Is It Harder To Get Admitted To Your Junior College Than Qingbei?

Chapter 2 Invitation From The Whole Network, Do You Call This A University Textbook?

"Overnight, Shanhe University exploded!" 》

"From the school badge to the admission notice, who is Shanhe University?" 》

"Shanhe University, the dream university for candidates from the four provinces of Shanhe and China!" 》


"Shanhe University..."

Su Bai felt a little familiar. There seemed to be such a university in his memory in the previous life, and it was also on the hot search. At that time, the popularity could be said to be lasting.

But...if I remember correctly, the so-called Shanhe University is just a true "cloud university" dreamed up by a group of passionate teenagers who just finished the college entrance examination!

So, the current Shanhe University is also fictional?

I clicked on a few posts at random, and after a closer look, there is almost no difference from the previous life. Moreover, it is now the peak period of public opinion. 90% of netizens across the country know about such a magical university.

And through this incident, many people have seen how difficult it is for the four provinces of Shanhe. It is obvious that the number of college entrance examination participants accounts for a quarter of the total, but the four provinces cannot get three 985, and the admission rate is even lower. Ridiculously low.

Just because there are so many students taking the college entrance examination, some schools that only need 500 points to get admitted need 550 or even more to have a chance to get admitted.

They want to ask, why? !

Not only that, the recent incidents in these universities have been full of scandals.

A certain college gives foreign students special treatment. As long as they enroll, they will be accompanied by beautiful girls, have single rooms, and even receive various scholarships.

Some time ago, the leader of a certain college called a deer a horse, and played the trick of human nature and sophistication clearly.

Even in Qingbei, China's top university, most of the cutting-edge talents in various fields they have trained are lost overseas and contribute to other countries. It's heart-breaking. This is truly heart-breaking!

Some time ago, Yingjiang lithography machine technology once again ushered in innovation, and the leader of this project was the genius who originally belonged to me, Yangyang Huaxia!


All these factors were put together to create a university that is in everyone’s heart, Shanhe University!

Even if Su Bai watches it again in this life, he will inevitably feel a little chilled. He has heard most of the above things, but in his previous life, he was just an ordinary person. All he could do was like the video and comment to increase the popularity.


Shanhe University......College System......

Anyway, I am going to build a university, so why not Shanhe University? A top-notch university that truly belongs to China!

I am worried about how to promote it. Isn’t this an excellent opportunity?

After all, for a top university, the most basic issue is the admissions problem. If it is hyped up, all problems will not be a problem.

Moreover, one billion funds is definitely not enough, so why not try crowdfunding as mentioned in the previous life?

Su Bai looked at the topics related to Shanhe University in the search bar and already had some thoughts in mind.

Since it is now at the peak of its popularity, why not take advantage of this popularity and directly establish a university?

Thinking of this, Su Bai just did it. After thinking about the words, he immediately turned on the camera of his mobile phone, pointed it at himself and started recording the video.

"Ahem." After clearing his throat with a few coughs, Su Bai started recording.

"Hello netizens who have seen this video. Some of the netizens who have seen this video should be friends from all over the country who have just finished the college entrance examination. You must have heard of Shanhe University, which has been popular all over the Internet recently."

"Although this is just a "cloud university" conceived by everyone, everything now shows that this kind of university is the ideal university in everyone's mind!"

"There is a line from the poet Du Fu that is quite good: There are tens of millions of mansions, and the great shelter will make all the poor people in the world happy."

"There is also another sentence: "The country is broken by the mountains and rivers, but the mountains and rivers will never be defeated from now on. "

"Let poor scholars get real help, let the country's talents stop flowing out, let education be fair, and let education no longer be a plaything of capitalists!"

"The four provinces of Shanhe and Shanhe cannot produce three 985 projects. Is this fair? This is not fair!"

"But education should be fair, just and open!"

"At this point, I announce to thousands of students in China that Shanhe University will be officially established from today!"

"Perhaps my strength alone is not enough, so it requires everyone present and the entire China to mobilize the strength of the nation to build a university that truly belongs to China!"

"The oath of Shanhe University: We stand in front of the great future of China, with our heads held high towards the stars and the sea, and our sonorous oath is like the sound of thunder. Shanhe University, this institution full of hope and passion, is dedicated to the rise of the Chinese nation and the great China." dream, and work hard unswervingly!”

"Shanhe University is a university that belongs exclusively to China. For a better future, we uphold the wisdom and tradition of Chinese civilization for five thousand years, inherit and develop it, gather the light of China, and shine on the stage of the world!"

"The above are my challenges that will last for a period of time in the future. I have prepared all my wealth to invite the entire network. Shanhe University will be built by you and me!"


After the recording was completed, Su Bai watched it several times, edited out some unnecessary clips, and optimized the picture content.

After editing, Su Bai directly posted the recorded video to his Douyin account.

In order to prevent no one from paying attention, Su Bai even directly bought tens of thousands of yuan for recommendations for the video, ensuring that it would attract a certain amount of popularity.

His purpose is to attract the attention of the entire network, and then the next thing will be much simpler.

After the recording ended, Su Bai remembered that he had not used the rewards in the novice gift package just now, but he happened to have used them all now.

The land contract was quietly lying in the system's backpack. Su Bai's university qualification was also directly named Shanhe University. All that was left was to wait for the system to take action.

As for the one billion start-up capital, Su Bai was just thinking about it when he saw a bank card text message.

[Huaxia Bank: 1000000000 yuan was transferred to your account at 14:23, and the current balance is: 1 billion and 3900 yuan. 】

The funds have also arrived, but one billion is definitely not enough. The rest will need the support of all netizens...

As for the last two remaining, these are the top priorities for the establishment of Shanhe University.

With a thought, the knowledge of all subjects and the skills of a world-class architect merged into Su Bai's mind.

For a moment, Su Bai felt as if his head was about to explode, and countless knowledge was pouring into his mind.

Fermat's conjecture, Riemann's conjecture, Goldbach's conjecture, feasibility of superconductivity, photolithography machine micron technology, Wang Xizhi's teaching, Hua Tuo's medical skills, VR, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, controllable nuclear fusion...

From mathematics and Chinese to artificial intelligence and controllable nuclear fusion, all operational theoretical knowledge was poured into Su Bai's mind. In an instant, he became an omniscient and omnipotent being in the world.

After receiving the memory, Su Bai was stunned on the spot.

"You call this a college textbook?"

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