Is It Harder To Get Admitted To Your Junior College Than Qingbei?

Chapter 6 Support From All Directions, Donate 10 Million!

After reading many private messages, not only some construction teams, but also some companies that Su Bai was familiar with approached him and wanted to invest in cooperation, but Su Bai didn't read them and just ignored them.

"Mr. Su, I am also a member of the four provinces of Shanhe. I learned that you need to build a university and you still lack manpower. I have hundreds of people under my command, and they are all idle at the moment. Do you still need people?"

"Hello principal, I am the boss of a certain construction company. I admire your ideas very much. If you need help in construction, please feel free to contact me."

"Hello, Mr. Su, I am the captain of a construction team in the city next to you. To be honest, my child is also a college entrance examination candidate this year. I am well aware of the impact of Shanhe University. I also have hundreds of brothers under me who have just completed a project. , if you need anything, please feel free to contact me, I will rush to the scene with my brothers immediately!"


There are endless private messages, and there are even some private messages saying that they don't need any salary, and they are satisfied as long as they can participate in the construction.

However, Su Bai chose to turn a blind eye to such private messages. He was indeed short of money now, but he couldn't do anything like not paying for his efforts.

Netizens have good intentions, but whether they accept it or not is another matter.

For those serious and officially certified accounts, Su Bai carefully confirmed and sent a private message with their contact information, and would discuss it in detail after his drawings were made.

What needs to be done now is to build the official website first.

Naturally, computer programming was included in the textbooks he had received before. Building an official website was as easy as eating and drinking for Su Bai.

The official website introduction briefly summarizes the future plans of Shanhe University, and one paragraph is the Shanhe oath that Su Bai said in the live broadcast room before.

Now that the official website is available, the school badge must also be arranged.

The school emblem was carved by Su Bai himself. There is a looming dragon parading among the mountains. It looks so majestic and majestic, wandering in the great rivers and mountains of the motherland!

After that, Su Bai wrote down some tentative colleges, and each college also had an introduction...

Su Bai then wrote a crowdfunding channel in the corner of the official website homepage, and ensured that every fund was transparent and open.


While Su Bai was busy with various things, today's live broadcast once again caused an uproar on the Internet.

Some marketing accounts that like to ride on the popularity even work overtime and start making videos as if they have discovered some treasure.

As for the marketing account, the title and content must be a bit more explosive.

For example, "Shanhe University, which is popular all over the Internet, is actually a scam?" The school site is suspected to be a wasteland! 》

And as some marketing accounts confuse right and wrong, there are suddenly many voices criticizing Shanhe University on the Internet, especially in some comment areas, the rhetoric is very radical.

And when some netizens who feel something is wrong open the homepages of these people, without exception, they are all first-class accounts with no works and no fans.

There are even many such remarks in the comment areas of some videos that only contain the word "mountain and river" in the introduction.

Seeing this, smart netizens should have realized that this is a large number of navy soldiers hired by someone who knows, and the word "mountain and river" may be a triggering keyword.

Of course, with so much condemnation, a group of netizens who thought they were "sane in the world" discovered that things were reversed and began to join these trolls who suddenly appeared to criticize Shanhe University. This was just a show.

And as the live broadcast ended, "Shanhe University invited netizens across the country to crowdfund and build Shanhe together!" "This topic also became popular.

The topic of Shanhe University first became popular because of a video.

The video roughly talks about the injustice in the four provinces of Shanhe. The four provinces cannot make up three 985 programs. In this case, with so many people from the four provinces, even if one person donates 1,000 yuan, it is enough to build a university unique to the four provinces!

Although the current Shanhe University is somewhat different from what was expected, the location of the school is actually chosen at the junction of the four provinces of Shanhe.

Based on this, everyone from the four provinces of Shanhe is willing to contribute their share of efforts to complete this imaginary university!

Su Bai didn't pay too much attention to these comments on the Internet. Anyway, normal people can tell who is right and wrong after the official website comes out and construction starts.

Due to the huge public outcry over this incident, Chinese officials also began to focus on Shanhe University.

Although the crowdfunding matter has been registered in the system, according to the current situation, this crowdfunding must be a fund of hundreds of millions.

And these funds poured into the same account at the same time. If the so-called president of Shanhe University ran away with the money, it would be a major criminal fraud case.

All orders have been issued from above, and the bank regulatory authorities have begun monitoring capital accounts 24 hours a day. If any suspicious operations are interrupted at any time, people's property must be protected as soon as possible!

There is another incident that deserves special attention in this public opinion incident, which has aroused widespread applause from netizens.

"Shou Donglai expresses his support for the construction of Shanhe University and hereby donates 10 million yuan to Shanhe University!" 》

After clicking on the title, there was a notice from a company in the four provinces of Shanhe. The general content was to express support for Shanhe University, so the company decided to donate 10 million yuan.

This announcement immediately aroused support from netizens in four provinces of China.

In people's first impression, "Shou Dong Lai" is a supermarket owner. It is popular on the Internet for its good service and affordable prices. For decades, it has not forgotten its original intention and has always provided good service and quality.

In one of the four provinces of Shanhe, Shoudonglai is a household name and can almost be called a representative local enterprise.

And for such a company that runs a supermarket, it offered help as soon as Shanhe University spoke out, and the amount of money was huge. Who wouldn't be able to say something awesome?

After taking the lead, more and more people are willing to speak out for Shanhe University. Those who have money are prepared to pay, and those who have no money will contribute their efforts to help promote the university.

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