Iron Germany

Chapter 944 Warning

"Respected His Majesty the Kaiser, the Austro-Hungarian Empire withdrew from the Allies only because we had defeated Britain, France, Russia and other countries in the last war. Therefore, His Majesty the Emperor believes that there is no need for the Allies to continue to exist. This is absolutely It's not a provocation against the German Empire, I hope the German Empire doesn't mind!" Baron Berchdold, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, stood in front of Qin Tian, ​​with a smile on his face, and kept explaining to Qin Tian.

On the day the Austro-Hungarian government announced its withdrawal from the Allied Powers, Baron Berchidold arrived in Berlin. It can be seen that the foreign minister set off from Vienna in advance. The purpose is to be able to explain to Germany as soon as possible to avoid further deterioration of the relationship between the two countries.

Although, the important ministers of the Austro-Hungarian Empire did not explicitly oppose Karl I's decision. However, they definitely don't want to get too stiff with Germany because of this incident, let alone trigger a war between the two countries.

Of course, those important ministers of the Austro-Hungarian Empire may not really object to withdrawing from the Allies. The reason why they opposed it was that they were afraid of being attacked by Germany. If it can really survive, this will also be of great benefit to the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Qin Tian looked at Baron Berchdold coldly. Karl I directly proposed the decision to withdraw from the Allies, and it was passed easily. This made Qin Tian know that the monarchs and ministers of the Austro-Hungarian Empire had long been fighting this idea. It's just that the strong military strength of the German Empire made them dare not act rashly.

"Your Excellency the Baron, the Austro-Hungarian Empire withdrew from the Allies without consulting the German Empire. This is a betrayal of the German Empire! It is a shameful act!" Qin Tian roared angrily.

Baron Berchdold groaned inwardly, and he didn't seem to have imagined that Qin Tian's reaction would be so big and so intense. This undoubtedly shows that Germany is really dissatisfied with the withdrawal of the Austro-Hungarian Empire from the Allies. This is undoubtedly a very bad result for them.

"Your Majesty, this is our mistake. We don't think it will have any impact on the German Empire, so we didn't notify your country in advance. I hope your country can understand. Even if the Austro-Hungarian Empire withdrew from the Allies, our two countries still have It is a very profound traditional friendship. Therefore, please rest assured, Your Majesty, the relationship between our two countries will not be affected just because the Austro-Hungarian Empire withdrew from the Allies." Baron Berchdold explained. He already had a premonition, because this time the withdrawal of the Austro-Hungarian Empire from the Allies would have a very large impact.

"Your Excellency the Baron, in view of the traditional friendship between our two countries, the German Empire can give the Austro-Hungarian Empire a chance. That is to immediately announce to the whole world that it will withdraw its previous decision to withdraw from the Allies. In this case, the German Empire can pretend that nothing happened. If the Austro-Hungarian Empire refuses, then all the consequences will be borne by the Austro-Hungarian Empire!" Qin Tian said viciously.

"What?" Baron Berchdold turned pale with shock, he did not expect Qin Tian to propose such a condition. Obviously, such a condition is impossible for them to accept.

If the Austro-Hungarian Empire announces to the whole world to withdraw its previous decision, there is no doubt that they will become the laughing stock of the whole world. With Karl I's headstrong and conceited character, it is obviously impossible to withdraw the previous decision. It can be said that there is no way to do this. This will quickly rupture the relationship between Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

"The Germans did it on purpose, just to find an excuse, an excuse to wage war on us. Damn, this is a trap, a trap the Germans set against Austria-Hungary. If we don't meet their demands If you ask, war will break out! The Germans must have the confidence to defeat us, so they did this. God! Is the Austro-Hungarian Empire already in crisis?" I want to understand.

However, after thinking about it all, he couldn't help feeling his scalp tingle. The fact that the Germans have the guts to plot against the Austro-Hungarian Empire undoubtedly shows that the future situation of the Austro-Hungarian Empire may be very dangerous.

"Your Excellency, you can tell the government of your country. Three days, I will give you three days. After three days, if your country has not retracted the previous decision, then it means that your country has rejected the goodwill of the German Empire .” Qin Tian continued.

"Yes, His Majesty the Emperor. I will inform the country immediately. The Austro-Hungarian Empire and the German Empire have a profound traditional friendship. I believe that the misunderstanding this time will not affect the relationship between our two countries." Baron Bercidold said.

"Of course, the German Empire has always regarded the Austro-Hungarian Empire as its most loyal ally. We sincerely hope that this ally relationship can be maintained forever!" Qin Tian smiled, not at all as if he was about to use force against the Austro-Hungarian Empire look.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Baron Bercidold nodded, and then left.

After leaving the palace, Baron Berchdold immediately rushed to the Austro-Hungarian embassy in Germany to report Germany's request and his own speculation to Vienna. At the same time, Baron Berchdold suggested that Karl I withdraw his previous decision. Because, it is obvious that the Germans are going to take this opportunity to go to war against the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

If the decision is withdrawn, it will certainly make the Austro-Hungarian Empire lose face. However, this would preserve the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Berchdold did not believe that the military power of the Austro-Hungarian Empire could withstand the German invasion. This is especially true when it is clear that this has been planned by the Germans for a long time. Once the war started, the Austro-Hungarian Empire would definitely not be able to defeat Germany. If Austria-Hungary were to be defeated, the consequences would be very serious. Otherwise, the Austro-Hungarian Empire will cease to exist.

Although, the Americans promised to provide support to the Austro-Hungarian Empire. But Baron Berchdold believes that this is not reliable at all. In the last war, the Americans were forced by Germany not to act rashly. Now that Germany is even stronger, will the Americans take risks for the Austro-Hungarian Empire? That is obviously unlikely. The Americans are very likely to want to turn the Austro-Hungarian Empire into a bridgehead against Germany, or cannon fodder.

Of course, such a conclusion is a bit sensational. However, Baron Bercidold thought that all of this was possible. After all, Kaiser Wilhelm III was also a very powerful person.

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