The first few design drawings were just appetizers. When they saw the last drawing, they couldn't hold back at all. They stood up with a "scratch" sound, trembling all over, as if they couldn't believe what they saw in front of them. design diagram.

Among these people, there was a middle-aged man who looked extremely stable. At this moment, he looked at the design drawings excitedly. The next second, he couldn't wait to open the dialing interface and make a call...

"Hey, Dad."

"Don't say anything yet. I have an architectural design here that is enough to shock the whole world, but I'm not sure I can see through it. Can you help me take a look at it?"

"I can't send it to you directly. This is a drawing sent by a partner I just received. Even I can't understand the subtleties of it. Some of them I can't even understand."

"If there weren't some designs I'm very familiar with, I would have thought this was some fool's imaginative design. You will definitely be surprised when you see it!"

Wu Wanjie said with excitement.

You know, his father once participated in the design and construction of the Three Gorges Dam, the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, the North-South Water Diversion Project, and the Yanjing Bird's Nest. He published countless papers that were of great help to civil engineering. He was named a professor, and later participated in many national-level construction projects and had outstanding performance and was named an academician of the Academy of Engineering.

Over the years since he was born, he has seen many famous people come to visit his father after he retired, just asking for his father's advice. Some people even spent a lot of money just to have his father design a house for him.

However, these requests were all rejected.

He once asked why this was, but his father said that he did not seek fame or fortune in his life, but only hoped to make further progress in civil engineering, hoping that one day he could independently complete an important national project!

But now that he is old, he will retire and live in seclusion as soon as he reaches the age. When he goes back to visit on weekdays, he can still find that he is still studying hard. If the country needs help, he will go directly to the "battlefield" without saying anything.

I have tried to persuade my father over the years, but to no avail and had to give up.

He also inherited his father's good blood and had a unique interest in architecture since he was a child. Although he did not serve the country in the end, he could still make his own contribution to the country in another way.

Now he has opened a construction company, and he takes on various projects on weekdays, and his life can be considered happy.

It's a pity that my father always wanted me to go to the National Academy of Engineering. If I didn't go, the relationship between father and son would become a bit tense.

But now that he found this blueprint, he didn't care and contacted his father quickly.

He had a hunch that if he missed this matter, he and his father would regret it for the rest of their lives!

Thinking of this, he came back to his senses and hurriedly replied to Su Bai:

"Principal Su, I have taken over this project. No payment is required. Please let me participate in the construction!"

No reward, this was the advantage he thought of just now.

Once this design drawing is circulated, knowledgeable people will continue to participate in this huge project even if they have to pay for it.

If these design drawings are real, even if someone just learns a little bit from them, he will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of his life.

If this project is completed according to the drawings, this project will definitely shock the world!


While Wu Wanjie reacted quickly, the other people could also see the value of the drawing, and they immediately replied to the message saying that they didn't want any reward, just take care of it!

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