Is It Harder To Get Admitted To Your Junior College Than Qingbei?

Chapter 95 Is Shanhe University Compiling Its Own Textbooks Again?

I saw that the ground outside the library was already filled with hills one after another, and those ‘hills’ were built up from books one after another.

Beside the hills, there were dozens of people carrying stacks of books into the library.

However, you must know that this library is already very large just from the appearance. Even moving books is probably not a matter of time.

Since the books have not been put in yet, there is a high probability that they will gain nothing from this trip, so they might as well help put these books into the library quickly.

Several teachers looked at each other and then walked over to help.

When they came to this pile of hills, although they were helping, their attention was also focused on the books that formed the hills.

"Data Structure and Algorithm", "Chinese History", "Introduction to Materials Science", "Basic Analysis of Mathematics", "Advanced Internal Medicine"...

They can see a lot of books related to various majors, but this is not surprising. It would be strange if there are no such normal textbooks.

Soon, several teachers walked towards the library carrying a thick layer of books.

When they first walked into the library, several teachers were stunned when they saw the decoration inside. For a moment, they forgot that they were holding many books in their hands.

"Huh? Are we in the wrong place?" This was their first thought.

Library interior decoration layout

The material comes from Douyin, I picked a few that feel good

General appearance of the library

Originally, just the appearance of the library was eye-catching, and the decoration was very exquisite.

So a few people thought that the exterior decoration was pretty good, and the inside would definitely be good as well.

But now this look...

I originally thought that just the appearance alone was invincible, but I didn’t expect that there was something else going on inside!

As soon as they stepped into the door of the library, they were greeted by a unique atmosphere. The exquisite and elegant decoration made them immersed in it.

What kind of library is this place? If you tell me this is some kind of high-end private restaurant, I will believe you if you need to make a reservation for a meal that costs over RMB 10,000.

This little decoration is really seductive...

It wasn't until dozens of seconds later that the feeling of weakness in their arms brought them back to their senses, and they realized that they almost didn't have the strength to hold the textbooks.

Fortunately, the librarian's front desk was not far from the door. When several people saw the piles of textbooks, they hurriedly walked over and put them down with their textbooks in their arms.

Fortunately, in the last few seconds when they almost ran out of energy, a few people successfully put down the textbooks.

After the textbooks are moved in, they cannot be placed directly on the bookshelf. All kinds of textbooks and books must be classified and placed according to majors to facilitate subsequent borrowing and registration.

Such a big library, if you don't take it seriously.

Within three days, I don’t know where to put all the teaching materials.

This does not mean that some people are not ethical, but the main reason is that sometimes there is no label, and sometimes they cannot remember where they borrowed it. How can they put it back?

After putting down the textbooks, a few people were able to see the entire library.

"Let me go... Is this really a library? I thought I had entered some kind of museum. It's so uncomfortable..."

One of the teachers looked at the various decorations in the books and sighed. For a moment just now, he even thought that he was in the wrong place.

"I'm also curious. What do you think our principal thinks? This library can be built like this, as well as other facilities in the school. I heard that he designed them all himself. I admire him!" Another one! The teacher echoed.

"Who says it's not the case? If it were my previous school, I wouldn't have to run to the school library every day. Look at this, I even have the urge to live here directly."

A young teacher wearing glasses pushed up the bridge of his glasses, sighing in his tone.

Seeing the appearance of this library, several people suddenly gave up the idea of ​​moving books.

It just so happens that this textbook contains textbooks from the majors taught by several people. In that case, you might as well take a look.

The textbooks of Shanhe University are already so outrageous. The textbooks in this library should be more normal. I just want to see if there is any explanation of knowledge related to the textbooks.

He picked up a textbook belonging to his major and glanced at it.



Following his gaze, he saw the signature of the editor of this textbook: Shanhe University.

Is it a textbook compiled by the school itself?

The teacher hasn't opened the textbook yet, but he already feels something is wrong.

But now that you’ve got this textbook, let’s take a look. It can’t be any more outrageous than that outrageous freshman textbook, right?


He gently opened the textbook, with a look of anticipation in his eyes.

However, when his eyes touched the contents of the book, just a glance, his expression instantly became focused, as if his whole person was immersed in it.

Then, as if he had an epiphany, he sat down directly and began to carefully read the contents of the textbook.

His eyes were shining and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, as if he had discovered some treasure in the textbook.

He forgot everything around him and only focused on the knowledge in the book. Time passed by one minute and one second without him realizing it.


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