Iron Germany

Chapter 948 Invasion

"The alliance treaty is sacred, and any country that violates the treaty will be punished. Before the outbreak of the world war, the Austro-Hungarian Empire formed an alliance with the empire. After defeating the enemy, they enjoyed the benefits of the victorious country. But now they For self-interest, he tore up the treaty without authorization, withdrew from the alliance, and betrayed his allies. Such behavior is extremely immoral and shameless. The German Empire is ashamed to be an ally with such a country. And, for the benefit of the empire, The German Empire will punish the Austro-Hungarian Empire and make them pay for it!" At the same time, Kaiser Qin Tian also made a broadcast speech, telling all the citizens of the German Empire the reasons why the Empire declared war on the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

In order to gain the support of the people, Germany will of course shift all the responsibilities to the Austro-Hungarian Empire. It was as if the German Empire was really at a disadvantage and was wronged. In this way, it will undoubtedly arouse the anger of the people and gain their support.

Qin Tian's approach was undoubtedly a success. The people of the German Empire, after the Empire won the World War, began to regard themselves as the residents of the world's most powerful country. Self-esteem and confidence have been greatly enhanced.

The Austro-Hungarian Empire fought side by side with the Empire in the last war. Although the performance was terrible, after all, it held back many enemies for the German Empire, allowing the German Empire to win in future wars. The people of the empire are still very friendly and grateful to the Austro-Hungarian Empire. However, when Franz Joseph I was seriously ill and no longer served as a director, Crown Prince Karl was in charge of state affairs. The relationship between Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire began to cool down.

The German government also intentionally propagated to mislead the people. During the world war, the Austro-Hungarian Empire not only did not help the Empire, but even dragged the Empire back. Crown Prince Karl's hostility to Germany was also propagated. This made the people of the empire less and less fond of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

After Kaiser Qin Tian declared war on the Austro-Hungarian Empire, countless people in the empire shouted angrily: "War! War! Punish the shameless betrayers!"

Yes, all the people in Germany already regard the Austro-Hungarian Empire as a traitor. They strongly demanded that the imperial government and the army punish the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Of course, there are also some voices against the war. It's just that, compared to the people of the empire who demanded war, this part of the voice was too small, and had no influence at all, and was directly drowned in the angry roar of the people of the empire.

"Order the forward troops to cross the border and enter the territory of the Austro-Hungarian Empire! If the Austro-Hungarian army resists, then defeat them!" The German commanders on the front line issued orders one after another.

For a time, the German army, which had been prepared for a long time, crossed the border and entered the territory of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Vienna, the capital of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, is now in a mess. Germany actually declared war on them, which means that war is inevitable. Although, many high-level officials in the Austro-Hungarian Empire have already guessed that there is a great possibility of war breaking out. However, at this moment, they realized that the war really broke out like this.

More officials and people of the Austro-Hungarian Empire were at a loss about what to do. Germany is now the most powerful country in the world. The strength of Germany, as Germany's neighbors, of course they are very clear. Now Germany has declared war on the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which immediately plunged them into panic. After all, they don't think that Austria-Hungary is Germany's opponent, and Austria-Hungary will definitely lose this war.

Even the generals and soldiers of the Austro-Hungarian Empire were not optimistic about the Austro-Hungarian Empire. After all, in the last world war, everything has already been explained. In the last world war, the Austrian army was beaten by the Russians on the Eastern Front and suffered heavy losses. It was not until Emperor Qin Tian, ​​who was still the crown prince at the time, personally led the 8th Army with less than 200,000 people to the Eastern Front, that he helped the Austro-Hungarian Empire defeat the Russian army in one fell swoop. Otherwise, the Austro-Hungarian Empire might have lost in that war.

Therefore, the soldiers of the Austro-Hungarian Empire were extremely reluctant to fight the Germans. From their point of view, this is clearly asking them to die. It's not just the soldiers of the other states of the Austro-Hungarian Empire except Austria who are unwilling to fight the Germans, even the Austrian soldiers are the same. They hated Karl I very much, what are they doing to provoke the German Empire? Well now, Germany has declared war on the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and they are about to be killed by the Germans.

"Damn it! The Germans actually framed the empire and put the accusation of betrayal on the empire's head. This is absolutely unacceptable to the empire. The reason why the empire withdrew from the alliance was completely forced by the Germans. If it weren't for their every possible means to suppress Empire, why did the Empire withdraw from the Allies?" In the Vienna Palace, Karl I was furious. Although he also believed that the war might be inevitable, he also did not expect that the Germans would declare war on the Austro-Hungarian Empire so cleanly, without any hesitation.

This made Karl I a little worried. It seemed that all this was really planned by the Germans. The withdrawal of the Austro-Hungarian Empire from the Allies just gave the Germans an excuse to go to war. If that's the case, it would be too scary. How could the Germans have expected all this?

"Coincidence, it must be a coincidence!" Karl I kept telling himself in his heart. It seemed that this would reassure him a lot.

"Your Majesty, the German army has crossed the border, shall we launch a counterattack?" Baron Herzendorf asked Marshal.

"Counterattack! Of course there is a counterattack. Now the Germans are invading us. If we don't counterattack, how can we defeat the German attack. Order all the troops of the Austro-Hungarian Empire to start counterattacking the Germans and drive them out of our territory. In any case, we must defeat them and defend the Austro-Hungarian Empire!" Karl I shouted loudly.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Baron Herzendorf nodded helplessly. Obviously, he didn't think they could defeat the Germans in this battle. However, the war had already broken out. As a soldier, he had no other choice but to command the troops to resist the German invasion and fulfill his accusations.

"We want to expose the conspiracy of the Germans to invade the Austro-Hungarian Empire to the whole world, so that countries all over the world can see the face of the Germans. In addition, send a telegram to the Americans. According to our agreement, it is time for them to support us Already!" Karl I ordered.

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