Iron Powder and Spellcasters

Chapter 288: scramble

   Chapter 288 Fight

  The war is not only raging in Vigne County and Middle Iron Peak County, but a more brutal war is also going on in Lower Iron Peak County.

  This war has no shining armor, no banging banners, no grand, ups and downs stories, and no etiquette, rules and kindness.

   Just a group of ordinary people struggling to survive and home.

  The Terdon people regard them as prey and livestock, wantonly taking their property, liberty and even their lives.

   They had to abandon their homes and hide in the mountains just to survive. But even so, the Teltown people would not let them go.

   They had no reinforcements, no rear, and many did not even have a real weapon.

   They were not warriors either, but farmers, craftsmen and traders who depended on hard labor to make ends meet.

   This war has no honor, dignity or honor for them.

  Only survival, survival is victory.

   As Bard said when he released Ronald et al: "There are no soldiers, no troops, there are only peasants. You, me, all have to fight—and only peasant ways.


  Tiefeng County, Langtun Town, the wild forest at the northern foot of the Jinding Mountains.

   His mouth was tightly closed and his eyes were watching vigilantly. The Terdun warrior named [Stone Arrow] held a bow and led a horse, and walked carefully on the forest path.

  The forest originally had no road, so many creatures walked, so they stepped on a road.

  Unfortunately the road was not safe, so Stone Arrow let a little slave go ahead.

  The little slave holds a long stick in his hand, and he uses the long stick to check whether there is a pit before he dares to take a step.

   There were more than 30 subjects and slaves behind Shijian. In order to make as little noise as possible, all of them walked on horseback.

  The northern foothills of the Golden Summit Mountains are undulating and the giant trees are towering. Walking in it will greatly hinder the vision, which makes Terdun people who are used to seeing the cows and sheep in the wind and grass very uncomfortable.

   About "a calf" away from Shijian, Qing Ma and his men were also heading deeper into the forest, but neither of them could see the other.

  [Note: The calf does not go far, so it is often used as a metaphor near the felt tent, about one kilometer]

  After Ganquan's death, the property originally belonging to Ganquan - horse herds, subjects, slaves and trophies were divided by stone arrows and green horses.

  Although Ganquan also has a two-year-old son, but in the wasteland where the weak eat the strong, a man who cannot draw a bow has no right to inherit.

   There was also a middle army between the flanks of Shijian and Tsingma, with nearly two hundred men, led by Turukota [Bald Dog].

   The left and right wings and the central army are roughly fan-shaped, silently approaching the prey.

   This is a hunting, the hunting is carried by the bald dog, and the trophies are also the bald dog.

  Shi Jian and Qing Ma were reluctant to come, but their status was low and their strength was weak, and they were not qualified to say no.

  Reluctantly, he dragged his feet. Stone Arrow dawdled and moved his legs, stepping on the shoe print of the little slave in front of him with every step—he was really a little scared.

   Gan Quan died more happily. He died in a beautiful ambush, so he didn't have time to understand what the "peasant way" was.

   And Shijian and Tsing Ma have "taste" the unforgettable hatred.

   People who have eaten grains dug up from "inadvertently buried" dark cellars in the morning will have symptoms of poisoning in the afternoon.

   In mild cases, he vomited and diarrhoea; in severe cases, his face turned blood red and he had difficulty breathing and died.

   Compared with human poisoning, horse poisoning is more terrifying.

  The seemingly ordinary haystacks are mixed with deadly yew leaves and twigs, and the horses will quickly twitch their limbs and collapse to death if they taste it.

  The upper and lower teeth of many horses were still chewing, and they died without understanding.

   Poisoning, traps, ambush... The members of the Teltown tribe gradually turned into frightened birds. Not only did they dare not feed the horses with hay, they even let the captured women try the food first.

   But these tactics are hard to hurt Teltown in a short period of time.

  The hounds of war ravaged the land recklessly. The Terdun people burned villages and towns, trampled farmland, tortured women, and killed every Plato man they could find. The plumes of smoke towering into the sky were clearly visible even in Zhongtiefeng County.

  The people of Lower Tiefeng County also killed them in the most brutal way... No, they killed every Teltown person they could catch as revenge.

  Teldens who were ambushed by genuine officers such as Bud and Ronald could even be considered lucky, because those who fell into the hands of the militia would literally be cut to the bone, beheaded, and discarded.

   Not even Bud and Ronald could stop the spread of this behavior.

   Therefore, with more than 30 people walking on the dangerous jungle path, every step Shijian took seemed to be getting closer to a broken corpse.

   He was afraid of anything, and a series of thumping sounds and horse neighs suddenly came from behind Shi Jian.

  Stone Arrow's back suddenly became cold, and he subconsciously wanted to mount a horse and run wildly.

   He waited stiffly for a moment, without hearing the frightening screams of killing.

   Looking back, a licorice-yellow short-tailed horse fell to the ground with its head up, humming hot air.

  [Licorice Yellow] struggled to get up, but its right front leg had sunk into the ground, down to the knee.

   "Pull out! Pull out the horse's leg!"

   "Get out of the way! Watch out for it's dicks!"

  Licorice Huang became manic with fright and pain, and the Teltown people next to it circled helplessly around it.

   At this time, another mutation occurred.

   A middle-aged slave let out a miserable cry, as if he had shrunk a bit in the blink of an eye—he was also as yellow as licorice, with one leg sunk into the pit.

   The other Teltowners took a lot of effort to lift one man and one horse out of the pit.

  An old slave groped for Licorice Yellow's injured leg and ankle, and said happily, "No break, no big deal."

  The old slave led Licorice Yellow and walked forward, but the latter screamed incessantly, and did not dare to touch the ground with his right front leg.

   It seems that although Licorice Yellow did not break the horse's hoof, it will take a while to ride again.

   On the contrary, the middle-aged slave who stepped on the pit was injured more seriously: a sharp wooden cone penetrated the sole of his boot, leaving a deep blood hole on the sole of his foot.

   Seeing that one person and one horse made such a tragic situation, the mood of the leader and the slave became even more depressed.

   Initially, the people of Teltown encountered large pits filled with thorns and bear traps.

The    Big Sinkhole and Bear Trap are deadly, but easy to spot.

  Especially the bear-hunting clip—a few pounds of white iron, the people of Teltown are too happy to be happy.

   But then the people of Teltown couldn't laugh, because the pits they encountered became more and more hidden and the materials used became simpler every day.

   Up to now, they are all small traps of "a dirt pit, a wooden cone", and there are pits about the size of a mouse hole, which are specially designed for horses.

  Perhaps the nobles still think that the two-legged people are just lamb-like docile prey, but the ordinary tribe already knows very well that the Paratus are definitely not sheep - at least not here.

  Shi Jian looked at the injured slave and the injured Licorice Yellow, not only was not annoyed, but a little happy.

   Just as Shijian was thinking about when, three riders came through the forest, and the leader was actually Turukota [Bald Dog] himself.

  Stone Arrow The crowd hurriedly bowed.

   "What are you doing? Make this big noise?" Bald Dog asked with a gloomy face.

   "My people stepped on a pit."

   "What's the problem with stepping on a pit? Hurry up and march."

   "But..." Shi Jian hesitated: "We have to send some people to bring the injured back."

  The bald dog narrowed his eyes and held the gold-encrusted handle: "Who was injured?"

   Hearing this, the middle-aged slave who stepped on the pit got up in panic. He reluctantly stood upright, blood dripping from the soles of his boots and into the soil.

   "Hurry up and march." The bald dog shouted: "If you delay the hunting, I will kill you."

  Stone Arrow swallowed his anger.

   For the Hurds, masculinity is an important part of authority, but Stone Arrow doesn't care that much right now.

  The bald dog was obviously coming at him, and if he made any excuses, he might be killed on the spot.

  Stone Arrow left the wounded and injured horses and continued to move forward. Although they had just stepped on the trap, they still had to follow the trail.

  Because there may be traps on the side of the road, and there are ready-made trails that are not followed, going to the forest and wild areas will delay time.

  This is not the grassland of Pingchuan, you can go anywhere. This is a virgin forest with a deep and a shallow foot, and you will get lost if you are not careful.

  Stone Arrow walked forward reluctantly.

  The bald dog did not give up, but made progress. Like the true master of these minions, he rode behind the line to the Overseer.

   Follow the trail to the end, it is a river valley.

  The river valley runs from east to west, and no one is seen on either side.

  The bald dog sniffed against the wind and ordered the stone arrow to lead the person east.

   Dog nose is Pima nose spirit, just turned a corner, a hidden camp on the south bank of the river valley was exposed to the people of Teltown.

  The camp is surrounded by a fence made of branches. Inside the fence, you can see tents, birch bark and straw roofs, and even vague human figures.

   This is the prey, and this is why the Terdon came here—the secret camp of the Palatine.

   "Oh! The two-legged man's secret camp!" The bald dog was overjoyed: "You hide your traces, and wait for the right wing and the central army to come. If the two-legged man is disturbed, I will kill you!"

   Leaving a few threats, Bald Dog set off to find his followers.


   Hiding in the mountains, building camps to hide, leaving empty villages and towns...

   The people of Teltown were not at all surprised by the two-legged man’s decapitation—because that’s what the Hurd tribes did.

   Every time there is a war, all the adult men in the Hed tribe go out to battle.

  The chiefs will gather all the cattle, sheep, goods, women and felt tents, and then choose a remote hidden place to place them, which is the so-called old camp.

  When men were fighting outside, the old, young, women and children hid in the old camp and waited for news. And when it was time to abandon the old camp, the leaders of the various ministries would never hesitate.

   Therefore, for the various ministries, clearing and copying the old camp is one of the important links in the war.

  Because there is no loot in battle, fat cattle and sheep, beautiful women, and glorious palace tents are all in the old camp.

   In Shijian's view, the two-legged people here are nothing more than replacing an old camp where all the wealth is concentrated with many small camps.

   After scavenging the floating wealth of large and small villages and towns, the people of Teldun, who are not satisfied with the harvest, naturally turn their attention to the forest.

  Telden people demarcate the area like hunting, tracking shadows, searching mountains and fields, and digging three feet in the ground.

   Although the secret camp is hidden, it does not have long legs. A puff of green smoke, a flock of birds, a trail trodden by humans and animals, or even a single bad luck can lead to an exposed campsite.

  As the secret battalions were found one after another, some of the treasures seized by the chieftains of Teltown were already full of large and small saddlebags, and all the horses were unable to carry them.

   Those leaders who come home empty-handed have green eyes with envy—for example, bald dogs.


   For this "old camp" in front of him, Shi Jian was not very interested in it, and he couldn't get the spoils.

  Bald Dog did not explain it, but Shijian knew very well that Bald Dog would not give him anything, which led to the second reason - Bald Dog was mad with hunger, while Shijian was already full.

   After waiting for a long time, Shi Jian heard the sound of a horn coming from the front.

   The Battletown light cavalry rushed out of the forest and headed straight for the secret camp, led by Bald Dog.

   Another horn sounded from another direction, and Tsing Ma also led people to the secret camp.

  Shijian ordered people to blow the horn, step on the horse, and jog to the secret camp.


   Knives, lights, swords, shadows, people howling and horses neighing.

  Two groups of people are fighting desperately in a simple camp, one group is small and the other is large.

  The side with fewer people holds spears, bows and arrows, and machetes, draws bows and arrows, and gallops to kill.

   Needless to say, the former is from Teltown, and the latter is a militia of Lower Iron Peak County.

   In this battle of hundreds against dozens, the militias under Ronald's command were already firmly holding the Teltown people in check.

Pushing wheels and carrying door panels, the militia slowly rolled over the Teltown camp in an awkward but unstoppable fashion—yes, the battle wasn't in the valley's secret camp, but the Bald Dog's camp. .

   If it had been in the past, and the situation was not good, the people of Teltown would have fled long ago.

  But not right now, because all their loot is in the camp.

  Telltown people are like stingy squatters who push their carts halfway up the hill, bitten on the buttocks by the wolves who have been watching for a long time.

  If he stops beating the wolf, the car will be gone; but if he continues to push the car, his **** will be gone.

   Ronald frowned, staring at the small team of Terdun armored cavalry on the hillside who had never participated in combat - now he should be called Major Ronald.

   Riding with steps, there are two difficulties. First, the impact of the cavalry needs to be counteracted; second, the cavalry cannot be allowed to escape.

  The latter problem has been solved by Ronald; the former problem, Captain Appel has racked his brains to come up with a simple and rude tactic - "wheel formation".

   To put it simply, the front and back are supported by a mobile spear frame similar to a gun car, and the side is covered by a wheel with a thick sharpened long wood inserted.

  If the enemy does not move, then push the wheel; as soon as the enemy cavalry comes over, immediately put down the wheel, and in general use the "rollable anti-horse stake" to protect the formation.

  The wheel is both a means of transport, a barricade, and a support for a horse-rejection pole—of course, someone still needs to hold it.

   But hiding behind the wheels and holding a spear is easier than facing a cavalry charge with a spear in both hands.

  To a certain extent, the wheel array and the carriage array have the same purpose.

   But the wagon is too bulky to move once the battle begins. So just drop the wagon and leave only the wheels, so that the horse can also be cut off.

   Can it work? Epel didn't know either. But if the peasants who just took up arms are allowed to face the cavalry onslaught with only a spear like the soldiers in the standing army, it will not work.

   So this strange scene appeared on the battlefield:

  The militiamen were sweating and shouting chants to push the half-human-high wheel, the real "propulsion";

When   Telltown light rides over, they drop the wheels like an umbrella;

   Facing the tortoise-shell-like wheel formation, no matter how powerful the people of Teldun are, there is nothing they can do.

  The wheels are too high for the horse to jump over. If you rush up hard, it's hard to say whether you can knock it away, but the person who hits it will surely die. The people of Teltown did not intend to kill themselves, so they chose to shoot arrows at the wheel.

The    militiamen were also armed with slings, javelins, bows and arrows and barbarians.

   From time to time, people from Terdun fell from their horses, and some militiamen screamed and covered their wounds and fell to the ground.

  Teltown Red Feather stared coldly at the "wheel formation" rolling forward until the Paratus advanced to the foot of the hillside.

  The water was running low and the wheels had a tendency to roll down, and the exhausted militiamen gradually lost control of the heavy wheels.

  The originally compact front became loose at first, and then gaps began to appear - the ground is not always flat, let alone a row of wheels, even if a row of people bumped into bad terrain and wanted to walk neatly.

"[Herde] The two-legged men have dispersed!" Terdun Hong Lingyu raised his spear, stabbed the horse's ribs, and rushed down the hillside like an arrow from a string, and Terdun's armor followed closely behind him: " [Herd] God is above!"

  The charge of more than a dozen cavalrymen gave the illusion that there were thousands of horses, and the other Terdun light cavalry also turned their horses and followed.

   "It's your turn." Seeing that the opponent had shown his cards, Major Ronald also sent his bulldog: "Adam, come on."

The   Telden armored cavalry deftly passed through the gap between the wheels and the stalwarts, and the morale of the militia collapsed at the touch of a button.

  Red Feather held a spear and stabbed a man's back, and the spear sank deep into the flesh. The man fell, and Hong Lingyu let go and pulled out the machete.

  The other Terdun armored and light cavalry filed in from the breach, and the Platoons fled in all directions.

  Hong Lingyu thought that the next thing was to chase after the two-legged man, but found a small group of two-legged man rushing up against the flow of people. He didn't even think about it, he slashed with the knife.

  Lieutenant Adam (front), who only had one arm armor, roared and swung his round thorn mallet, and smashed it against Hong Lingyu's machete.

  The thorn mallet is essentially a stick with an iron tip. In order to ensure strength, a very thick wood is used.

  Red feathers and feathers on horseback, Adam fights on foot. The former is condescending and chopping, and theoretically has the advantage.

   However, when the knife and the mallet collided, Hong Lingyu only felt an unstoppable force coming back from the weapon.

  Hong Lingyu's palms were numb, the tiger's mouth was torn apart, and even his wrists were sprained.

   What was even more unexpected for Hong Lingyu was that his machete slashed deeply into the wooden handle of the opponent's strange weapon, unable to move.

   This scene is also beyond Adam's expectations.

  It stands to reason that the wooden handle of the long-pole weapon should be repeatedly brushed with oil, dried and even covered with iron to ensure that it will not be cut off.

  Adam didn't have time to complain about the quality of the stabbing mallet, he roared and pulled down with all the strength of his body, and Hong Lingyu's scimitar let go.

  Adam took advantage of the situation with a top-to-bottom stepping thrust, directly poking the right rib of Hong Feather.

  The tip of the mallet is against the armour, and sparks are scattered.

  In the end, only a depression was left on the nail, but the impulse was transmitted to the human body through the nail.

  Hong Lingyu's ribs were immediately broken by four, and he was so in pain that he couldn't make a sound, and fell to the other side of the saddle.

  The shoddy thorn mallet also reached its limit. The front end of the thorn mallet's wooden handle exploded with a "bang", and the iron cone flew somewhere.

The    warhorse was frightened and ran wild. Hong Lingyu's left foot got stuck in the stirrup, screaming and being dragged away by the war horse.

  The other Teltowners who rushed into the "wheel formation" were also entangled by Adam's daring team.

  The people of Teltown gradually realized that something was wrong. The wheel array used the wheels as the wall, and there must be a gap.

  This gap is like the mesh of a sieve. People can climb, drill, and squeeze through, but horses can’t.

The   Platoons only escaped from the wheel, but did not continue to flee.

   Instead, they went back to the wheel and turned the wheel array over.

  The spears of the Hudds have two points on both ends, and the spears and stakes of the Palatians also have two points.

   With a forceful pull, the "Hedgehog" with the spear pointed outward turned into an "Iron Maiden" with the spear pointed inward in the blink of an eye.

  The people of Teltown found themselves locked in the Iron Maiden.

   [Thanks to book lovers for their collection, reading, subscription, recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, rewards and comments, thank you all]



   (end of this chapter)

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