, of course he has to express his position at this time. He knew that if the British fought back to India, he would definitely not be able to become the deputy king of India. For this alone, he has to fight the British desperately!

The other land lords also expressed that they would fight the British to the end. After all, they got land and population from the Germans, and if the British rule India, I am afraid they will take them back.

"In addition, there are many people in India who are trying to achieve independence. For example, people from the Congress Party and the Green Party Alliance. The empire will never allow India to become independent. Because it will cause damage to the interests of the empire. I believe , You also don’t want India to be independent. Because in that case, your status will be greatly affected. At that time, your territory, population and even wealth will all be lost.” Wahit continued.

"Yes, Your Excellency the Foreign Minister, we will not allow India to become independent." The sovereigns expressed their views one after another. None of them are fools. Once India becomes independent, it will definitely become a unified country. In that case, can their country continue to exist? Can their descendants continue to be noble sovereigns? That is obviously impossible. Therefore, they will never agree to independence.

"Next, the empire hopes that each country can build a certain army. The empire will sell you weapons and equipment. And send military instructors to train your troops. The empire hopes that your army can become an army with strong combat effectiveness, not Like the British-Indian Army formed by the British, it is vulnerable. In the future, the stability of India, the suppression of those rebels, and even the resistance of the British invasion will require the use of your army!" Feng Fa, Minister of the Imperial Army and Chief of Staff Marshal Erkenhain said.

Being able to have a strong army, of course these land lords will not object. Even though, these armies were deeply influenced by the Germans. Even when the war broke out, they had to obey the command of the Germans. But they don't care, as long as they can ensure their status, that's enough.

This time, the German Empire successfully pulled the Indian lords into its camp. For their own benefit, they will do their best. Germany, on the other hand, can gain its own interests by supporting these sovereigns. For Germany, this is undoubtedly to obtain the maximum benefit at the minimum cost.

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