Iron Germany

Chapter 956: The Situation Is Great

On the night of January 19th, Qin Tian did not return to the palace, but stayed in the war room of the General Staff Headquarters, listening to the frontline combat report.

"Your Majesty, the bad weather has had some impact on the actions of our troops. However, the traffic conditions are relatively good whether it is in the Empire or the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Therefore, the rain and snow will not affect us. Big. However, if it is replaced by the Eastern European Plain, then the trouble will be big." said Marshal Falkenhein, Minister of War and Chief of the General Staff.

Qin Tian nodded. It is indeed a very risky thing to launch a large-scale military operation in the cold winter. Fortunately, both Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire can be regarded as industrially developed countries, and the transportation conditions are relatively good. Therefore, it enabled the German army to launch military operations in winter. In addition, the logistical support of the German army is far stronger than that of other countries. Whether it is clothing to keep out the cold or fuel for heating, there is an adequate supply. Make sure that the troops have no worries during the process of marching and fighting. In other countries, the cold winter alone is enough to raise the non-combat attrition of the troops to a very terrifying height.

"Your Majesty, the 3rd Army and the 5th Army have all entered the territory of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The Austro-Hungarian Army has hardly resisted. However, due to the weather, the troops only advanced 20 kilometers. According to this speed, it is estimated that it will take about ten days to advance to Vienna! The advance speed of the 6th Army and the 7th Army in the Kingdom of Bohemia is also very fast. Thanks to the Grand Duke of Bohemia With the cooperation, most of the troops in the Kingdom of Bohemia have laid down their weapons, and only a small number of troops continue to resist. That part of the army has been surrounded by us. Our troops are crossing the Kingdom of Bohemia, rushing Go to Austria, cooperate with the 3rd Army and the 5th Army, and attack the Austrian Army. As for the 9th Army, it will continue to serve as a reserve. However, when the Austro-Hungarian Empire has collapsed and other countries do not support Austria, the 9th Army It is completely unnecessary to go to the battlefield." Marshal von Falkenhain continued.

The current situation can be said to be very good. It was only the first day of the war, and the German army was like entering no man's land. More importantly, the states of the Austro-Hungarian Empire have defected or remained neutral. This left Austria alone in the huge Austro-Hungarian Empire. You know, without the support of those states, if only Austria is left, their strength is at most only a little over 30% of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Originally, the strength of the Austro-Hungarian Empire was not comparable to that of Germany. Now, only Austria is left, and Germany can crush them at will.

In the view of Marshal von Falkenhein, it is more than enough to dispatch four armies to destroy Austria.

"The current situation is very favorable to us. Our enemies are only the Austrians. Their army is not only low in combat effectiveness, but also very weak in fighting will. It seems that we will soon be able to defeat them !” Qin Tian said very optimistically.

"However, in terms of time, we need to be as fast as possible. Find a way to provide more trucks to the front line, so that the daily advance speed of the troops can be further increased. It is best to advance to Vienna within a week. As long as Vienna can be taken, then Austria It's over. This battle can be over!" Qin Tian said.

He hoped that this battle would end as soon as possible. In this case, not only the losses of the troops could be minimized, but also the materials consumed would be the least. More importantly, such a quick demise of a big country is undoubtedly a great deterrent to other countries in the world.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Marshal von Falkenhain nodded.

Among the German Army, it is undoubtedly equipped with a large number of trucks. Although it has not yet reached the point where troops march directly on trucks, at least trucks are used to transport supplies and tow cannons. As for mules and horses, there are very few of them in the German Army. The cavalry unit is also almost eliminated. After the appearance of armored forces, the function of cavalry was extremely weakened. Except for the ceremonial cavalry that still exists, the field cavalry has almost been abolished.

Marshal von Falkenhain has already decided to transfer trucks from other troops, or even recruit trucks directly from the people, so as to further increase the advancing speed of the troops. Even if the daily advance speed can be increased by ten kilometers, it can meet Qin Tian's requirements.

"Where's the navy?" Qin Tian asked.

The military strike against the Austro-Hungarian Empire this time is not just a matter of the army, the navy also has tasks. Even, the mission of the navy is not small.

"Your Majesty, the Mediterranean Fleet of the Imperial Navy has entered a state of emergency combat readiness. We have deployed some submarines and light warships in the border waters between the Adriatic Sea and the Mediterranean Sea to detect the movements of the Austro-Hungarian Navy. We took off from Sicily The seaplanes are also focusing on reconnaissance in this sea area. Once the Austro-Hungarian Navy is dispatched, we will be able to know immediately." Marshal Reinhard Scheer said.

Qin Tian nodded. The terrain of the Adriatic Sea was indeed very unfavorable to the Austro-Hungarian Navy. Once war starts, the navy of the Austro-Hungarian Empire must leave the Adriatic Sea. Otherwise, it will be blocked inside.

"The Imperial Navy's Home Fleet and the Indian Ocean Fleet are on their way to the Mediterranean. It is estimated that the Home Fleet will be able to enter the Mediterranean in two days, while the Indian Ocean Fleet will take three days!" Marshal Reinhard Scheer said. This is still because the Indian Ocean Fleet moved in advance, otherwise, it would take a long time to reach the Mediterranean.

"The Imperial Navy's Atlantic Fleet has also stepped up its vigilance. If the U.S. Navy dares to get involved in this war, the Atlantic Fleet will resist them. In addition, the Imperial Navy's aircraft carrier fleet has also entered the Atlantic Ocean to stand by. The six aircraft carriers plus the Atlantic Ocean The strength of the fleet is enough to bury the U.S. Navy!" Marshal Reinhard Scheer is very confident about this.

Qin Tian nodded in satisfaction, the Imperial Army and Navy are progressing smoothly so far. It can be said that the empire has already laid the foundation for victory in this battle. It won't be long before the Empire will once again be able to achieve a great victory that will shock the entire world.

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