After the meeting, there were suddenly fewer people making negative comments about Shanhe University on the Internet. Only some fools who were led by marketing accounts for no apparent reason were still scolding.

But these people soon discovered that once they made negative comments about Shanhe University, many people would say the same about them.

But suddenly, all the friendly forces disappeared, and then these people were attacked by the swarming enemy forces and were forced to log out of their accounts.

As the news of the official start of construction of Shanhe University spread throughout the Internet, it also triggered a wave of crazy donations.

Before the change, everyone was amused when they saw the information about Shanhe University.

Perhaps some netizens will express their support verbally. As teacher Zhang San said, Shanhe University’s original intention is good, but don’t blindly follow the trend.

After all, before Shanhe University officially opens, no matter how high it is, this is just a fictitious university.

But what netizens didn’t expect was that just a few days after Shanhe University was announced, the construction of the school started directly, and national academicians participated in the design and construction?

No, principal, such a big thing as building a school was started without a word. A project involving thousands of people and hundreds of millions of yuan started so suddenly?

The major netizens reacted with excitement, especially this year's college entrance examination students. The construction of the school has already begun. Maybe Shanhe University will be completed before the start of this year.

Doesn't that mean that they can just catch up with the first batch of students from Shanhe University this time? !

Crazy, endless crazy!

The construction of Shanhe University was officially launched, with thousands of people and national academicians participating, which directly dispelled the doubts in the minds of many netizens.

In this fast-food era, netizens have been shocked and numbed by all kinds of weird things that have been turned over and over again.

So, after seeing the official announcement of the establishment of Shanhe University, everyone was excited, but their minds were very clear and they still maintained an observational attitude towards this matter.

As for crowdfunding, netizens still have doubts in their minds before the matter comes to an absolute conclusion.

But even so, the crowdfunding funds in just a few days still reached hundreds of millions, which is only a small part.

After the construction of Shanhe University was officially launched this time, the majority of netizens no longer had any worries. They had the money to contribute and the strength to contribute.

In just half a day, Su Bai's crowdfunding funds increased rapidly, but the person involved was completely unaware of this.

At this time, Su Bai was still walking around various construction sites with the live broadcast on, and when he saw some workers' minor mistakes, he pointed them out in a timely manner.

After looking at the buildings in the open space, Su Bai took the netizens to the mountains.

After passing through the dense woods and following an opened dirt road, everyone came to an open space in the woods.

This location is not high, just halfway up the mountain and a little further down.

The open space has been cleaned up at this time, and the machinery next to it starts to operate. First, dig down the open space. After digging to a certain depth, start laying the foundation, placing steel bars, and pouring concrete...

With the operation of the machinery, Su Bai also introduced to everyone in the live broadcast room that this area will be used as a dormitory building for Shanhe University students in the future. It will be quiet and comfortable, warm in winter and cool in summer, creating a comfortable rest environment for students.

And many entertainment venues will be added near this place in the future.

For example, KTV, gym, snack street, shopping mall...etc. are all arranged.

After listening to the scene described by Su Bai, netizens have begun to think about it, imagining what a wonderful four-year college life they will have if they can go to Shanhe University!

"It's a good arrangement. The people need a principal like this. Even the students' daily life is taken into consideration. I will definitely apply for Shanhe University!"

"Frog, this place is going to be the dormitory building in the future? I just saw that the principal walked for almost ten minutes to get here. If he goes to school in the morning, he will be late, right? What should we do? Arrange a school bus?"

"Holy shit, this is my dream university. Can all domestic universities learn from Shanhe University? Look at the dormitories you have been using for decades and are reluctant to change. It's okay if you don't go to this university!"

"It's warm in the winter and cool in the summer. This place is like a dream school. Principal, what is the admission score of our school? If it's not enough, I can learn the skills right now!"


Under Su Bai's vivid description, netizens in the live broadcast room seemed to have imagined that after waking up from the dormitory, the fresh air and comfortable environment would make people full of motivation for the day.

Not to mention that the school is also equipped with a series of leisure venues such as gyms, KTVs, and snack streets.

This is not going to school, this is clearly a vacation!

Any of the leisure places mentioned above, I wonder which school in China or even the world can do this?

Let students pay attention to their physical health and exercise more every day.

Not to mention the gym, it’s hard to say whether I have time to go to the gym at the end of the day.


This thing is something that I dare not even think about.

Some schools may build a gym to cope with the inspections of some leaders, but after three or four years until graduation, there will be a big lock on the door every time I pass by.

As for KTV, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, the school has banned entry to these commercial entertainment venues on campus.

The more I heard about it, the more excited the netizens became. I really wish that Shanhe University would be built immediately, and then I would go to Shanhe University no matter what!

But there are also some netizens who frown more and more as they listen to it. Teaching should be a very serious matter.

And how can the word university be linked to things like KTV and gym?

Students should study hard. If they indulge in fun all day long, what is the point of education?

Subsequently, some comments criticizing Shanhe University for making people lose their minds and not worthy of being a university appeared in the live broadcast room.

Su Bai saw these people responding with cold voices: "There is a word in the dictionary called, work and rest."

"It is because of people like you that the modern education system is so deformed."

"You only think about how to improve people's academic performance faster and treat students as learning machines."

"But you have forgotten one thing. Students are also human beings. He is not a cold learning machine. He also has emotions, and he will also be angry and troubled because of one thing."

"The suicide rate among teenagers in our country is increasing year by year, hitting record highs many times. How much of this is due to your forced learning?"

"Learning is right, but forcing and compulsory learning and education are wrong. We should listen more to their ideas, keep up with the times, and change the old and unchanged education methods."

"This is the twenty-first century, sir, times have changed!"

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