Iron Germany

Chapter 936 Disintegration

In order to ensure that the total population of Germany can grow to 100 million in 20 years, Germany has started an ambitious family planning program. This is the first time that the population has been increased by executive order. However, there is no doubt that it is very effective.

Almost the vast majority of age-appropriate couples have begun to respond to the government's call and started a baby-making program. It is foreseeable that the population of Germany will grow explosively in the next few years.

In order to meet the coming baby boom, the German government must prepare early. Hospitals, kindergartens and schools all need to be constructed and prepared in advance. So that after the arrival of the baby boom, Germany can safely deal with it. After all, this large number of newborns will become the main force in Germany's future.

The reason why Qin Tian set the time limit for family planning to twenty years was precisely because he was worried that future wars might break out in twenty years. In that case, Germany must be prepared in advance. The most important part is that there must be enough young men, these are the most important soldiers. Without enough soldiers, there is no way to win this battle!

It's not just Germany that sees the importance of population, but other countries as well. It's just that they have no way to subsidize families with more children on a large scale like Germany. This makes their population promotion plan not very effective, completely incomparable with Germany's family planning.

It takes a long time to see the effect of increasing the population through administrative orders.

In addition to improving Germany's strength by increasing its population, Germany also needs to work hard to digest the territory it gained in the world war. This includes the plains of Eastern Europe, and northern France and Belgium in Western Europe. Needless to say, the Eastern European Plains, Ukrainians support the German Empire. Especially after Qin Tian served as the king of the Ukrainian Kingdom and implemented a loose tax policy in the Ukrainian Kingdom to let the Ukrainians recuperate, these Ukrainians even supported Qin Tian wholeheartedly. Their life now is much better than when they were in Russia. Of course they will cherish this hard-won life. Once Germany and Russia go to war in the future, the Ukrainians will definitely stand on Germany's side. At that time, it will not be difficult for Germany to arm hundreds of thousands or even millions of troops in Ukraine.

Northern France and Belgium are industrially developed regions. If these areas can be absorbed and digested, Germany's industrial strength will reach another level. It's just that both the Belgians and the French are full of hatred for Germany. Their country was destroyed by the Germans. It is undoubtedly impossible for them to cooperate with Germany, or even contribute to Germany's industrial development.

However, it is undoubtedly very easy to deal with these people. In the German POW camps, there are still a large number of French and Belgian prisoners of war. Those prisoners of war were related to many factory owners. Even he is the son of some factory owners. Using these prisoners of war to threaten those factory owners to cooperate with Germany will undoubtedly go very smoothly. After all, no matter how much they hate Germany, they can't let their children or themselves do coolies in the prisoner-of-war camps. All factory owners, or technicians, skilled workers, scientists, teachers, etc. who cooperate with Germany. Their relatives were well cared for in the camps. This made those factory owners have to fully cooperate with Germany.

Once you start to cooperate with Germany, it is tantamount to embarking on a road of no return. In the eyes of the neighbors around them, they have become aliens and traitors. At that time, apart from relying on Germany, they had no other way at all.

Since Germany began to implement such methods in Belgium and northern France, the number of factory owners cooperating with Germany has increased day by day. I believe that it will not take long for Germany to fully absorb and digest these areas. At that time, Germany will not have much problem catching up with the United States in terms of industrial output value. It won't even take long to surpass the United States. After all, after acquiring a vast colony, Germany will also gain a vast market. This will further promote the industrial development of Germany.

Amiens, a three-story house on the outskirts of the city.

This can be regarded as a relatively good community in Amiens, so most of the people living here are from the upper class of Amiens. However, France suffered a disastrous defeat in the war, and the entire northern part of France became the territory of the Germans, even the capital Paris. This directly made these rich people who were living very well suddenly live in embarrassment.

Some French people, in order to make a living, began to gradually cooperate with the Germans and start a new life. However, these people are often under a lot of pressure. Because, the neighbors will point fingers at them.

Even some radical French will attack them. Fortunately, the German garrison in northern France and the police will help them. so that they can live in peace. Otherwise, their situation will be even more difficult.

Balck was the owner of a small factory in Amiens. His factory mainly produces leather boots. After the German army occupied northern France, he asked his factory to help Germany produce military leather boots. However, he was rejected.

After being rejected, the Germans did not embarrass them. However, a week later, they received a letter from their son.

Balck's son, Bedocco, was a French Army soldier. It's just that he was unlucky and was captured by the German army during the Battle of Paris.

The Germans captured a large number of prisoners of war on the battlefield. After the war ended, these prisoners of war were not released immediately. Although the French government negotiated with Germany many times, hoping that the German government could release those French prisoners of war, they were all rejected. Germany is now undergoing large-scale infrastructure construction, which requires a lot of manpower. If it is to recruit workers, it will increase the cost a lot. If these prisoners of war are used, the cost will drop a lot. Anyway, these prisoners of war have no human rights at all, just use them as coolies.

Balk's son, Bedokko, works on the road construction site. Not only does he have to do heavy physical labor every day, he also doesn't have enough to eat, and at the same time he has to be beaten and scolded by the supervisor. He once thought he was going to die. After learning that he could write a letter to his family, Bedokko immediately wrote to his family for help.

Therefore, for the sake of his son's life, Balck could only choose to cooperate with the Germans.

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