After seeing everyone stand up and move out of the way, Su Bai nodded and continued:

"Teachers, don't worry. The books in the library are not yet complete. To avoid the situation just now, the library will not be open for the time being."

"I will notify everyone in the faculty and staff group after the books in the library are placed and normal operations begin."

"But since everyone has free time, why don't you come and see the teaching room like me?"

After Su Bai announced that the library was temporarily closed, he sent invitations to all teachers.

The holographic virtual teaching room, I haven't even tried it since it was placed, so I just went in and took a look.

But now is the time to take these teachers to have a look before the official class. Don't even think that you can't understand it when you enter the classroom.

"Xiao Su, let's not talk about what kind of classroom this is. Are these textbooks compiled by the school itself? Can I take them back and have a look? What's inside is an untapped treasure!"

Mr. Wu walked out of the crowd excitedly after hearing Su Bai say that he wanted to close the library.

It was okay to be interrupted while reading, but I just changed my seat and sat down to continue savoring it slowly.

Some of the construction methods and knowledge points mentioned in this textbook were things he had never come across in his life.

Want to know who he is? He is a national academician, and he has mastered most of the civil construction structural methods in the world, even some relatively rare construction methods.

However, in the textbook he just read, no less than three types of architectural structures that he had never seen or even heard of appeared in just this moment!

As for the construction methods designed when building the school before, Mr. Wu finally understood the deeper principles, which were far clearer than what Su Bai said verbally.

According to my current expectations, if I apply the new construction methods that I have come across in the textbooks to reality, and then combine them with some other construction methods to improve them.

Then I can already imagine that just applying these methods to reality can make some originally complex and troublesome buildings easier, save time and effort, and make new buildings appear in the public eye faster.

I originally thought that if I could thoroughly understand the entire textbook, it would definitely be helpful for my future research.

But now, before I had finished reading half of it, Su Bai suddenly said that he wanted to close the library and put the books back to their original places. How could this be possible?

Going to see the classroom? What's so nice about a classroom that can't compare to the knowledge in this textbook?

"Mr. Wu, are you here too?" Su Bai looked at Mr. Wu emerging from the crowd and said in surprise.

"Xiao Su, please don't say this yet. This library cannot be closed!" Mr. Wu's tone was unquestionable.

This library must not be closed. Judging from the current situation, we know how important the contents of these textbooks are. Every book released will cause competition in various fields.

And now, such a golden house here suddenly tells me that it will be closed. How can this be done?

"Yes, principal, this library cannot be closed. We will never disrupt order like this in the future. We must abide by the various regulations of the library!" The teachers nearby agreed.

Listening to the persuasion of the teachers next to him, Su Bai felt dumbfounded.

What do these teachers think about this matter? When did they say they would close the library?

"Stop, stop, stop!" Su Bai hurriedly made a stop gesture, and the teachers present fell silent.

Seeing that everyone was quiet, Su Bai patiently explained: "When did I say I would close the library?"

"The books in the library have not been perfected yet. As soon as they are put away, the library will be open. It will only be closed for a short period of time!"

"short time....."

Hearing this, a group of people fell into thinking.

"Does it mean that if these books are completed earlier, the library will be opened sooner?" someone asked.

"That's right." Su Bai nodded and replied.

After hearing Su Bai's reply, some teachers nearby looked at each other, as if they had made an agreement. The next moment, a group of people rushed towards the pile of hills at the entrance of the library.

"What are you doing?" People who didn't know the situation asked doubtfully.

"Move the books!"


Su Bai looked at the teachers who went to help move the books with helpless expressions.

Good guy, in order to prevent the library from closing, we just moved the books collectively, right?

Forget it, let them move it if they want. I still want to see the holographic virtual teaching room.

Later, Su Bai came to the administration building with dozens of teachers who chose to follow him to the teaching room.

"Principal, have we gone to the wrong place? This is not a teaching building, right? This is an administrative building. What are we doing here?" A young teacher asked in confusion, looking at the 100-meter-high administrative building.

Logically speaking, the principal of this 100-meter-high administrative building would not be mistaken.

But this is the administrative building, right? Didn't you say go to the teaching room? Is the teaching room still in the administrative building? ? ?

For a moment, the confused teachers were a little confused.

Hearing this, Su Bai smiled mysteriously: "You're right, just follow me."

Su Bai led a group of teachers toward the elevator of the administrative building.

After entering the elevator, Su Bai came to the floor button where there was a small screen. After authenticating his identity, he pressed the button for the thirty-first floor.

In normal times, floors above the 30th floor are inaccessible places without identification and authentication.

"Ding~" As the elevator door opened, everyone walked through the corridor and came to an iron door.

Even Su Bai didn't know the specific material of this door, but according to the system introduction, just this door could not be opened even with an RPG. At least it was made of aerospace-grade material.

In addition, if someone does not get his permission, even if someone breaks through the elevator level, the second level after entering the 31st floor will stop countless people who want to invade illegally.

So needless to say about safety, it is absolutely top-notch and cannot be any more top-notch.

After a group of people arrived in front of the iron gate, a camera-like thing appeared above the iron gate and shot out a red light that covered everyone and scanned up and down.

"Identity confirmed, right of way granted, door opening..."

With a burst of mechanical sound, the iron door blocking everyone slowly opened.


Along the way, a group of people became curious from the moment they pressed the button on the thirty-first floor.

You must know that when I joined the company before, I emphasized that entry above the 30th floor of the administrative building was prohibited. Later, some people curiously pressed the button above the 30th floor, but there was no response.

Now that I am here, I always feel an indescribable feeling...

And now, after a series of operations, the iron door finally opened.

As the door opened, they saw a scene that they would never forget!


PS: The Xiaoyu card counter reports to you that since the restart of the update plan, there are now a total of 750 power generation for love, go, go, go!

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