Su Bai, who was still in the scientific research institute, didn't have time to wonder when he received the news. He hurriedly left out of the mountains, got on his little electric donkey and rushed towards the library.

This really has to be done in a hurry. Such a large group of people are gathering at the entrance of the library. What are they trying to do? This is not how rebellion works, right?

While Su Bai hurried to the library in a hurry, several people responsible for carrying books had nothing to do after getting a reply from the principal.

These teachers and professors originally came to help me move the books, and I thought I could finish moving the books as soon as possible.

Unexpectedly, the move was fine, but once they entered the library, they couldn't get out.

At the time, they thought they were just helping out, and maybe they would go find a book to read.

But when they entered the library and saw the front desk full of people, they were immediately stunned.

who I am? where am I? What am I doing? What are these people doing?

Then he watched with his own eyes as more and more people gathered at the front desk of the library, until they finally occupied the entire library door and blocked the entrance passage.

Without exception, these teachers all held a textbook in their hands. Everyone looked at the textbook as if they were possessed, and were completely unaware of all information from the outside world.

"No, what is in this textbook? Is it so attractive?"

A curiosity suddenly arose in his heart. It would take some time to wait for the principal to arrive anyway, so he might as well see what was in this textbook.

It is said that there is a golden room in the book. Now everyone sitting on the ground seems to have discovered the golden room. Everyone wants to dive directly into the textbook.

Thinking of this, he also went to the pile of hills to get a textbook that he was familiar with. If he remembered correctly, he had studied it when he was in school.

Take it and look at it, from Shanhe University...

Um? This is a textbook compiled by our own school. I don’t know how it is different from the common textbooks on the market.

I want to see if there is a golden house in this book!


Then, as expected, he also fell into it...

When Su Bai rushed to the library, what he saw was such a scene.

In addition to the fact that the entrance to the library was visibly crowded with people, the people who were originally notified to be responsible for the transportation were also sitting outside the entrance of the library holding a book.

Don't ask why it's outside. If you ask, even the door is full, so you can only sit outside.

When Su Bai saw this scene, he was stunned. What are you doing?

Su Bai stopped the e-mule and walked toward the library door step by step.

The closer he got, the more clearly Su Bai could see the situation inside the gate. In addition to the gate being crowded with people, the situation inside was not optimistic either.

When you get closer, you can still hear someone suddenly exclaiming from time to time, and then talking to themselves.

"I see, just a few lines of code can solve such a complex problem. I'm so enlightened!"

"What?! This Chinese history actually records that Qin Shihuang sent Xu Fu to find the elixir of immortality, and there are more detailed descriptions in it. It doesn't look like it was made up at all!"

"How is this possible? This elixir of life has always been a mystery. Even the information recorded in the National Museum may not be as detailed as this. If the contents of this...are published, it will definitely cause confusion. A worldwide uproar!”

"Hiss~ This advanced internal medicine actually records a part of the "Qing Nang Shu" that has been lost for thousands of years, and it is clearly stated that this is the original content excerpted by Hua Tuo himself!"

"The Taiyi Divine Needle, the Nine-Turn Resurrection Needle, the Thirteen Needles of the Ghost Gate, the wonderful rejuvenation technique...this, this, these are all medical skills that have been lost for an unknown period of time. I can actually see them here in my lifetime. Death And no regrets, die without regrets!"

"There is no loss in energy transmission, zero resistance, and it can operate normally at both high and low temperatures... Isn't this material the room-temperature superconductor that the world has been studying for decades?! And it shouldn't be called room-temperature superconductivity. , but a true superconductor material that can operate perfectly in any environment!"


Amidst the constant exclamations, many people actually found the golden house in these books. Some of the textbook knowledge in them was something they had never come across in their lives.

And if the things in the textbook in hand can be reproduced in reality, it can greatly affect the future development of the entire world.

For example, once the superconducting materials described in this textbook are fully reproduced in reality, it will definitely trigger the fourth industrial revolution on a global scale!

By then, let alone war and targeting, every country in the world will try their best to keep up with this industrial revolution, and China, which has developed superconducting materials, will definitely be far ahead in this race!


PS: Let me report to you first. From yesterday to now, there have been about 500 power generation for love. Thank you everyone for your small gifts!

Tomorrow is the New Year's Eve, and then the New Year, so I'll take two days off and go home to celebrate the New Year!

In the new year, I send you thirty million dollars to all readers. Be healthy, be happy, be happy. A new year, a new beginning. I wish you all a happy new year and all the best!

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