Is It Harder To Get Admitted To Your Junior College Than Qingbei?

Chapter 86 The Original Intention Of Shanhe University Is To Make Dreams Come True!

There are still the same group of people in the online meeting room.

At this time, nearly ten minutes had passed since the meeting started, but no one spoke.

In just a few months, the development of Shanhe University was beyond their imagination.

Originally, it was just a completely inconspicuous junior college, with nothing but the name of the school.

But now, in just a few months, Shanhe University has single-handedly achieved the highest number of applicants in history, with millions of people applying at the same time. This is simply shocking to countless people!

In addition, what was originally thought to be an Internet celebrity university will still be the same as some ordinary colleges and universities. Such a huge popularity will be short-lived at best, and what he said is just sensationalism, and it is impossible to realize it.

But after that, they were filled with doubts and contempt the moment they learned about the admission score of over 600 points.

No, he is from a junior college, what is he thinking, and why is he?

The admission score of more than 600 points is simply a fantasy. With these 600 points, you can choose almost any university in the country. How can people come to your junior college with an admission score of more than 600 points?

Are you crazy or am I crazy?

But not long after, the number of applicants for the college entrance examination reached 670,000 on the first day, attracting countless media reports and celebrations.

You know, in the past domestic history, if 100,000 people applied for the exam at the same time, it would have set a new historical record, but now, the number of applicants on the first day alone has reached 670,000!

This can be described as terrifying!

So, when they saw the news, there was silence...endless silence...

They never thought that the ant in their eyes had grown into a lion inadvertently, and was no longer even an existence that they could provoke.

CCTV’s repeated statements show that Shanhe University is backed by the state, and the hidden meaning is that this is a person the state wants to protect, and no one can touch it.

In the past, we planned to rectify the education industry, but because it involved the interests of countless people, and because there was no one that could affect the internal issues, and with the support of various reasons, the rectification failed in the end, and it is unlikely to happen again in a short period of time. plan.

This huge piece of cake cannot move at all unless you really make up your mind.

But the emergence of Shanhe University has given people a glimmer of hope.

Shanhe University has emerged from the education industry on its own, catching everyone off guard.

Moreover, the president of Shanhe University has many insights into various fields and has even made great contributions to the country's military.

How come the country doesn’t pay attention to such a rising star?

This will be an important fulcrum to leverage the entire education industry!


Back in the conference room, the silence that had lasted for a while still needed to be broken by someone.


"The purpose of convening this meeting is not to let everyone come here to be boring. What we should be thinking about now is what to do next, how to do it, and how to do it?"

After everyone pondered for a long time, an education giant who held the meeting spoke.

The fingers of his hands were clasped together and placed on his forehead, so that no one could see his expression at the moment.

But even if they couldn't see it, the other people attending the meeting knew that this person was not much calmer than they were.

If Shanhe University is just a flash in the pan as an Internet celebrity university, it will be nothing. Even if it has a huge rhythm and popularity, it will automatically dissipate after a while, and no one may remember it at all.

But this is the strangest thing about Shanhe University. For some reason, every few days, or even several days in a row, this school can make some news that dominates the search rankings.

They wanted to suppress this hot search but found that they couldn't suppress it at all.

This is not on a certain platform or software, it occupies a place at the top of the hot searches all over the Internet. This popularity is so terrifying that it cannot be suppressed by human intervention.

And under such continuous exposure, Shanhe University's promises were fulfilled one by one after the semester started.

And this has directly shattered the traditional education methods that they have been instilling. Only now do we know that a university and a school can do so well!

Luxurious dormitories, exquisite teaching buildings, convenient transportation, greenery everywhere, snack streets, gyms and other leisure and entertainment venues...

All of this is based on students, and we are motivated to do our best in everything, so that students can spend this wonderful campus life carefree.

If I had grown up in this kind of school, I dare not think how cheerful and sunny I would be now, but... this is just a thought after all...

But the original intention of Shanhe University was to make dreams come true and spread the teaching philosophy of Shanhe University throughout the Chinese mainland!


PS: It’s the last few days. Please give me some small gifts to help make the list. Thank you for your recent gift support, pen refills!

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