Iron Germany

Chapter 973 Dilemma

In order to catch up with the Austro-Hungarian Navy, the combined fleet of the German Navy began to speed up. Originally, the fleet cruised at a speed of 15 knots. Because it was thought that the Austro-Hungarian Navy would sail westward. In this case, just wait for them to deliver it to your door. However, now the Austro-Hungarian Navy is trying to escape from another direction. In order to prevent the cooked duck from flying, the combined fleet of the German Navy had to speed up the pursuit.

Fortunately, the capital ships of the German Navy are almost all cutting-edge warships. The maximum speed of those battleships is generally above 25 knots. For those battlecruisers, the maximum speed can be increased to more than 28 knots. If the boiler is forced to ventilate, it is not difficult to increase the speed to thirty knots. It's just that such a state can't last long, otherwise, the boiler may explode.

As for those small and medium warships, their speeds were all above thirty knots. Therefore, it is not a problem for the entire fleet to increase the speed to 23 knots, and there is even room to spare.

Although, the distance between the combined fleet of the German Navy and the Navy of the Austro-Hungarian Empire is more than a thousand kilometers. However, with the full pursuit of the German navy, their distance is rapidly shrinking. Moreover, the Austro-Hungarian Navy knew nothing about it.

In Berlin, Germany, Qin Tian was also awakened from his deep sleep. Admiral Reinhardt Scheer, the Minister of the Navy, had an audience overnight, and it was obvious that there was a big problem with the United Fleet.

"Your Majesty, I'm very sorry to interrupt your rest!" Marshal Reinhard Scheer apologized. Before, he also vowed to guarantee that the combined fleet will definitely be able to crush the Austro-Hungarian Navy. But I didn't expect that there would be such a big problem now.

"What happened?" Qin Tian didn't blame Marshal Reinhard Scheer for his disturbed sleep.

"That's right, Your Majesty. The Austro-Hungarian Navy did not sail westward as we expected, but turned eastward. The joint fleet judged that the Austro-Hungarian Navy chose to pass through Gibraltar instead of entering the Atlantic Ocean. Suez Canal, to the Indian Ocean. Then from the Indian Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean, and finally to the United States." Marshal Reinhard Scheer said.

Qin Tian couldn't help but frowned. Of course he could see that the Austro-Hungarian Navy chose such a route, and of course it would take a long circle. However, it also caused a lot of trouble for the pursuit of the German navy.

"How long will it take for the combined fleet to catch up with the Austro-Hungarian navy?" Qin Tian asked.

"Your Majesty, at this moment, the combined fleet is more than a thousand kilometers away from the Austro-Hungarian Navy. However, General Hipper has ordered the fleet to speed up to 23 knots. At this speed, it will be able to catch up with the Austro-Hungarian Navy in a week at the latest. gone."

"A week? According to the speed of the Austro-Hungarian Navy, they have already entered the Red Sea, and are even about to enter the Indian Ocean. However, with the strength of the combined fleet, even if the Austro-Hungarian Navy escapes, they will definitely be able to catch up with them." .I think it shouldn't be a big problem!" Qin Tian said optimistically.

"Yes, Your Majesty. General Hipper has made a complete plan. This time, it is absolutely impossible to let the Austro-Hungarian Navy escape." Marshal Reinhard Scheer said through gritted teeth.

The Austro-Hungarian Navy still refused to submit obediently until this time, but chose to fight against the beast, which made Marshal Reinhard Scheer very speechless. The Austro-Hungarian Navy, this is clearly causing trouble for the German Navy. Of course, the Austro-Hungarian Navy did this only for their own survival. The perspectives and positions of the two sides are different, and the way of thinking about the problem is naturally different.

"That's how it is. I have confidence in General Hipper and the United Fleet. He will definitely be able to deal with the Austro-Hungarian Navy." Qin Tian said.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Marshal Reinhard Scheer breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Qin Tian say this.

In the Mediterranean, the Austro-Hungarian Navy is heading east.

"Your Majesty, the German destroyer is still following us. The news of our change of course may have been leaked. The German navy may have increased its speed and started chasing us." Admiral Anton House was a little worried .

"The Germans will probably be surprised when they learn that we are not sailing westward, but eastward! I really hope to see their shocked faces." Karl I said with a smile, as if for his own wit feel happy.

"Let them chase after us. We are thousands of kilometers away from the German fleet. By the time they catch up, we have already passed the Suez Canal and entered the Red Sea. We have even entered the Indian Ocean. By then , it will be even easier to get rid of the Germans." Karl I said nonchalantly.

"As for the German destroyers tracking us, send a fleet to disperse them! Those destroyers are like flies, it's really annoying!" Karl I continued.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Admiral Anton House nodded.

The Austro-Hungarian Navy sent a fleet of light cruisers and destroyers to drive off the German Navy's destroyers. However, the destroyers of the German Navy took advantage of their speed and quickly avoided it. Several times in a row, the Austro-Hungarian Navy was powerless to do anything about it. In the absence of a solution, we can only acquiesce in the tracking of the German Navy. Only when you pass through the Suez Canal wide-eyed, think of a way.

Three days later, the Austro-Hungarian navy entered the Suez Canal. Facing the powerful Austro-Hungarian navy, neither Egypt nor the German security forces stationed in the canal zone could stop them, and could only watch the Austro-Hungarian navy pass through the canal. Even when the Austro-Hungarian Navy passed through the canal, it fired at the barracks of the security forces and destroyed the barracks. Fortunately, the security forces were notified in advance and withdrew from the camp. Otherwise, there will definitely be greater casualties.

During this process, the combined fleet of the German Navy has been catching up. They successfully shortened the speed by more than six hundred kilometers. However, the distance between the two sides is still more than 600 kilometers.

After the Austro-Hungarian Navy passed through the Suez Canal, Admiral Anton Howes proposed a plan, that is, the Austro-Hungarian Navy would leave a few battleships and take advantage of the terrain advantage at the mouth of the canal to stop the German Navy here. The escape of the main fleet of the Austro-Hungarian Navy buys time. However, Karl I was hesitant. Because he didn't want the Austro-Hungarian Navy to pay too much loss.

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