"What? You said that Xiaosu has developed a fighter jet that is stronger than the J-20, and it has been deduced by super computers, and the top speed can reach about Mach 10!!!"

The drowsy Mr. Wu heard the news in the middle of the night and let out a sharp explosion. He couldn't believe that the news he just heard was true.

"Pa!" Mr. Wu gently smacked his other hand.

"It hurts, isn't this a dream?!"

"Hiss!" Mr. Wu took a deep breath after confirming that this was not a dream.

Isn't Xiao Su already accomplished enough in civil engineering? Now you tell me that he can also develop fighter jets?

No wonder this kid asked me for the email address of a scientific research institute before going to bed. He was still confused at first, but now it's okay, the fighter jets have been sorted out.

The background of this phone call is not trivial.

Liu Qi is one of the important leaders of the country and a figure who can sit in the Congress.

I had reported Xiao Su's matters to him before. Now I didn't expect that Xiao Su would develop fighter jets in addition to civil engineering. Even this leader took it so seriously.

"Mr. Wu, you, Xiao Su, are quite capable. Mr. Chen told me that Xiao Su is definitely a once-in-a-century monster in the military field. This kind of talent..."

Liu Qi finally developed a love for talents. It would be a great pity if such a national treasure-level genius could not be used by the country. As for the university, it would not be impossible to replace him with someone else.

"Leader... I'm afraid this matter may be a bit difficult. I've told you before that this guy can definitely be called a once-in-a-century genius in civil engineering."

"Besides, I can't make a decision for him. I have to ask for his own opinion..."

"Okay, then you go find him after you wake up today, send a message for me and ask him what he thinks, and what he plans to do with this drawing, whether to donate it conditionally or unconditionally."


After hanging up the phone, Mr. Wu still didn't believe what just happened.

How did Xiao Su suddenly become a fighter developer?

Although civil engineering and fighter jets are both design drawings to a certain extent, one is a building and the other is a war weapon. The span shouldn't be so big, right?

Moreover, even the old guy from the Academy of Sciences actually said that Xiao Su was a once-in-a-century monster in the military field.

What an honor it is to be evaluated like this by a national academician?

In two completely different fields, Su Bai was able to achieve the best in both. If he remembered correctly, there seemed to be another one who was also top-notch in carving skills.

Is there really such a perfect person in this world?


The next day, Su Bai opened the door sleepily.

"Mr. Wu, what are you doing so early in the morning?" Su Bai asked softly, yawning.

"You kid, you didn't even tell me such an important thing, which caused me to lose sleep all night!" Mr. Wu said angrily and walked into the room.

When Mr. Wu said this, Su Bai noticed that the dark circles under his eyes were thicker now, and then thought about what he said.

Did Mr. Wu find out about the blueprint?

Su Bai suddenly became more awake when he thought of this. Since he didn't come to him directly, he must have asked Mr. Wu to pass on the message.

After finding a place to sit down, the two began to talk...

"So, the higher-ups want me to enter the scientific research institute and directly participate in military research and development projects?" Su Bai said in surprise.

"Well, that's right. The higher-ups are very optimistic about you now. Let me ask you what your opinion is. If you want, you can directly enter the Research Institute to participate in research and development."

"As for Shanhe University, you can leave it to me directly."

After Mr. Wu finished speaking, he looked at Su Bai like this, waiting for his answer.

Su Bai didn't hesitate when he heard this, he shook his head and refused:

"Mr. Wu, I have no intention of entering a scientific research institute for the time being."

"This drawing of mine can be donated to the country for free, but there will be a small request."

"Do you still remember my original intention of establishing Shanhe University?"

"Shanhe University, an institution full of hope and passion, is working unswervingly for the rise of the Chinese nation and the great Chinese dream!"

"Okay, okay!" Mr. Wu was reminded of memories from long ago by Su Bai's words.

Once upon a time, he also devoted his entire youth to the construction of the motherland. Even if he was given another chance to choose, he would choose this path again without hesitation.

Originally, Mr. Wu didn't really have any expectations for Shanhe University. What attracted him to come was just the advanced technology in Su Bai's hands.

So much so that when I faced Su Bai's invitation before, I just smiled and passed it by, and I never thought about joining this Shanhe University.

But with a period of contact, Mr. Wu's impression of Su Bai and Shanhe University changed again and again.

Until this moment, he was finally sure.

Under the leadership of President Su Bai, Shanhe University will surely become a rising star. The boast of becoming the number one university in the world within three years does not seem to be a lie.

"In that case, I can give you an explanation. What is your request? I will help you put it forward to the superiors."

Mr. Wu felt very relieved at this time. He took advantage of the opportunity to ask clearly about his needs. If it was troublesome, he would go and show his face in person.

"The requirements are not high. I hope Shanhe University can cooperate with the country. In the planning, Shanhe University also has a college reserved for the National Defense Technology Institute, but... you know."

Su Bai said as he took out the design drawing of the Institute of Defense Technology and showed it to Mr. Wu. Almost all the facilities inside were built to the highest standards, but some crucial things were missing.

These things can only be produced by the army.

"You kid." Mr. Wu couldn't help but tease after taking a look at the design.

Even Mr. Wu of the Institute of National Defense Science and Technology did not expect that although he rejected the country's invitation, the connection would be deeper because of this relationship.

The name of the Institute of National Defense Science and Technology alone means that it has a close connection with the country. It can even be said to be better than entering a scientific research institute.

This move is wonderful! It's so wonderful!

Mr. Wu looked at the young man in his early twenties with some emotion. He has such a heart at this age, and he will definitely leave a strong mark in world history in the future.

"I will record these requests of yours and report them to the higher-ups. Whether they will agree or not depends on the higher-ups' opinions."

"It's getting late, so I'll go to the construction site first."

After that, Mr. Wu left the hotel.

Mr. Wu couldn't sleep anymore since he answered the phone in the early morning, and even came to the door of Su Bai's room early to wait.

Fortunately, after this conversation, Mr. Wu was very pleased with the final result.

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