Iron Germany

Chapter 966: The Emperor Disappears

"Where is His Majesty the Emperor? If you want to surrender to the Germans, His Majesty the Emperor must come forward." Archduke Friedrich said.

"I have already sent someone to invite His Majesty the Emperor. However, we surrendered to the Germans without asking His Majesty the Emperor's approval. This seems a little bad, right?" Duke Kasbah said.

"The empire has been destroyed, and the emperor will no longer exist. Then, he naturally has no power at all." Archduke Friedrich said.

The Germans are going to annex Austria, and they are very clear about this. In fact, although these important ministers of the Austro-Hungarian Empire were a little sentimental about the demise of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. But in fact, it is not too contradictory to Germany's annexation of Austria.

It would be best if the Austro-Hungarian Empire could continue to exist. In that case, they can be regarded as an independent country after all. However, the Austro-Hungarian Empire has fallen apart, and even Austria will no longer exist. Then, Germany's annexation of Austria is undoubtedly the best result. At least, Germany is now the world's hegemon. After joining Germany, the Austrians were able to enjoy all the rights of citizens of the world power. In addition, most of the people in Austria are Germans. Returning to Germany now is no big deal.

"If it weren't for His Majesty the Emperor, even if Germany had the intention to deal with us, I'm afraid it would not be so easy to achieve. It is not impossible for the Austro-Hungarian Empire to continue to exist!" Baron Herzendorf said.

Obviously, for the demise of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Baron Herzendorf Marshal still has some worries. As an important minister single-handedly promoted by the late Emperor Franz Joseph I, he still had great affection for the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Although Franz Joseph I has passed away. However, the Austro-Hungarian Empire founded by Franz Joseph I should not just perish like this!

"Well, Your Excellency the Chief of Staff, it is useless to say these things now. The Austro-Hungarian Empire is already in the past tense." A trace of sentimentality also flashed in the eyes of Grand Duke Friedrich.

Although, Karl I was the chief culprit that led to the demise of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. If he hadn't forced the Austro-Hungarian Empire to withdraw from the Allies, Germany would not have found an excuse to attack the Austro-Hungarian Empire. However, this is only on the surface. Even if Karl I did not ask Austria-Hungary to withdraw from the Allies, Germany would definitely find other excuses. At that time, the fate of the Austro-Hungarian Empire may still be like this. Before that, the Germans had already taken action to suppress the Austro-Hungarian Empire. If there is no excuse this time, the Austro-Hungarian Empire will linger on for a few more years at most.

"Report, we have not found His Majesty the Emperor!" An officer reported.

Grand Duke Friedrich, Duke Kasbah, Baron Marshal Herzendorf and others were all taken aback for a moment. At this juncture, how could Karl I have disappeared?

"What's going on? Why can't I find it? Didn't you report that His Majesty the Emperor is in the basement of the palace?" Duke Kasbah frowned and asked.

"Your Excellency, we found that the person staying in the palace is just a substitute for His Majesty the Emperor. The real His Majesty the Emperor has disappeared." The officer replied.

"What? How did this happen? Where did His Majesty the Emperor go?" Archduke Friedrich asked.

At the last moment of the demise of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Karl I, the emperor, disappeared. This may make the Germans suspicious. At that time, once the Germans pursue it, the problem may become troublesome.

"Could it be that he was killed during the shelling of the Germans?" Baron Herzendorf asked.

"Impossible, the palace was not bombarded by the Germans. The Germans were shelling, deliberately avoiding the palace. Not even a single shell fell into the palace. Let alone killed His Majesty the Emperor." Alright." Archduke Friedrich shook his head.

"I think His Majesty the Emperor must have left early. He even planned all this. He fled here when Vienna couldn't hold on. Obviously, His Majesty the Emperor is still not reconciled until now! " Duke Kasbah said.

"You mean, the emperor went to Trieste?" Archduke Friedrich frowned.

In his view, the Austro-Hungarian Empire has already perished, so there is no need to add extra details. If Karl I was not reconciled and fled to the navy, it would definitely continue to cause turmoil. Even, if Karl I fled abroad, then he would definitely spare no effort to provoke conflicts. At that time, Austria will be in turmoil.

"Your Excellency, His Majesty the Emperor left early, which has nothing to do with us. Even if it is a headache, it should be the turn of the Germans. We only need to tell the Germans that His Majesty the Emperor is missing. As for the escape Wherever you go, let the Germans figure out their own way." Duke Kasbah said.

It is undoubtedly a very good thing to be able to cause a little trouble for the Germans.

Archduke Friedrich thought for a while, and finally nodded.

On the afternoon of January 28, the Austrian Army held a surrender ceremony at the General Staff. Archduke Friedrich, representing the Austrian army, surrendered to the German army.

"Your Excellency Marshal, we have lost this war." Archduke Friedrich lowered his head and handed over his gun.

He was originally gray-haired, but his figure was still tall and strong. But now it looks like it's bent a lot.

"Your Excellency, the war is over, and no one will die for it!" Marshal Howson took over the gun.

A large number of Austrian soldiers lined up neatly and handed over their weapons to the Germans.

For these Austrian prisoners of war, the German army still gave them preferential treatment and would not let them serve as coolies or the like. After all, most of these Austrian prisoners of war were also Germans. After Germany annexed Austria, these prisoners of war were all Germans. Treating your own people is naturally better.

In the eyes of those Austrian prisoners of war, there was no sorrow of the fall of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, but only the joy of the rest of their lives. Indeed, they were now at last saving their own lives. This is undoubtedly something that many people are grateful for. For them, the war is finally over. They can go back alive and be reunited with their families.

"By the way, Your Excellency the Grand Duke. Where is His Majesty Emperor Karl I?" Marshal Howson seemed to have heard Karl I, the emperor of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, at this time.

"I'm sorry, Your Excellency Marshal. We don't know where the emperor has gone? When we decided to surrender, we had already sent people to look for it, but they found nothing!" Archduke Friedrich replied.

Marshal Howson's complexion suddenly became ugly.

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