The two elders had not noticed the change in their son at this time, and looked curiously in the direction of his finger.

[Your ranking has entered the top 50 in the province. Please check for details in three days. 】

The second elder was stunned when he saw this line of words.

Although my son has been very competitive in his studies since he was in elementary school, he can basically get into the top ten in the grade every time, and he can even get the first place from time to time.

But they never expected that in the crowded college entrance examination, their son would be so successful, ranking among the top 50 in the province, and his results would be blocked!

"Ah! Ah ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!" After coming back to his senses, my father jumped up excitedly and laughed crazily.

My mother, on the other hand, was more quiet, covering her mouth and wiping tears while looking at that small line of words.

He also didn't expect that his son would be able to get into the top 50 in the province. This was the province, not the city!

Among the top fifty in the province, you can basically choose any university in the country, and it won't be long before calls from Qingbei and Yanjing come to your door!

What an honor it is to be among the top 50 in the province. It’s like the smoke is coming out of the ancestral graves to achieve such an achievement!

A small line of words almost determines a person's future life direction.

A string of numbers without any life almost determines a person's future outcome.

In a villa, the same family sat together and prepared to check the results.

As the chairman of a listed company, the only regret in his life is that his son does not live up to expectations in studies.

In order to prepare for the upcoming college entrance examination, the father and son agreed to reward their son with a Porsche 911 as long as he scored above 400 points.

Only these things can arouse this guy's interest in learning. I don't know if it will be possible to cram for the last three months before the college entrance examination.

For this college entrance examination, I hired countless one-on-one tutors in three months, and any one of them was a graduate of 985,211 prestigious schools.

Lin Qingqiu was also excitedly looking at the score checking interface and entering his exam number.

Different from other people's excitement, this guy is now excited about whether he can score more than 400 points and get the Porsche 911 as a reward.

It would be great if I could drive such a car out for fun, but I couldn’t let my hard work over the past three months go down!

Four hundred and eighty-seven!

"Nice!" Lin Qingqiu stood up from the stool excitedly, as if he had already seen the scene where he was sitting inside the 911.

When the old father saw this result, he finally breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he didn't embarrass me.

"Come on, seeing how happy you are, I'll take you to pick up the car tomorrow!" The old father looked at his son's expectant eyes and said with a slightly impatient tone.

But in fact, he couldn't help but be happy now.

If it weren't for his long-term business experience in managing his expressions, the corners of his mouth could no longer stop curling up. It could be said that he was even more depressed than AK.

The mother on the side didn't have so many worries and laughed sincerely.

A score of over 480 is enough to get into a good university. This result is already quite good.


The world is like this, there is no absolute fairness.

Some people work hard for the college entrance examination just for a reward, but some people's lifelong efforts may not be worth a small reward.

Except for the above two rare cases, most ordinary people's situations are actually similar.

After checking the scores, either they just reached the undergraduate passing line or failed and fell directly to the junior college line.

People with good grades may be able to get into 985, 211 colleges, etc. if they work hard to meet the score line.

And there is a group of people who are in a state of ruin from beginning to end.

After an hour or two had passed in the scoring system, they stopped the ranked match they had just lost to check the scores.

There are no surprises. Two or three hundred points are just like a junior college student. Some are even so low that you can't even apply for junior college.

But they just didn't care, they exited the score checking system and continued to the next ranking...

In fact, the above example is a mirror for many people in the education industry. Since the implementation of the diversion from general vocational high schools a few years ago, most students entering vocational high schools do not like studying.

And the environment can sometimes even determine a person's future. In such an environment with no one to study, even if you don't perform well in junior high school, it is still far away if you want to work hard to pass the vocational college entrance examination and get a bachelor's degree.

Anyway, you can get into a junior college with just a few hundred points. It can be said that as long as you are a normal person, you can easily get into a junior college even if you fiddle with the multiple-choice questions in each subject.

However, the tuition fees for this kind of junior college are extremely expensive, and the results are useless. Even if you use them to find a job, it is an embarrassing situation where no one is hired.

Use your family's money to work around for three years. After three years, you will be in your early twenties. At the end of the day, you will either work in a factory or serve as a waiter to deliver food.

There are many reasons for not wanting to study, but there must be a reason.

The failure of the education industry is an indisputable fact.

In vocational high school, I spent half of my three years in high school doing internships, all of which made money for the school.

It’s called adapting to society in advance, but what does it mean to adapt to society in advance?

Going into the factory to punch screws, or the death assembly line?

After such a high school career, who else can get into a good university through his own perseverance?

Maybe there are people, but they are only one in a million.

But this may be the truest appearance of the public. Everyone lives an ordinary life.

Ordinary family, ordinary elementary school, ordinary junior high school, ordinary high school, ordinary university, ordinary job, ordinary house, ordinary car, ordinary wife, ordinary...

No illness or disaster in my life, everything is so ordinary.

To put it another way, we are all like NPCs living in the game, doing repetitive things every day, day after day, physically and mentally exhausted.

The dreams I had when I was a child have become worthless under the pressure of reality. What is a dream? Can it be eaten?

What did you want to do when you were a child? Now you remember it?

Deep in the mountains.

Wen Ning had arrived at the village chief's house early today, because only the village chief's house had the only computer in the village.

There were only two people in the room, the village chief and Wen Ning.

This was also Wen Ning's request. He was afraid that if he failed in the exam, he might make the villagers feel disappointed.

"Xiao Ning, it's okay. No matter how well you do in the exam, you must go to college and see the outside world for everyone. Just come back a few times a year to see us."

The village chief saw Wen Ning's nervousness and comforted him.

The main reason is that Wen Ning is under too much pressure, and the whole village's hopes are pinned on him. Everyone hopes that a college student will be born in the village, and everyone will benefit from it.

After all...for so many years, Wen Ning has been regarded as half a child of the villagers. Usually, when the big guys have good things, they always think about this little guy Wen Ning.

"Huh." Wen Ning took a deep breath after hearing the village chief's words, and replied with a forced smile:

"It's okay, village chief. No matter which university I go to then, I will definitely study hard and won't forget you all!"

As he spoke, Wen Ning entered his exam number on the computer. After scrolling through the web page several times, he finally stopped...

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