Is It Harder To Get Admitted To Your Junior College Than Qingbei?

Chapter 37 You’Re Fine With Yourself Being Ruined, Why Don’T You Let Others Get Better?

As soon as the admission score of Shanhe University was announced, many colleges and universities that had been paying attention to Shanhe University were shocked for a while.

Everyone paid attention to the CCTV announcement. They were surprised that a junior college from Shanhe University actually cooperated with the country to establish a National Defense Science and Technology Academy Cup.

What they didn't expect was that as soon as the admission scores of Shanhe University were announced, even the National Institute of Defense Technology, which was originally the most dazzling, became a foil.

How dare he? It's obviously just a junior college, but its admission score is already comparable to that of Yanjing in northern Qing Dynasty, beating all the 985 and 211 universities!

Your Shanhe University is indeed very popular, and the benefits on campus are also very good, but this is not the reason why your admission score is so high.

People have more than 600 points and don’t consider Qingbei or Yanjing. Even some 985 and 211 are better than your junior college, right?

Is the president of Shanhe University so confident?

At this time, the admissions directors at Qingbei and Yanjing schools were also full of confusion.

They naturally saw the announcement issued by CCTV at this time, but what they were confused about was that they had never heard any news about this matter before.

It's was decided suddenly!

Moreover, they thought that Shanhe University was a slightly popular junior college, but they never expected that the admission score of Shanhe University was actually close to that of Qingbei and Yanjing!

On the contrary, the Institute of National Defense Technology, which they attached great importance to, instantly became the last one. This confusing behavior puzzled the two of them.

And the strangest thing is that this year should be the time when Qingbei and Yanjing are competing for students, and all the staff in the admissions office are ready to go at any time.

But there has been no news from the Education Bureau. At this time in previous years, the list of the top 100 students in the college entrance examination in each major province has been sent to his mailbox.

But this year, several hours passed before the scores were checked, and there was no movement from the Education Bureau. What happened this year?

However, the two of them were not in a hurry at this time.

If you didn't receive the email, then the other party must not have received it either.

What puzzles the two of them most now is, what is the origin of Shanhe University?

The former National Academician caused a sensation on the entire Internet. As directors of the Admissions Office, the two of them naturally have to pay attention to the trend of public opinion on the Internet, so they naturally noticed this news.

However, neither of them paid much attention at the time. After all, Qingbei and Yanjing schools alone had more national academicians than they could count on two hands.

It was just a national academician helping with the design. This made the two of them a little curious at most, not even surprised.

But now Shanhe University's Institute of National Defense Technology is really cooperating with the national army. As long as you graduate, you can join the army. This represents the recognition of the country!

But with the admission score of more than 600 points...isn't Shanhe University really trying to impress people?

However, the two directors do not take Shanhe University seriously even now. Shanhe University now looks more like a clown in front of them.

How can you achieve 985 in one year, catch up with Qingbei in two years, and win the world's No. 1 university in three years? Do you really think that people will believe this if you just say it casually?

In the end, those people will only come to apply for Qingbei or Yanjing. When faced with their future, how many people will choose a college that only talks big words?

In addition, Shanhe University has previously mentioned that the school will establish a subway for school transportation, and there are a variety of entertainment and leisure venues on campus.

Isn’t this a joke? Learning is a very serious matter. School is a place for teaching and educating people. How can there be such things as KTV?

Shanhe University is like a rat droppings in the education industry. This kind of school must not be allowed to become a scourge and cancer in the education industry!

However, Qingbei and Yanjing schools did not want to meddle in other people's business, but some colleges and universities laughed out loud when they saw this. They will never tolerate Shanhe University gaining a foothold in the education industry!

If you build your school so well, what will other schools do?

Follow the changes?

Change is impossible, not even in this life!

Just by looking at the design drawings of Shanhe University, these principals could see the gold coins in their wallets flowing away. How could this be possible?

Moreover, our school is not even equipped with school buses. You just get on the subway. What do you want our schools to do?

Now the comment sections of the official accounts of major universities have been destroyed, and they are all asking their schools to learn from Shanhe University to see what a school is.

This unhealthy trend must be criticized, severely criticized!

Students are just here to study. They don’t need such good housing, good food, and gyms. They have no use at all!

If we follow Shanhe University and engage in such chaos, the principal will no longer mention Land Rover, and the principal’s villa will be gone. Who will bear the loss? !

Originally, everyone wanted to make a joke, but they couldn't find an excuse. Who knew that when the admission score of Shanhe University came out, everyone was shocked.

Ever since, after the admission score of Shanhe University came out, some universities reposted the video intentionally or unintentionally, and then included some weird and sarcastic words.

The implication is that Shanhe University is not worthy of being called a university at all. Pheasant School appeared out of nowhere and bought a few hot searches and really thought it was a world-class university.

With a score of more than 600 points, you really think you are Yanjing in the north of Qing Dynasty. You are said to be fat, but you are still out of breath.

However, these colleges and universities that forwarded the video obviously underestimated the fighting power of netizens.

Originally, Shanhe University's cooperation with the country immediately made netizens feel like they had become a regular army.

Although the admission score is very high, it does not affect the fact that there are still many people who want to apply for Shanhe University and take a gamble, just in case they get admitted.

With the fate of CCTV, everyone believes that Shanhe University will soon be promoted to an undergraduate institution. There must be a reason why he dares to charge such a high admission score!

And when Shanhe University is at the cusp of the storm, this group of colleges and universities that don’t know whether to live or die jump out to suppress Shanhe University overtly or covertly. How can we tolerate this?

If you say that his admission score is high, it’s okay. He spends a lot of time building dormitories and gyms that everyone likes, and you criticize them. What do you mean?

Even if you yourself are bad, why don't you let others get better?

College students, who were already suffering from the harsh campus environment, directed all their anger at these colleges and universities.

Just complaining is not enough to relieve their anger. Some people even took the dormitory and campus environment of their school to all the comment areas, giving a good lesson to all the candidates who are about to apply for college.

These outstanding schools were directly listed on a list with the worst campus environment in the country, which discouraged many candidates who were still preparing to apply for this university.

Seeing this result, the expressions on the faces of those in charge of the schools were very exciting.

I originally wanted to suppress Shanhe University, but I didn't expect that I ended up shooting myself in the foot!

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