Iron Germany

Chapter 983 The Development Direction of the Navy

"Is the American fleet still in the East Atlantic Ocean?" Qin Tian asked.

Although Germany had already destroyed the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the US fleet still appeared in the East Atlantic waters. A fleet of eleven powerful battleships seriously threatened Germany's interests in the Atlantic.

Although the German Navy's Atlantic Fleet has rushed to intercept, but the Atlantic Fleet only has 7 capital ships. Although Qin Tian believed in the performance of the four 'Bavaria-class' battleships and three 'Mackenson-class' battlecruisers of the Atlantic Fleet, the Americans were not vegetarians either. Among the 11 battleships, 7 are battleships equipped with 12 356mm main guns, and five of them are equipped with 356mm main guns with 50 times the caliber. The other four ships are equipped with 406mm main guns with 45 times the caliber. The performance of these battleships can definitely be regarded as world-class battleships. If one-on-one, the capital ships of the German Navy may be able to occupy some advantages. However, the advantage will not be too great. In the case of being seriously less than the other side in number, if a war breaks out, the Atlantic Fleet is definitely not the opponent of the US Fleet.

Of course, the German Navy was not unprepared. Just over a hundred kilometers behind the Atlantic Fleet, a formation of six aircraft carriers is cruising in this sea area. Once a war breaks out, groups of carrier-based aircraft will be able to fly over the US fleet in less than an hour. Even though the U.S. Navy's battleships have strong defenses, the carrier-based aircraft that can already carry medium-sized aviation torpedoes are more powerful. For example, if those carrier-based aircraft launch an attack on the US fleet, they will definitely be able to drown the US fleet with overwhelming attacks.

It's just that now Germany has no intention of going to war with the United States. The most important thing for Germany now is to digest the benefits gained in the war. The people are also eager to hope that their lives can be improved as a result. Under such circumstances, everyone naturally does not want to break out of war.

Germany's war against the Austro-Hungarian Empire, if it hadn't been for the death of Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph I and Karl I's own ability problems, Germany would not start now. Of course, this opportunity is definitely a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Germany. If you miss it, it may be very difficult for Germany to find opportunities in this area in the future.

It is precisely because of this that the German navy showed restraint in the Atlantic Ocean and did not take the initiative to provoke. Otherwise, given that the German navy is already number one in the world, how could it tolerate the Americans approaching the Eastern Atlantic? You know, this can already be regarded as the doorstep of Germany. This sea area has always been in the hands of Germany.

"Your Majesty, the American fleet is still about 200 kilometers north of the Azores. Our Atlantic Fleet is less than 30 kilometers away from the Americans. The aircraft carrier formation is 100 kilometers east of the Atlantic Fleet." Twenty kilometers away." Admiral Reinhard Scheer, Secretary of the Navy, replied.

"Are the Americans acting provocative?" Qin Tian asked.

"Your Majesty, that's not true. However, they linger in this sea area and refuse to leave. This is undoubtedly a threat to the empire. In addition, the development speed of the US Navy is too fast. Their current 11 battleships, The performance is very powerful. According to the information we have received, the U.S. Navy still has a number of capital ships under construction. If they are successfully built, then the Imperial Navy may no longer have an advantage in terms of capital ships." Lai Marshal Inhard Scheer was a little worried.

Although, the German Navy still has an overall advantage in terms of capital ships. However, the strength of the German navy was scattered all over the world. It is far inferior to the fact that the U.S. Navy gathers its strength in the Atlantic Ocean.

This time and space is different from the other time and space. The United States does not need to worry about the threat of island countries. Because both the United States and the island countries have a common enemy, and that is Germany. In order to contain Germany's strength in the Far East, the United States even spared no effort to support the development of the island country. This also allows the island nation to quickly rebuild its navy. The United States can also place all its main naval forces in the Atlantic Ocean, threatening Germany's interests from another direction.

Qin Tian nodded: "They want to vigorously develop capital ships, so let them develop. Anyway, our goal is very clear."

Qin Tian is naturally happy to see the United States and other countries vigorously developing capital ships. After all, although the United States is rich and powerful. However, the national power of a country is limited after all. With the United States vigorously developing capital ships, other aspects will inevitably be affected. And the final battle will prove that battleships simply don't work. In the ocean of the future, the aircraft carrier is the real king.

The German Navy now has six aircraft carriers in service. Moreover, the construction of the next batch of four aircraft carriers has also started. In the future, the German Navy will at least guarantee a large fleet of 15 aircraft carriers, which will be assigned to the larger fleet of the German Navy. Of course, due to performance reasons, the first aircraft carriers in service will also be decommissioned after new aircraft carriers are in service, ensuring that the German Navy's aircraft carrier formation will become stronger and stronger when the number remains unchanged.

Qin Tian hopes that when the war between Germany and the United States breaks out in the future, the fifteen aircraft carriers owned by the German Navy will all be super aircraft carriers capable of carrying more than ninety carrier-based aircraft. Moreover, those carrier-based aircraft, in addition to fighter jets, dive bombers can carry heavy aviation armor-piercing shells weighing up to one ton. The torpedo attack aircraft must also be able to carry 533 mm heavy torpedoes, or even 610 mm super torpedoes. In this case, the strike capability of the German Navy's carrier-based aircraft force will reach its peak.

"Your Majesty, according to the information we have received, the United States and the United Kingdom are also jointly developing aircraft carriers. Although the Americans have no experience in this area, the British were destroyed by our aircraft carriers in the last world war. , which made them pay attention to the development in this area. Now, they are jointly developing with the Americans, and the progress is still very fast. I am afraid that they will pose a threat to us in this area before long." Reinhardt ? Marshal Scheer said.

Qin Tian nodded: "If they want to develop, let them develop! After all, we can't stop them. However, what we have to do is to continue to develop. In this way, they can only catch up with us forever, and cannot surpass us !"

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