Is It Harder To Get Admitted To Your Junior College Than Qingbei?

Chapter 63 When Young People Are Strong, The Country Will Be Strong!

When the time was up, Su Bai looked at the already packed conference hall and felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart.

Unexpectedly, in less than three months, Shanhe University, which originally existed only in fantasy, would rise from the ground, and it would not be inferior to some 985, 211 and other universities in all aspects.

When the dream came into reality, even Su Bai, who founded Shanhe University with his own hands, felt a little dazed at this moment. The dream of thousands of students in China has just come true...?

No, that's not right!

This is not yet a realization. Only when Shanhe University is recognized and climbs to the top of the world will it be considered a real realization!

"Ahem." Su Bai coughed twice and tried the microphone in front of him.

The moment they heard the sound, the conference hall where there had been some discussion just now fell silent, and everyone looked curiously at the young principal on the stage.

If someone had told them before that a university president could be so young, only around 20 years old, they would have been dismissive. They could have made up such a lie at a glance.

But now, such a young principal has not only become their immediate boss, but he also seems to be extremely powerful and knows a thing or two about any field.

If it weren't for his age, they wouldn't believe that such an achievement could be achieved by a young man in his twenties.

After testing the microphone, Su Bai didn't talk too much and went straight to the topic:

“First of all, I would like to welcome everyone here to the wonderful family of Shanhe University.”

"Shanhe University is located at the junction of the four provinces of Shanhe. It is a university created by gathering the efforts of thousands of students from all over China and countless people from the four provinces of Shanhe."

"There are tens of millions of mansions in Anhui, and the great shelter will make all the poor people in the world happy."

"Let the people run their own universities, let poor scholars get real help, let the country's talents stop draining, and let education no longer become a plaything of capitalists!"

"Shanhe University is a university that belongs exclusively to China. For a better future, we uphold the wisdom and tradition of Chinese civilization for five thousand years, inherit and develop it, gather the light of China, and shine on the stage of the world!"


"In addition, Shanhe University attaches great importance to the daily behavioral management of teachers and students. I hope that all teachers, teachers and staff here will abide by the laws and regulations and be a respected teacher and a respected professor!"

"If someone violates school rules and disciplines and is reported or discovered, upon verification, he will be expelled immediately and will not be tolerated."

"If the matter is serious, the school will hold me legally responsible. I hope everyone can take this as a warning."

"Next, let Fuxi explain to you how to conduct teacher training."


While Su Bai was giving a speech, several cameras in the audience were broadcasting what was happening in the conference hall in real time.

Among them, Su Bai's personal account and the official account of Shanhe University also started live broadcasts to announce the progress of Shanhe University to the entire network.

And because of the popularity brought by the arrival of armed helicopters at Shanhe University, the number of people in several live broadcast rooms was all full at this time, and the number of people exceeded 100,000 not long after the live broadcast started.

In addition to having two accounts for real-time live broadcast, some news media have already contacted Su Bai and also conducted real-time live broadcast. However, the only pity is that they cannot conduct individual interviews.

Of course, these media also include China’s most authoritative CCTV, CCTV.

Ever since Su Bai came up with the blueprints for an improved fighter jet, Su Bai had already become a national strategic talent, and since he was still offering his services free of charge, the country would naturally do its best to help Su Bai.

For the education industry, they had thought about reform before, but the final result was obvious, it failed, and it failed miserably.

There are so many interests involved in the education industry, and there are countless obstacles at every step forward, as if there is a mastermind behind the scenes who is invisibly controlling the overall situation.

But Shanhe University is different. Shanhe University is a university built as quickly as possible with the whole heart of China. In addition to being a college in name, but judging from the current situation of Shanhe University in all aspects, Shanhe University has become the most prestigious university in China. One of the most influential universities.

1.2 million people applied for the exam at the same time. This is something that has never happened in the history of any country. Even if it is only hundreds of thousands of people applying for the exam at the same time, it is already surprising. Shanhe University has 1.2 million people. Made history!

This is public opinion and the people's heart!

Since ancient times, those who win the hearts of the people win the world.

And Shanhe University, this university that carries the dreams of countless students, will be unstoppable once its rise occurs, and no matter what conspiracy or trick it is, it will be vulnerable to it.

From the moment Shanhe University emerged, it already meant that China's education industry was bound to undergo a major reshuffle.

If young people are strong, the country will be strong!

When the first batch of students from Shanhe University graduate and go out into society, what kind of prosperous era will it be? !

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