Is It Possible That The Mecha I'm Talking About Is A Toy?

Chapter 13 Emergency! An Unknown Flying Object Was Found Approaching At A Speed Of Mach 2.488!

"Wan'er? Wan'er?"

the other side.

Gu Chuan didn't get a response from Gu Wan'er for a long time, so he tried to call twice on the phone with a slight frown.

"Old Gu, what's the matter? Is that girl Wan'er okay?"

Lu Ming, the commander of the air force base, came over and patted him on the shoulder with concern.

After the last mysterious mecha time.

Gu Chuan received instructions from his superiors and led a team to Factory 107 to carry out the task of transporting quasi-sixth-generation fighter jets.

Now he has just arrived at the air force base in Shengshi, and is ready to leave after completing the handover mission of the quasi-sixth generation fighter jets.

"It's okay, just this little girl just joked with me that she was trapped on a toy mech."

"It also said that the mech uses brain wave control technology, visual central nervous system projection technology, and can fly."

"This thing, to be honest, the real mecha doesn't necessarily use these technologies."

Gu Chuan rubbed his temples with some headaches.

Lu Ming did not deny this.

He didn't know what happened to the mysterious mecha before, but the technology used in the exoskeleton mecha of Factory 106 obviously didn't meet this standard.

At most, the neural control system can achieve an accuracy rate of 50%. Even with the addition of auxiliary computer calculations, the accuracy rate does not exceed 75%.

If it is really what Gu Chuan said.

What brainwave control technology, what visual central nervous system projection technology, and what can fly.

Even if these things are stacked together, it can never be just a toy!

But at this moment.

An anxious siren sounded from Lu Ming's emergency communicator:

"Emergency! Emergency! An unknown flying object was spotted in the direction of three o'clock, with a speed of Mach 2.488. Destination prediction: Shengshi Air Force Base!"

When Wu Weiming received the warning message from the near-Earth satellite, he quickly contacted Lu Ming, the supreme commander of the air force base, through the emergency communicator.

"Mach 2.488?"

"This is an aerial attack!"


"Call out the fighter team! Prepare to intercept the target!"

Lu Ming quickly reacted.

Quickly pick up the communicator and arrange combat instructions to intercept the target.

at the same time.

In the command room of the air force base, a red light spot on the radar is moving fast!

The speed has been maintained at Mach 2.488!

"The fighter plane is ready to take off!"

"043 is ready!"

"031 is ready!"


"191 is ready!"

"65 is ready!"

Nearly ten fifth-generation fighters are ready.

base runway.

Following a take-off order, the fighter plane carrying interceptor bombs and attack missiles quickly took off from the runway of the base.

"Son of a bitch!"

"Recently, our city has stabbed a hornet's nest?"

"Previously, the quasi-first-generation mecha from Factory 105 took a test flight here, and now there is another mysterious flying object with a speed of Mach 2.488?"

"Don't let people take a breather?!"

Deputy commander Lao Zhou.

Angrily, he pushed open the door of the command room, and rushed in from outside.

After finally talking on the phone with my family, and looking at my future daughter-in-law, I happened to be interrupted by this siren.

"It may be a fighter plane or a missile, or other aircraft. For the time being, there is no one that exceeds twice the speed of sound."

Lu Ming stared at the red dot on the radar and said.

Lao Zhou patted the table: "Whatever he is, he dares to enter the airspace of our Dragon Kingdom without permission, and dare to be so unscrupulous! We must give it a certain color!"

"Okay, old Zhou, don't be so angry, let's wait for the news from the fighter team first."

"The sky eye system of the air defense warning center can only monitor the vicinity of Sheng City, and cannot lock the current position of the target for the time being."

Lu Ming still analyzed calmly.

Hitting it down is easy.

But before issuing an attack order, they still need to figure out what it is and what they are going to do when they arrive in the airspace of the Dragon Kingdom.

"The target has entered the detection range of the sky eye system, and the image is being captured and generated..."

After a few minutes.

The air defense warning center in Sheng City.

Wu Weiming received feedback from the near-Earth satellite and the Sky Eye system.

A high-definition image.

It is being generated rapidly on the big screen in the control room.

"This is……"

"The exoskeleton mecha from Factory 105?"

"Hey! Why is it this guy again?!"

"He NND! What exactly does Factory 105 want to do? Aren't they afraid that the quasi-generation mechs they developed will be exposed in advance?"

Wu Weiming was very speechless.

Looking at the anti-missile armor on the big screen, he quickly picked up the satellite phone and got in touch with Zhang Dahai from Factory 106.

Zhang Dahai, who was busy with work, almost scolded his mother in frustration.

"Old Wu, just wait, I'll go and ask Lao Wang what the hell he wants to do!"

Zhang Dahai hung up the phone angrily, and quickly found Wang Zhuo in his contacts.

Accompanied by two beeps.

The satellite phone calls directly to Wang Zhuo's cell phone.

"Old Wang! What on earth do you want to do, you bastard??? It's amazing to develop a super-mobile mecha, isn't it? Make it a dog all day long?!"

"There are still two months until the military exercise, why can't you wait for this time?"

"I'm telling you! Now! Immediately! Get your rags back immediately! Otherwise, I'll sue you at the military department!"

The phone just connected.

Zhang Dahai directly faced Wang Zhuo, and it was an output that covered his head and face.

Wang Zhuo was confused.

Have no idea what happened.

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