Today is the day for new students to register. Logically speaking, each school will send seniors from the previous batch to welcome the new students.

However, since this is the first batch of freshmen at Shanhe University, the task of welcoming new students is assigned to various teachers.

According to each assigned department, you will then register in batches in subdivided classes. You need to find your corresponding counselor, who will explain what you need to know for admission.

Moreover, after students come to register, each student needs to sign a confidentiality agreement, which is to keep some confidential information of Shanhe University confidential and not to disseminate it at will, including but not limited to teaching materials and other information.

Once discovered and confirmed, they will be dismissed directly.

Although I was confused, it didn't matter to a college student, as long as I wasn't asked to sign a deed of betrayal.

After all, it is the first time for some people to travel far away in their lives, so this time they are registered with their parents. Although the children have grown up, they have never traveled far away, which still worries the parents.

Su Bai was naturally not idle during these seven days. He was also busy with the start of school, including the exchange group for the 2033 freshmen of Shanhe University.

After creating the group chat, Su Bai also posted the group account on the official website, and soon a large number of new students came in.

But in the end, because one group could not accommodate so many people, Su Bai distributed the task to the teachers in charge of each department.

They are responsible for creating the freshmen group of their own department, and then upload it to the official website. Everyone can join the group according to the corresponding department and major.

However, Su Bai's large group of 2,000 people did not disband. It just happened to allow students from various departments and majors to communicate with each other. They could not just communicate with those in the same major.

Naturally, you cannot sneak in casually when joining the group. You need to bring your name and admission notice. If you lose it, you can contact the group management for private chat verification. After your identity is verified, you can join the group chat.

With the group chat, the freshmen of Shanhe University who were originally scattered across the country seemed to have found an organization and began to talk about their bright future in the group.

At the school gate, Yang Fan was shocked when he saw the glorious and majestic school gate. Like him, there were students who also came to register and accompanying parents.

It's no wonder they were so surprised. Su Bai personally directed the carving of these four gates, and the last few finishing touches were completed by himself.

In their eyes, the four divine beasts on the school gate seemed to be alive at first sight, and an indescribable momentum rushed toward them.

After entering the school gate, some students who had arrived early had nothing to do, so they put on their red vests and started volunteering to guide the freshmen.

Following the guidance, everyone arrived at the subway station.

Since the new students are checking in for the past three days, the subway station has suspended the card swiping mechanism. Normal operations will not resume until all new students have registered and applied for campus cards in the past three days.

As soon as he arrived at the subway station, Yang Fan looked at the installation in the subway station with surprise.

Good guy, the subway has really been built. This is the first time in my life that I have taken the subway.

The other freshmen around them were also looking at the inside of the subway station in surprise. They thought that the subway transportation mentioned by Shanhe University was just a pie for them, but they didn't expect that he was serious?

This is a subway. Some remote counties have never seen a subway. It is something that is not available in other cities, but your school actually provides it?

The subway is not uncommon, but the subway appearing in schools is rare, and it is a very rare kind.

After living for more than ten years, this is the first time I heard that someone’s school transportation method is to use the subway, and Shanhe University does this. It is simply a role model for our generation!

"Damn it, the transportation in our university is really like the subway. The principal is so fast. He built it as soon as he said it would be built. He is such a fast man."

"No, damn, I have to record a video on Douyin so that other universities can see what Shanhe University is doing and learn from it."

"Stop talking, I have already sent the video to my brothers, and now they are all scolding me in the group. Fortunately, I enrolled in Shanhe University!"

"Hurry, hurry, the next subway is coming soon. I can't wait to go to the dormitory to see my big bungalow and e-sports room. Can I apply for this thing? I've been thinking about it these days. Let’s take a quick look at the dormitory environment.”

Next to me, several freshmen carrying large and small bags were communicating. They came from the same province and happened to be in the same car. After chatting for a while, they found out that they were both alumni and they became familiar with each other.

Yang Fan listened to the discussion of several people, and with the attributes of a social cow, he stepped forward in a familiar manner:

"Brother, which major are you in? I'm in the computer science department."

"Huh? Are you a computer person too?"

"Damn it, we are in the same class, Yang Fan, I have known you for a long time, I am Cai Kun!"


Soon, Yang Fan was chatting happily with Cai Kun and others. She Niu and She Niu got along really well.

PS: Hello readers, the plot is gradually getting back on track. I will listen to everyone’s suggestions and continue writing. The normal update frequency is still one chapter a day.

However, it can be considered as a semi-full-time job. The income of this book is currently affected due to the previous discontinuation of updates, so I want to make a plan to add more updates.

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