Is It Harder To Get Admitted To Your Junior College Than Qingbei?

Chapter 48 Qingbei: The Number Of Applicants This Year Is Less Than Half Of Previous Years?

The day had not passed yet, and everyone was surprised to find that the promotional video released by Shanhe University at noon had already received tens of millions of views, more than five million likes, and more than three million retweets.

When I clicked on the comments, they were all positive reviews without exception.

Even the usually ubiquitous Xiao Heizi didn’t see a single one in the comment section today.

Just because of this video, the official account of Shanhe University once again gained one million followers that day, and Su Bai's personal account also reached the number of tens of millions!

Su Bai was also paying attention to the response to the promotional video this time unlike before.

You must know that this is likely to be related to the subsequent application for voluntary enrollment, and is an indispensable part of the rise of Shanhe University!

Su Bai felt relieved after seeing everyone's feedback was good, and there was even a vague tendency to apply for Shanhe University.

This time, Shanhe University has a total enrollment of 10,000 students for the general public. After all, it includes dozens of departments and nearly hundreds of majors.

And this is only the first batch of enrollment. Without sophomores and juniors, it is more than enough to recruit 10,000 students. After that, the annual enrollment number may slowly decrease.

After solving the recruitment problem of the promotional video, he looked at the mailbox, which was full of emails waiting for him to filter.

The bait thrown three days ago is finally showing some reaction now.

Su Bai first asked Xiao Ai to conduct a preliminary screening, and then handed it over to him for personal inspection.

The teaching staff should be prepared early, and the teaching materials must be distributed to these teachers in advance to prepare lessons.

Otherwise, school would have started by then, and the teacher would open the textbooks in class.

good! I do not know either......

In order to avoid this problem, teaching materials must be distributed to these teachers in advance, and they must be allowed to come to school in advance to adapt to the campus.

That being the case.

Then let the teachers come to the school to report in advance one week before the start of school, and then the teaching materials will be distributed uniformly.

In this way, at least you don't have to worry about the textbook being leaked too early. Some of the things in it cannot be explained by yourself, and they are important secrets of various countries.

When the time comes, after signing the confidentiality contract, at least most people will be bound. As for some few people, let Xiao Ai handle it.

So there is no need to worry about the leakage of teaching materials for now.


Good times are always short-lived.

The first day of volunteering passed quietly when thousands of students shouted in the name of mountains and rivers.

Some are happy and some are sad.

But this time, only Shanhe University is happy, but all universities in the country are worried.

Today is the first day of volunteer application filling. Each school can see its own school's application filling rate in the background.

Logically speaking, the peak periods for filling out applications are the first and last days, and most students will choose to fill in their applications during these two days.

On the first day of this year, major colleges and universities originally thought that this year's promotional video was good, and the score line was slightly lower than last year.

In this case, the number of applicants on the first day will be higher than last year.

But... after clicking on the background data and looking at it, the faces of the admissions office directors of each school turned green.

Originally, the number of students enrolled per year was around 6,000-8,000. On the first day of application, at least twice as many people applied for their first choice.

But this year, at least half of the first-choice candidates were originally chosen, but only one-tenth of them were chosen this year. Only more than 2,000 people filled out their first choice for their school!

The proportion of first-choice candidates dropped sharply, but the proportion of second- and third-choice candidates increased significantly.

What's going on? Why has the first choice application rate dropped so seriously?

Many colleges and universities thought it was a system error, so they logged out and refreshed the data several times, but there was no change at all. There were still more than 2,000 first choice students.

For a time, the expressions of the admissions directors of all colleges and universities became very ugly.

If this data is reported, they, the director of the admissions office, can't do anything. They can just resign and save some face.

This data was so weird that everyone quickly turned on their phones to see if there was something wrong with the hot search.

As soon as they opened the hot search, the first post let them know why this year's data is so dismal...

Admissions Office of Qingbei University.

Liu Jun looked at the background data with a gloomy expression.

Since I released the promotional video today, I have been paying attention to the promotional videos of Yanjing and other well-known universities.

Among them, Shanhe University itself is particularly focused.

The moment the Shanhe University promotional video was released, I clicked on it to watch it.

Unknowingly, I suddenly came to my senses after the video ended, and when I saw the video again, it was already over.

hiss! This video is actually a promotional video for Shanhe University. The scene in it is the future Shanhe University? ? ?

Then I will promote a fair!

Seeing that all the people in the comment section wanted to apply for Shanhe University, Liu Jun knew that Shanhe University's campaign was successful.

The admission score of more than 600 points is comparable to Qingbei Yanjing.

Although I thought that this might have a certain impact on Qingbei and Yanjing, I didn't say that the impact would be so big!

According to the number of applicants on the first day of previous years, nearly 10,000 people applied for Qingbei University as their first choice.

Since there is no early enrollment this year, according to my expectation, the number of students will increase by about 2,000.

But no one expected that Shanhe University would suddenly appear on the way, and countless candidates would definitely apply for Shanhe University.

Regardless of whether the score is good or not, Shanhe University is your first choice.

What Liu Jun didn't expect was that the originally expected number of 12,000 first-choice applicants turned out to be only 5,000 in one day!

Not even half of it!

However, the number of applicants for the second and third choices has increased significantly.

The influence of Yanjing and other prestigious universities alone is not great, that is to say... Shanhe University accounts for most of the influence!


Originally, Liu Jun thought that Shanhe University, a junior college that had just been established, might not even be able to make a promotional video.

Unexpectedly, not only did he do it, but the effect was also very obvious.

Now almost the entire Internet is discussing Shanhe University, and even more people are applying for Shanhe University in batches.

As they said: "Although my scores are not good enough, it does not prevent me from applying for Shanhe University. We just want to show our attitude that Shanhe University is the university we really want to go to!"

"What a Shanhe University..."

Yanjing Admissions Office.

Feng Huai also looked at the background data with confusion at this time. If it hadn't been refreshed several times, he would have thought that the system had made an error.

Obviously there is no early recruitment this year, so it stands to reason that the number of applicants should hit a new high.

But what’s the deal with less than half the number of applicants in previous years? ? ?

Could it be that they were all attracted by Qingbei? No, Qingbei hasn’t made any big moves recently. Logically speaking, it shouldn’t be?

Feng Huai was very confused at this time. The number of first-choice volunteers has dropped so much this year. As the director of the admissions office, he must have something to do with it.

But there is obviously nothing special about this year. There are even no early admissions candidates because there is no list of outstanding students.

According to his own expectations, the number of applicants for Yanjing University should reach a record high this time, but how could it be cut in half?

Confused, he quickly opened the latest trending news to see if his nemesis had come up with any new tricks...

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