Soon, the time came to one o'clock.

The instructor first counted the number of people and confirmed that everyone was present before starting to distribute teaching materials.

Under the curious eyes of everyone, textbooks were handed out one after another.

After getting it, everyone immediately wanted to open the textbook and read the contents inside.

However, the first thing I saw when I got it was the freshman computer major textbook of Shanhe University. It was not the PEP version or any other version, but a textbook compiled independently by Shanhe University.

Everyone was still a little confused when they saw this. With this doubt, they turned to the first page of the textbook.

The first thing that comes into view is the catalog courses, C language professional courses, DDOS attack and defense proficiency, server construction and maintenance...


Are there big question marks in your little head?

For a moment, a question mark appeared in the heads of everyone in the classroom. Should this be the content of the first chapter of their freshman year?

After flipping through the catalog, what surprised them even more was that the next courses turned out to be DDOS attack and defense proficiency, server setup and maintenance...

These courses, let alone freshmen like them, even many senior computer science students and even some computer science teachers may not be able to fully master them.

"Is this... is this our freshman class?" Finally, someone couldn't help but complain.

DDOS attack and defense, should this be learned in freshman courses? This is not just basic knowledge, it is mastery!

Later, there is the establishment and maintenance of servers. Brother, if I can do this, why don’t I find a class? Why should I go to school? ! !

"Damn it, this textbook was sent to you by mistake. Isn't this a freshman textbook? What the hell is this catalog about? I turned it over and didn't understand anything. You know, I previewed it in advance during the summer vacation. !”

At this time, a boy in a corner closed the textbook. While closing it, he couldn't help but complain.

Hearing this, the classmate next to him also closed the textbook and nodded in agreement as if he had found a confidant.

He repeatedly confirmed several times that this was the freshman textbook. After confirming that it was not a problem with the textbook, he almost suspected that something was wrong with him.

But fortunately, it seems that my classmates don’t understand either, so that’s okay.

After the textbook was distributed, there was a big commotion in the classroom, and everyone was complaining about whether the textbook was distributed in error.

Naturally, their grades were not bad when they came here. They all scored over 600 points, and they even took time to preview during the summer vacation. What they were afraid of was that they would not be able to understand the teaching materials by then.

Unexpectedly, they had previewed the textbook content for almost two months in advance. Only when they saw the textbooks from Shanhe University did they realize what a deep sense of helplessness was.

Just by seeing the first few catalogs, they can already believe that they will need to be familiar with the knowledge and course content in the following days.

No, there is no reason. I have been so intense since the beginning of my freshman year. Is this really right?

The moment they saw the textbook, everyone here seemed to feel like they were on a pirate ship, and they still couldn't get off! ! !

The various generous benefits mentioned earlier are waiting here, including luxurious dormitories, snack streets, KTV... Okay, okay, this is fun, right?

Then I will...learn it hard!


At the same time, not only students from the computer department were wailing in the classroom, students from the School of Civil Engineering were no exception.

At the Civil Engineering College, I just got the textbook at the beginning. After opening it, everything was like reading from heaven. Some of the original basic knowledge and even the questions were somewhat unclear.

Not to mention the increasingly complex application of various building materials and the application of special construction techniques.

It's over, it's over, my brain is really not enough right now...

In addition, the School of Medicine, the School of Engineering Physics, the School of Science, and even the School of Fine Arts and Music have not escaped this disaster.

When everyone opened the textbook with great anticipation, everyone let out a collective cry.

“This is simply not something humans learn!!!”

While the students were complaining, the instructor was also holding back laughter on the podium.

You know, even their teachers and some professors were confused when they saw this textbook, and even they couldn't understand it when they read it later, let alone these students.

The students wailed one after another, as if the entire campus was drowned by the wailing.

Facing such difficult teaching materials, they felt unprecedented pressure and challenges.

They originally thought they were well prepared, but now it seems that they still underestimated the difficulty of this course. Many students even begin to doubt their abilities. Is it because of their own reasons that they cannot understand?

However, the instructors were not surprised or disappointed by the students' wails. On the contrary, they understood the students' feelings.

After all...that's how they came here a week ago...

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