Is It Harder To Get Admitted To Your Junior College Than Qingbei?

Chapter 56 I Don’T Want My Brother To Suffer, But I’M Afraid That My Brother Will Drive A Land Rover

Chen Rui vented loudly, not caring about the eyes of others, and happily grabbed the admission notice from Shanhe University and ran home.

The passers-by who were standing aside just now looked sideways at Chen Rui. There was nothing strange in their eyes, but just a hint of envy.

Shanhe University is now almost well-known to everyone. When I filled out my application this year, I could hear people discussing this university almost every day.

Originally, they were curious about what kind of school Shanhe University was. In the past, the ones they had heard most about at this time were probably Qingbei or Yanjing.

But after they learned about it, the number of applicants on the first day was as high as 700,000, setting a record for the highest number of applicants in college history.

After that, the total number of applicants has reached millions, which is a number that has never been heard of before.

More than one million people applied for the exam. Isn’t this better than Yanjing in northern Qing Dynasty?

And I heard that the admission score of Shanhe University is over 600 points, which is almost catching up with Yanjing in northern Qing Dynasty.

If their children could be admitted to such a school, it would be almost the same as Yanjing in northern Qing Dynasty.


As admission notices from Shanhe University gradually appeared across the country, admission notices from Shanhe University were also circulated online.

And every admission notice that appears can almost arouse the envy of people around you and your peers.

This is the Shanhe University they have longed for, the university everyone dreams of!

On this day, whoever issued an admission notice from Shanhe University in major Moments, social forums, short videos and other major software would be envied for a while.

Shanhe University is the university that Chinese students really want to go to!

"Ah ah ah, I'm so jealous. Who on earth has taken my place in college? It should be me. Who is it!!!"

"I can't stand it anymore. I'm jealous. I'm going to kill all of you who were admitted to Shanhe University!"

"Who is going to such a university? My family is completely speechless!"

"Ah, ah, seeing my brother admitted to Shanhe University would be even more uncomfortable than killing me. I don't want my brother to suffer, but I am afraid that he will drive a Land Rover!"

"Stop it, there is a college bully who lives in the same dormitory as me. He did not want to apply to Yanjing, but he insists on coming to compete with his brothers. Now his admission notice has arrived!!!"


Major netizens looked at the admission notice from Shanhe University and compared it with the one in their hands.

Bah, what kind of rubbish notice is this!

The more they think about it, the more uncomfortable they feel. Some of them even throw away the admission notice in their hands and resolutely choose to repeat the study for another year so as not to leave any regrets in their lives!

After the admission results came out, some people were happy and some were sad.

After twelve years of studying hard, I can finally witness the results today.

Some people get admitted to the university they want to go to, while others go to a university they don't like because of a few points difference.

But there is a group of people who are different. They were admitted to Qingbei, and they were admitted to Shanhe. I baked sweet potatoes, baked sweet potatoes, and sold three for ten yuan.

There are still a small number of people who can be admitted to their favorite universities. Most people are rejected because of a gap of more than ten points or even a few points, and then are admitted to their second or even third choice.

There are four choices in total. If the first three are the universities you want to apply for, then at least one university will definitely be admitted in the end.

Otherwise, it would be really funny if your scores were obviously pretty good, but you failed because you were not admitted to any school by a few points.

The happiest among them are naturally those students who were admitted to Shanhe University.

No words can describe their mood at the moment they received the admission notice.

To be able to stand out from millions of people and be admitted to Shanhe University is even more difficult than Qingbei or Yanjing.

And this year, students who applied for Qingbei and Yanjing as their first choices also discovered that the admission scores of these two top universities in the country have been lowered this year.

I am obviously mentally prepared to be admitted to other 985 universities.

As a result, I didn't expect that when I waited until the day of the admission notice, I still had an illusive feeling until the admission notice from Qingbei was placed in my hands.

Didn't we agree that Qingbei's scores would be raised this year? I was admitted with a give-and-take attitude.

Not only that, students across the country who were admitted to Qingbei University and Yanjing University were surprised to find that the admission scores of the two top domestic universities this year have dropped significantly compared with last year.

And among them, the four provinces of Shanhe and Shanhe have seen the sharpest decline. They are almost on par with the admission scores of other provinces, completely breaking the idea of ​​high-scoring recruitment.

For a time, netizens continued to be suspicious.

"What's going on? It feels like it's not that difficult to apply for Qingbei, Yanjing and other prestigious universities this year. I haven't seen a single complaint post yet!"

"Not only these famous schools, but also the undergraduate colleges I applied for have become a lot easier. I was still a little worried."

"Stop it, I didn't get admitted to my first choice, Shanhe University, but I was directly admitted to my second choice for undergraduate studies, which was originally my first choice. Isn't this too easy?"

"Damn it, my grades were lower than the minimum score of the school of my first choice last year, but I didn't expect to be admitted. Is this a good bet???"


But as more and more candidates who have been admitted to prestigious schools are discussing how to lower the scores of the schools they applied for.

Only then did netizens discover that it seemed that no matter which school they were in this year, the score lines had dropped compared to last year, and some even admitted students with exceptions!

As soon as this result came out, netizens immediately sighed, and they probably guessed the reason.

Isn't it because there are too many people applying for Shanhe University this year and too few applying for other schools?

Therefore, these domestic colleges and universities have no choice but to lower the score line, and if it is not enough, they may even admit students under special conditions.

Among them, due to the serious loss of applicants in the four provinces of Shanhe, these colleges and universities have only now realized the seriousness of the problem and hastily lowered the admission scores of the four provinces.

But they still retain a trace of the majesty of being a prestigious school. Although they have dropped a lot of points, there is still a gap of dozens of points between provinces.

It's a pity. In the past, I had no choice but to apply for universities like yours.

But not now, now there is Shanhe University.

What, you said you are a 985 school with strong teaching staff and a long school history?

Sorry, that’s none of my business. There’s only one university in my mind, and that’s Shanhe University!

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