The Academy Points were great, but the only pity was that everything in the mall was extremely expensive, and the thousand Academy Points I just got couldn't be exchanged for anything.

Su Bai simply turned out to be out of sight and out of mind. After closing the mall, he began to research intelligent AI assistants.

The remaining two rewards are described in detail. Both of them can only be used after the school is completed. Only the intelligent AI assistant can be used directly at this stage.

Live on any internet-connected device…

My mobile phone should count, right?

That's not right, then how can he show up after calling him?

Just when Su Bai was confused, the cell phone on his body suddenly made a sound.

"Master, I am your intelligent AI assistant. Do you need any help?"

When Su Bai heard this, he quickly took out his mobile phone from his pocket and asked in a suspicious voice:

"Were you talking just now?"

"Yes Master, I don't have a name now, please Master give me a name."

"Little Love?"

"Thank you Master, Xiao Ai is at your service at any time!"

"Little Love?"

"Master, I'm here."

After confirming that the AI ​​assistant was always present, Su Bai also tried to command it to complete some simple instructions.

For example, transferring how much money to someone, or asking him to check something, all of this can be completed almost instantly as long as the order is conveyed.

Obviously Xiao Ai has more uses than these, but Su Bai hasn't explored it yet.

He took out his mobile phone and flipped through it casually, and naturally saw the hot search about CCTV Shanhe University.

This was not surprising to him, because he had gone through the discussions with the people above him during previous discussions, and this hot search could be regarded as a disguised promotion for Shanhe University.

After all, there are quite a few people who originally wanted to apply for Shanhe University, but there are also some who have been directly persuaded to drop out by the junior college.

A small part of it is due to distrust.

But since Mr. Wu appeared, the distrust of this group of people towards Shanhe University has been reduced a lot. However, this group of people disappeared immediately after CCTV came off the stage.

The fate of CCTV also made many middle-aged people know that there is a school like Shanhe University.

Over the years, both men and women, old and young, have become very positive about serving in the military.

There are even many families who want their children to serve in the military. They will go to military school directly after the college entrance examination and then join the army after graduation.

Originally, military academies were very popular in volunteer applications, and now there is an additional Shanhe University College of Defense Technology. These parents are naturally very happy. This means that there is another choice for filling out applications.

And during this time, I heard about Shanhe University from other people from time to time. After searching online, I found out that it is just a junior college.

My son just finished the college entrance examination and said he wanted to go to this school. He was very resistant to it before, but now he likes it very much.

Ever since, after get off work today, there was a situation like this in various parts of China.

"Son, you said some time ago that you wanted to go to Shanhe University, right? Mom allowed you to go!"

"Really? Mom, you didn't lie to me, did you?" The son who was watching the video stood up and looked at his mother expectantly.

"Of course, but when the time comes to apply for a major, you have to listen to me."

"Okay, okay, as long as I can go to Shanhe University, I will listen to you in whatever major you choose!"

The poor child didn't see the hot search on CCTV today. He didn't know which major his mother would enroll him in.

Of course, some of them wanted to get into the military academy. After discovering that Shanhe University had a National Defense Science and Technology Institute, they secretly decided that their first choice would be to apply for Shanhe University.

For no other reason than because everything the president said spoke to his heart. With such a president, how could Shanhe University be limited to just a junior college?

When the college entrance examination scores are released, the admission scores of major universities across the country will probably be released at the same time tomorrow. Applications will start to be filled out in three days. Admission results will be available in ten days, and then you can wait to receive the admission notice.

At this time, netizens are actually curious, what is the admission score of Shanhe University, which has been so popular recently?

Although Shanhe University is only a junior college, the National Defense Technology Institute has an admission score of 500% from the beginning, which is really hard to say.

The current Shanhe University is very strange. Although it is not an undergraduate degree, it is better than an undergraduate degree.

And with the Institute of National Defense Technology here, as long as Shanhe University recruits teachers normally, promotion to undergraduate colleges is easy and easy.

Ever since, many netizens asking about the admission score suddenly appeared below the official account of Shanhe University.

If it is other schools, even if the current admission scores have not been released yet, netizens can make inferences based on past scores, and the deviation will not be too big.

But Shanhe University has only been established less than ten days ago. Let alone the admission scores in the past, there is no current admission score.

Under the attention of many netizens, Su Bai also noticed the curiosity of netizens.

Looking at the admission scores he had planned in his hand, Su Bai especially wanted to know what their reaction would be like when they knew the admission scores.

After receiving the news from the Education Bureau yesterday, Su Bai set the admission scores for the major departments of Shanhe University overnight.

It can be said that once the admission scores of major departments in my hand are released, it will definitely cause an uproar.

It wasn't because of anything else, it was because even Su Bai felt that this admission score was a bit outrageous, let alone these netizens.

Originally, Su Bai was a little hesitant about whether to announce the admission scores tomorrow following the announcement from the Education Bureau.

But seeing the various rhythms of impatient netizens, I wanted to see what the admission score of Shanhe University was.

Since everyone has asked for it, as the principal, I must satisfy everyone's request, right?

Thinking of this, Su Bai took a screenshot of the admission score line from the electronic file and posted it directly on the official account.

Netizens who were still setting the pace in the comment area saw that the official account of Shanhe University had updated the video, and they rushed over one after another after smelling the smell.

Opening lightning strike!

The video is also just a picture. There is no redundant words in the introduction. It just states that this picture is the admission requirement of Shanhe University.

When netizens saw the admission scores in the first column, they fell silent.

And the further down the page, the more silent netizens become.

This picture is like Arthur, one skill after another, silencing all the netizens who came quickly.

School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, admission score...

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