Is It Harder To Get Admitted To Your Junior College Than Qingbei?

Chapter 93 Co-Author: Am I Reading A Fake Book After Reading It For So Many Years?

After listening to Fuxi's reply, Su Bai felt at ease.

Since Fuxi can manage everything in this scientific research institute, he doesn't have to worry too much in the future. Professional matters can be left to professionals, and it's good to be a transparent person behind the scenes.

After disinfection and secondary scanning and authentication, Su Bai could finally enter the scientific research institute.

After walking out of the room, the true face of the scientific research institute was revealed in front of him.

First of all, this ridiculously large space is indeed worthy of being a top scientific research institute. At least judging from the size of this space, it is also worthy of the title of top research institute.

A wide road extends to the depths of the scientific research institute, with an elevator at the end. elevator? !

In order to verify his conjecture, Su Bai quickly came to the elevator without checking the scientific research equipment around him.

After passing the facial recognition and iris authentication method, the elevator door slowly opened.

Su Bai couldn't wait to walk in and immediately focused on the floor button.

1, 2, 3, 4...11!

Damn it, a full eleventh floor? ? ?

Su Bai was instantly shocked. Judging from the large space on the first floor of the scientific research institute just now, plus the other ten floors, how big is this scientific research institute?

With curiosity, Su Bai pressed the button on the eleventh floor, and then called Fuxi and asked him to introduce to him what each floor of the scientific research institute was for and what equipment and equipment it contained.


Back on campus, freshmen are still practicing the most basic discipline and order on the playground.

The September sun was so scorching that many otakus who had been lying at home all summer vacation couldn't bear the sudden intensity of training.

No, after putting on uniform military training uniforms, everyone stood on the playground practicing military posture. They stood there motionless for dozens of minutes, feeling uncomfortable everywhere.

An hour or two have passed since the start of the military training, and the students' initial passion has been wiped out bit by bit under the scorching sun.

I originally thought that this was a tank with real ammunition, so this military training should be interesting, right?

But we agreed on a military exercise and tried out real weapons. I obviously saw the weapons and equipment being moved down. You can’t be teasing us, right?

For a time, a lot of students who were initially attracted by the pile of weapons and equipment were full of complaints and helplessness. What on earth is this boring military training day like...

In an instant, after a brief period of torture by the instructor, each of them stood there as weak as pickled eggplants.

These national defense students were happy to see them like this.

"Hehehe, the hardships we have endured since we first entered school are finally being tried by others. The good times have just come to an end. Don't worry, this is just an appetizer."

"Oh, it's a pity that I also want to try those real equipment, but I must train my discipline first, otherwise I will be in trouble if something goes wrong."


In the military training plan, the first few days are more used to train discipline. It is necessary to follow the orders and prohibitions. Only after that will the next step be planned according to the situation.

Although one week seems a bit short, in actual planning... it is actually quite short.

Normal college military training usually lasts about half a month. Forget it, just keep it short, because it will be a hardship for these college students who have just entered college life.

Although the time is short, the progress still needs to be kept up.


Inside the school library.

The students have all gone to military training, and most teachers and professors have nothing to do.

It just so happened that even though they had previewed the contents of this textbook in advance in the past few days, a large part of the knowledge in it touched upon their blind spots.

No, am I reading a fake book after so many years of co-authorship?

Looking at the unfamiliar content in the textbook, the teachers who had not taken it seriously at first were immediately confused.

No, after all, they are a group of people who have graduated with high academic qualifications. They are considered the top group among the graduates, and they also have several years of teaching experience.

But...who can tell me, I have only been out of school for a few years, why do I not understand all the content in this textbook?

This is also wrong. I have already graduated from graduate school with the freshman textbooks. How come I can’t even understand the freshman textbooks after graduation?

Later, after repeated confirmation by them, the conclusion was finally reached.

It turns out that there is a problem not with them, but with the textbook.

A few teachers went online and downloaded the online version of the People's Education Press textbook, and found out after comparing it with the content of the Shanhe University textbook.

Good guy, I call him good guy!

Let's not talk about the knowledge points that even they can't understand later. After they compare the first few pages, they are just the first knowledge points. This is what they learned in the freshman year.

The further they went on to compare, the more alarmed they became. Until the comparison of the last page of this textbook was completed, these teachers were immediately discouraged.

Just for the content of freshman year, Shanhe University's textbooks are already comparable to those for sophomores. Even the last few knowledge points in the textbooks can only be learned by juniors!

When they saw the news, some of the younger teachers sat down on their chairs, their eyes blank, as if they had already seen the burden of teaching in the future.

I'm still young, why did I get on this pirate ship? Doesn't this mean I have to learn it all over again?

At the same time, they also pray silently in their hearts for the freshmen who are still in military training, and cherish your last relaxed and happy time...

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