"It's up to you what you can find based on this thing, I'm going back." Li Wei waved his hand away from the royal court.

When I walked back to the place where the students of Santa Naiz College lived, I heard a lot of chaotic voices in front of me.

Is it a genie? Li Wei thought.

The people of Saint Naiz College generally do not have problems by themselves, not to mention that the people here are the best in the college, and they are not lacking in temperament and strength.

However, when he arrived, he found that it was Engil who had a conflict with others. This person who usually played well with everyone, was always cheerful and happy, and who liked Li Wei to teach him various transformation poses looked at him proudly. College people.

"What's wrong?" Li Wei walked over and asked Nali who was dealing with the conflict.

Teacher Nali was also devastated. Seeing Li Wei coming back, she breathed a sigh of relief: "Engil didn't know what was going on, but he was very short-tempered early in the morning. Classmate Karan just tapped on the shoulder to say hello and was offended by him. Start a duel."

Engil is not such a person, let alone a pat on the shoulder, even if it is Aruba... well, this is not considered, in short, he is a very carefree person, and there should be no such problems.

Engil turned his head and saw Li Wei with a smile: "Isn't this Li Wei, the weather is good today, I think those elves are already unhappy, let's beat a few times in the past, and find any reason to say that we are interested in the elves. Female students are fine, anyway, that's how they find fault with us."

Li Wei looked at Engil's smile for a moment, as if he saw the arrogant elves yesterday.

That bug didn't kill people, it was used to make people like this.

"Alright, let's go." Li Wei said to him.

Engil laughed and walked side by side: "Look, let's slaughter seven or eight hundred elven students today..."

When Li Wei got close to his backhand, he stunned him with a punch. Looking at the other students and teachers, he said, "Engil has been attacked and his character has been affected, so tie him up first to avoid trouble."

They nodded quickly, after all they had already seen that something was wrong with Engil.

"Is it that bug?" Na Li was stupefied by Li Wei last night, and she shoved Anna, and after listening to something, she reacted at this time.

"It should be like this." Li Wei nodded, "That bug magnified the dark side of people."

Engil was very unhappy about finding fault with the elves, and wanted to take revenge in the same way. This is proof that if it was the ordinary Engil, they would have no idea when they beat him back.

Anna came over just to hear Li Wei's words, and recalled the bug yesterday, its goal was what would happen if Anna's dark side was magnified?

If it were me, at most it would be just a little unhappy about others approaching Li Wei. Anna looked at Li Wei and thought.

"Fortunately, Anna didn't get hit." Li Wei said happily.

With Anna's character, it is not impossible for a sick girl to appear after the dark side is magnified.

However, after the dark side is magnified, Engil still thinks of equal revenge instead of more, which is simply too much, not the same as the goddess of light. Li Wei complained.

That goddess is like a mad dog, shouldn't she be full of dark sides in her heart, what goddess of light is clearly a goddess of madness, thinking about nailing him with holy light every day.

"I don't know if this situation can be cured." Li Wei complained while touching his chin.

Li Wei's words were taken by Anna as referring to Engil, she said: "Looking for the elves, since they want to restore their own people to normal, they should not let it go."

"It's up to me to talk about this. I'll go to my aunt. After all, this is the student I brought!" Nali said.

The students she brought were recruited in her hometown. What a shame it was, she was so angry that she wanted to hang the people behind the scenes on a tree for a hundred years.

Nali went to the Elf Royal Court herself, leaving Li Wei and Anna behind.

"What do you think?" Anna looked at Li Wei and asked.

"West." Li Wei pointed to the west of the forest and said, "The bugs that attacked you mostly live in the west of the forest. If there is a mastermind behind it, it may be there."

Chapter 118 pit

The giant trees became more and more sturdy, and the densely packed trees with heights of dozens or hundreds of meters made the road very difficult to walk. Sometimes it was necessary to chop down some giant trees to pass.

Li Wei and Anna moved forward slowly.

"It looks like it hasn't been developed here." Anna commented while looking at the primitive forest.

"Normal, the place where elves live now is not natural, but they have been transformed to be suitable for living. The forest of elves is so big that they have not completely finished it themselves, even if they find any beasts here. It is not surprising." Levi Road.

As soon as he finished speaking, a three-meter-tall big orange rushed towards Li Wei with sharp teeth.

Li Wei grabbed it by the neck and threw it against the tree next to it, breaking its spine, and threw it aside and ignored it.

"It doesn't look very strong." Anna glanced at Daju as she passed by.

"This place has not fully penetrated into the uncultivated area, and more and more powerful creatures will appear in the front." Li Wei said.

"Why do you feel like you've been here?"

"I came here when I was doing a mission. At that time, I had just finished hammering the arrogant geniuses of the Elf Royal Court. The Elf Queen was thinking about how to hang me up to dry. It was not easy for me to complete the mission." Li Wei said proudly.

Just after he left the novice stage, he came to the Forest of Elf for the first time. In addition to the main task of slashing the two big red knives to the Elf Royal Court, an additional legendary task was triggered.

This quest was the first legendary quest in the entire game at the time, and it caused a huge uproar among gamers, because they found out that someone actually survived the novice stage, and also received the highest-level legendary quest.

Li Wei was also so excited that it took three days and three nights to complete the task.

What's the price?

Liver, and the creation tree of the elves.

In front of the player's determination to complete the task, even if the God of Creation comes and lights up the blood bar, he will die, not to mention a mere tree.

As for being chased out of the elves later, that's another story.

Ana considered this task to be the task of the Holy See.

"Speaking of that, there was a very stinky elf on the mission with me at the time. I don't know if he is still there now." Li Wei said.

The game is different from the reality. It should have grown up after two hundred years in the game, and I don't know if it is still there.

If the dark side of that guy is also enlarged, it is estimated that he can stink to the sky.

Anna was very curious about Li Wei's past, but when she was about to speak, she realized that she was wrong and turned to look straight ahead. However, the front was calm and there was no problem.

Delusion? Anna frowned.

As soon as she thought about it, she saw a flash of holy light in front of her eyes, and a bug that was cut in half fell to the ground, and even continued to show its teeth and claws.

Li Wei scattered the holy light in his hand and smashed it to end its life.

"Looks like we've gone to the right place." Li Wei said.

"I didn't notice it was approaching." Anna clenched her fists slightly unwillingly.

"It's just that my eyes can't keep up." Li Wei took out a pair of glasses from the system space and handed it to Anna.

"What is this?" Anna asked, looking at the glasses in her hand.

Glasses have already been made by alchemists in the imperial capital for people with poor eyesight. It is not unusual, but since it is Li Wei, it is definitely not ordinary.

"The good thing I just got." Li Wei laughed, this is one of the two legendary items that were rewarded with the Bone of God.

[Props: real glasses]

[Effect: After wearing it, the observation ability will be greatly improved]

[Description: Even mortals who wear these glasses can see the flaws of top swordsmen, but I don't mind you doing this, because your body may not be able to keep up with your thinking, and the most important thing is that these glasses can transform each Various styles - Alchemy Master MiG proudly introduced to the Dawn Emperor. 】

"This is a legendary item." Anna looked at the glasses in her hands in shock.

Legendary items are extremely rare. Even in the Chenxi Empire, only the Chenxi royal family has two, and the aristocrats of the Chenxi Empire have none.

She put it on carefully, and when she touched the snow-white bridge of her nose, the glasses turned into silver-white women's glasses, which looked very intellectual.

"How is it?" Anna put her hands on the frame of her glasses and looked at Li Wei.

"Very cute!" Li Wei praised with a thumbs up.

Anna's expression paused for a while, and then she reprimanded: "We're here to check what's wrong here, not to change clothes."

"Okay, sorry." Li Wei readily apologized.

Go back and try a few more glasses. Anna glanced at Li Wei and thought.

Ana's own strength is not weak, but bugs are specialized in speed. Now she can clearly see the movement of bugs, as long as they are easy to kill.

With the deepening of the two, they have killed a lot of bugs, and Anna has gradually learned how to use real glasses, and can even kill the bugs before Li Wei.


Anna chopped up three flying insects with another sword, and stepped on the huge tree roots with Li Wei and looked down at the pit that suddenly appeared in front of a huge tree.

I don’t know how long it has been since this pit appeared. It is about fifteen meters deep, but an astonishing five hundred meters wide. There are various vines and moss spreading inside.

"What a big pit." Anna was surprised. This should be the place they were looking for, but they didn't know where the mastermind was hiding.

Anna didn't hear Li Wei's words, and turned around to see his "crying" expression.

"What's wrong?" Anna frowned. Li Wei's expression is rare. Could it be that the enemy here is even troubled by Li Wei?

"This pit was made by me before." Li Wei pointed to the pit in front of him and said to Anna.

After all, it is a legendary mission, and it is normal to be a little rough.

Anna was stunned, she never imagined such a thing would happen.

It's a coincidence, but it's not something you need to be concerned about. After all, such a pit is really suitable for people with ulterior motives to do some bad things.

Li Wei grabbed Anna's hand and slid down the edge of the pothole to the bottom, surrounded by vines and moss, and it seemed that there was nothing to pay attention to.

"Be careful." Anna whispered, clutching Li Wei's hand tightly.

It's not that she has any personal thoughts, but that in such a strange place, if there is any danger, Li Wei can take her away as soon as possible.

His hands are quite big. Anna looked around, but she couldn't help thinking when she felt the temperature of her palm being wrapped.

"There don't seem to be any bugs in here," Li Wei said.

The two continued to walk towards the center of the giant pit.

"Speaking of which, how did you blow up such a pit?" Anna asked suddenly, Li Wei's strength should not have been as strong as it is now.

"I piled up a few layers of tnt and it blew up. At that time, there were some junk from hell looking for trouble. There were quite a lot of people and I just piled them together to solve it."

Levi said.

Although she didn't know what tnt was, Anna also guessed that it was a type of gunpowder.

There was a black spar in the center of the giant pit, and Li Wei felt the same breath as those bugs from above.

But... how come the things in this spar are so similar to the tnt I buried in the beginning. Li Wei thought in a cold sweat.

He can't be the culprit of everything, right?

Li Wei reached out and touched the spar, and the spar and the tnt inside instantly weathered into ash.

"It's been too long." Li Wei said easily, it really wasn't his pot, and these things were useless.

Anna suddenly grabbed Li Wei's palm and said, "Look at how many bugs there are here, I... can't count them."

Li Wei looked up and saw the dense insects in the sky, they flew silently in the air.

"It seems there are hundreds of thousands..." Li Wei said.

The mastermind behind the relationship is planning to catch a turtle in an urn.

No, no... Li Wei suddenly reacted, this is to hold him back, the other party's purpose is to stay in the other students in the elves now!

No, what I saw when I went back was a group of non-mainstream students! Li Wei was in a cold sweat. After he went back, how should he explain to Natalie that these top students had become arrogant gangsters after going out with him for a while.

He just took a step forward, and the sky full of bugs shot at him like bullets!

Li Wei squeezed Anna's hand, Anna reacted and bumped into Li Wei's arms, Li Wei grabbed her willow waist and ran out of the pit.

One foot stepped on the ground and smashed the ground, causing a storm to smash the bugs.

Li Wei ran back at a very fast speed. It was not that he could not solve these bugs, but that staying here was not worth the gain.

But although he ran very fast, the bugs behind him were still chasing after him.

Anna's long legs clamped Li Wei's waist and swung the sword backwards, each sweep could chop up dozens of close bugs.

Chapter 119: The Elf Who Walks With Li Wei

Li Wei glanced back, not only the bugs he had seen before, but also some faster black unicorns hiding beside him.


Anna was wearing silver-white women's real glasses on the bridge of her nose and barely caught sight of the one-horned flying insect with a sword, but there was a spark where the blade of the sword touched the flying insect, and the one-horned flying insect flew towards Anna's face instantly.


Li Wei smashed the one-horned flying insect with a punch.

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