Is It Harder To Get Admitted To Your Junior College Than Qingbei?

Chapter 8: Outlaws Comment On Shanhe University

Naturally, the news that the official website of Shanhe University was online instantly became a hot search topic and attracted countless discussions among netizens.

"From the current point of view, it seems that Shanhe University is really being built step by step under the witness of all of us. If it is really completed, this will be a great merit!"

"I burst into tears. I didn't expect that I would be able to witness history with my own eyes. I don't have much savings, but I still donated 1,000 to show my support!"

"My family, who understands? I just wanted to donate some money, but unexpectedly the official website crashed. @山河大学, principal, can you please optimize it quickly? I can't donate even if I want to. Who can understand?"

"I didn't expect that there would be such a sensible enterprise in China. Shou Dong Lai, Hong Xing Erke... This is the pattern that our Chinese enterprise should have!"

"I didn't expect that Shanhe University's donations would be treated like this. Is the dormitory really looking like this? I'm also a college entrance examination candidate this year, and I'm already attracted to Shanhe University."


Since Su Bai announced the establishment of Shanhe University, he has created an official Shanhe University account, and the first video was also posted using the Shanhe University account.

The original account could be used to post some daily posts, but the official account is still used exclusively to post content about Shanhe University.

While a "crowdfunding storm" has set off across the Internet, such a big move has once again attracted the attention of Chinese officials.

"Tell me, what do you think of Shanhe University, which has been in the limelight recently?"

In the meeting room of the Provincial Department of Patrol, a group of people looked at each other, unable to say anything.

Shanhe University is so popular that everyone who surfs the Internet knows about it. For now, this is a meaningful thing for society and the people.

But precisely because the public opinion is so hot, if Su Bai has evil thoughts, makes money and runs away, or commits some principled issues, then this will be a major criminal case, the kind that can shock the whole country.

And everyone who can sit here is not a fool. If he says something wrong, he will definitely be punished. No one wants to be the one who stands out.

Just when the director frowned and was about to criticize, a post-00 employee who had just joined the job was thinking about it and said:

"Director, based on what I know about Shanhe University recently, the Shanhe University incident has received widespread support both at the social level and at the public level..."

"For now, this incident is a good thing for the public, but in order to prevent some emergencies, we should also take some necessary measures to prevent this incident from turning into a vicious incident."

"The above is my brief explanation of this incident. If there are any shortcomings, please give me your guidance."

After the words fell, the conference room was still silent.

"Bah bang bang!"

The director's clear and loud applause sounded, leading the entire conference room to applaud.

Just when everyone was glad that someone was right, the director suddenly turned cold and said seriously:

"You have the nerve to applaud, but look at you, each one of you has been working for a few years, but the result is not as good as a new colleague who has just joined the job."

"I'm not a tiger and I don't know how to eat people. Everyone is silent and waiting for me to speak, right..."

"Okay, the headquarters has already sent someone to supervise. Let me send someone here to assist. I'll leave this matter to Xiao Chen. Let's adjourn the meeting!"

"Thank you, Director, for giving me this opportunity!"

Xiao Chen was the post-00 employee just now. He didn't expect that his words would give him a chance. You should know that no matter what the outcome of this kind of errand, it would add to his resume.

Xiao Chen, whose full name is Chen Ziye, had become interested in the president when he saw Shanhe University for the first time. It was the understanding he gained over the past few days that allowed him to make the analysis he just made.

However, according to Chen Ziye's understanding in the past few days, this principal Su Bai has never had any dark history before, but he knows people well and knows faces but not hearts. Since he has accepted this task, he will definitely be responsible to the end.

In the afternoon of that day, he was directly transferred to the patrol department at the junction of the four provinces, the closest to the site of Shanhe University.

His task is to assist the plainclothes police superintendents in any actions, and is responsible for supervising some nearby criminals to prevent them from affecting the progress of the mission.


In the comment area about Shanhe University, many netizens asked some of their favorite bloggers to speak out, including Teacher Zhang San, who has a certain influence on the entire network.

Now, although many bloggers are eager for this huge popularity, they can't even speak out until the people above them agree.

But those bloggers who blindly slander Shanhe University are very happy. They just post a video to get traffic. They didn't expect to get money for every video they post. It's better to have more of this kind of good thing!

That's right, there are people behind the scenes who have begun to manipulate. The recent negative public opinions about Shanhe University are because they have touched the interests of certain people and have begun to suppress them secretly.

These people are like poisonous snakes in the dark. If you don't pay attention, they will rush up and bite you, and then wait for your death...

I think back then, Teacher Zhang San, an outlaw like Zhongtian, was forced to stop appearing on public platforms because he was too daring to speak out. He was eventually forced to stop appearing on public platforms because he touched the interests of some people.

And now, under the influence of a large number of netizens, Mr. Zhang San has no choice but to post a video to comment.

When Shanhe University was very popular, some faculty members were selected for Shanhe University. Among them, Teacher Zhang San served as the legal advisor and director of the Political and Educational Office.

The video begins...

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