After reading this, everyone should also find that the writing of this book is actually getting more and more crooked, and the quality has also declined.

If everyone can follow it till this point, Xiaoyu will not consume everyone’s love for this book. This chapter is the final chapter, and it also explains to everyone the original direction and subsequent ending of the book.

The following text:

After developing the lithography machine, Shanhe University directly attracted the attention of the world, including major foreign media, which focused on a junior college like Shanhe University.

Logically speaking, such a college is the lowest among all universities in China, and yet such a college has developed a lithography machine that they could not develop even if they spent hundreds of billions!

And it's not just the five-nanometer and four-nanometer lithography machines they are familiar with, but also the one-nanometer lithography machine that leads the world!

This move was undoubtedly a slap in the face under the major sanctions regulations.

After confirming the authenticity of the news, Yingjiang did not hesitate to directly issue a number of sanctions against Shanhe University, and forced Shanhe University to stop sanctioning Shanhe University if it did not hand over its technology.

Su Bai turned a blind eye to this. The sanctions clauses that were very fatal in the eyes of others were as if they were nothing to him, and he did not need to rely on these foreigners.

Moreover, Shanhe University has a permanent ban on accepting foreigners, and it never thought of dealing with them in the first place.

I have a trump card like the system in my hand, why do I still need to be humble and beg these beasts who eat people without spitting out their bones?

Therefore, no matter how much other countries behaved on the Internet, Su Bai did not pay attention to them, and sometimes even posted some obscure posts, without exception, they were all scolding them in different ways.

This made them furious through the screen, but there was nothing they could do about him.

After all, from the development of the photolithography machine to the present day, they have not received any news at all, and the relevant raw material technology has been tightly covered, and it is impossible for a college or university to obtain it.

This approach of Shanhe University was quickly recognized and supported by Chinese netizens, and the official high-level officials even gave a thumbs up, saying that Shanhe University can apply to the country at any time if necessary.

One month later...

An international debate competition was held in Kyoto, my country, and Shanhe University was also on the invite list.

When all netizens speculated that Shanhe University would not participate in the competition, the Shanhe University team appeared on time at the competition site, which immediately caused an uproar among netizens.

"Damn it, Shanhe University really dares to compete. You have to know that this is an international debate competition. Most of the students in their school have only been in college for less than two months. Is the professional knowledge strong enough?"

"Come on, this debate is not about who has a good mouth. This debate is about whose professional theoretical knowledge is strong enough. It is impossible for a graduate student to compete, right?"

"According to rumors, among the personnel sent by Qingbei and Yanjing this time, the worst one is also a graduate student, and the strongest one is even a master's degree. They are all famous in the industry!"

"Ah? If you say that, isn't Shanhe University just here to make a fool of itself? This is an international debate competition, and there will be foreign contestants. They won't embarrass China...


There is no difference in the direction of the trend on the Internet this time, and most of them are not so optimistic about it. After all, students at Shanhe University can only stay in school for more than two months at most, and those postgraduate and master's students who have studied in depth for several years There is no comparison at all.

This is a game without suspense.

When everyone saw Shanhe University, they had already anticipated the ending, and they all sighed behind the screen.

Similarly, not only netizens were not optimistic, but also students from other schools at the competition site frowned at these students from Shanhe University.

What do these people think, that they actually want to participate in an international debate competition?

From the time they entered school until now, they haven't even had half a year to complete their studies, and they actually want to participate in an international debate competition?

Isn't this embarrassing?

If this were an internal debate competition, it would be okay. At most, it would just add a laughing stock, but this is an international debate competition. If you lose face, you will throw it directly abroad.

But it's a pity that they can't stop people from participating in the competition. They just feel upset when they think of being embarrassed and humiliated by those people from abroad...

After the game started, it was no surprise that Shanhe University shined brightly. They caught everyone off guard with all kinds of small combos. They left no room for foreign teams and played their best, leaving them speechless.

Without any suspense, Shanhe University won the first place in the debate, shocking China and the whole world!

Shanhe University also started to attract the attention of the world from this moment on.

After settling for a period of time, Su Bai directly connected to the photolithography machine and began to develop controllable nuclear fusion. This news shocked many people.

After receiving the news, the Yingjiang Intelligence Bureau urgently reported it to its superiors. The priority of the news about Shanhe University has long been raised to the highest level. Any news must be reported at any time.

After learning the news, Yingjiang decisively activated various spies hidden in China to monitor Shanhe University in real time and steal information.

However, what they considered to be a very secretive operation had been discovered by Fuxi and reported to Su Bai.

After learning the news, Su Bai directly compiled a list of spies and handed it over to the country. Immediately afterwards, Huaxia carried out a massive clean-up operation. The spy organizations hidden in Huaxia were directly uprooted, and no one escaped. Pass.

After the successful development of controllable nuclear fusion, the world structure gradually changed subtly. Eagle Sauce Blue Star's position as the hegemon was in jeopardy, and the economy was hit hard!

Subsequently, the satellite and satellite launch pad independently developed by Shanhe University were successfully constructed and launched live around the world on the first anniversary of the founding of Shanhe University.

Under the witness of everyone, a satellite independently developed and built by the university flew into space...

Shanhe University was officially promoted to a super first-class university a year later with a number of important research and development projects.

This super first-class name is a name specially established for Shanhe University by the National Education Bureau. It stands above the 985 and 211 universities and is the well-deserved number one university in China!

The world rankings have also been affected. Harvard University, which was originally ranked first in the world, dropped to second place. Shanhe University from China deservedly topped the list of various universities!

Driven by so many top technologies, China has already firmly established itself as the world's number one hegemon. In terms of technology, they have been ahead of the Blue Stars for decades, even hundreds of years!

And at the same time as this Eastern dragon wakes up, as mankind explores the universe more deeply, a greater crisis is slowly brewing...

The whole book is finished!

This book begins on 2023-11-16 and ends on 2024-4-7. I wish all readers a bright future and all their wishes come true.

I am Xiaoyu, thank you for reading this book, and I sincerely thank all readers who sent gifts for their support.

We are destined to meet again! ! !

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