Is It Possible That The Mecha I'm Talking About Is A Toy?

Chapter 201 Gu Dayong: Is My Brother Jackie Chan The Third Elder Of The Dragon Civilization? !

The time came the next morning.

But at this time, the time on Longguo's side was just around noon.

Elder Long and the Lord of the Kingdom have already prepared the Book of Songs, and the global press conference for the formal establishment of the Human Federation.

Just wait for Lu Yuan to send the agreed artificial intelligence brain, and the Human Federation can be officially established.

Although it can work without this artificial intelligence brain, the effect is definitely still very different.

"Master Lu!"

The central military region of the Dragon Kingdom.

Not long after the short-distance wormhole fixed-point shuttle device was activated, Lu Yuan took the completed host of the Goddess of Fairness through the transmission channel and appeared in the shuttle area.

"Chief of the General Staff, where is this thing going to be installed?"

Lu Yuan raised his hand and knocked on the host of Goddess of Fairness.

At this time, this thing is still in an inactive state, and the host is also divided into several parts.

"Shouldn't it be placed in the mobile space fortress in our central military region? With this thing for protection, there won't be any problems with the mainframe of the artificial intelligence brain."

Qin Huai'an glanced at the host of Goddess of Fairness, and suggested it.

"The mobile space fortress is good, but the safety factor is still not enough. It is not too difficult for someone to sneak into our military area and destroy the mainframe of the artificial intelligence brain."

Zhou Wen'an shook his head, feeling that it was not safe to just put it in the mobile space fortress.

"How about putting it there?"

"Didn't Comrade Lu Yuan dug a hole inside the moon? We only need to put the mainframe of the artificial intelligence there, and let the artificial intelligence control the wormhole fixed-point shuttle device by itself. Isn't the safety factor high enough?"

Wu Linghui raised his finger and pointed to the artificial sky "740" above his head.

Others also nodded subconsciously, thinking that this method seems to be not bad.

As far as the safety factor is concerned, it is best to place the host computer of the artificial intelligence in the center of the moon.

"That thing, what if this thing becomes like a sci-fi movie, and we humans are forced to do it?! It's impossible to blow up artificial stars together, right?"

Objections were raised.

There was also a look of embarrassment on the faces of the others, and it was obvious that this was what he was worried about in his heart.


Lu Yuan smiled and said directly: "It's not that exaggerated. The possibility in the movie is not impossible, but I created these ten artificial intelligence brains."


"In its logic, several mechanical life laws I wrote have been built in, and there is no way for it to violate this law.

in addition.

Lu Yuan also made this point.

These artificial intelligence systems produced according to the blueprints generated by the system will list his instructions as the highest instructions.

Even rewriting with the highest authority is useless.

As long as Shuai his instructions, these artificial intelligence systems will obey unconditionally, including letting them destroy themselves.

"Since Comrade Lu Yuan has said so, let's put the mainframe of the artificial intelligence brain on an artificial star to ensure its absolute safety."


"I agree with the proposal too!"

Long Lao and others unanimously approved Lu Yuan's proposal.

As the short-distance wormhole fixed-point shuttle device was turned on again, Lu Yuan took Liu Xun and the others directly through the transmission channel and entered the interior of the moon.

The moon has been burning for about half, and the internal temperature is still about the same as before, staying at more than 20 degrees.

"Report to Master Lu! The artificial intelligence brain energy system has been installed!"

"Report to Master Lu! The circulating refrigeration system has been linked successfully!"

"Report to Master Lu! The sub-brain control board has been fully assembled!"

not long time.

Since Liu Xun is responsible for the host part, it has been completed one after another.

I saw that in the control base of the Moon Center, a host of a super-large artificial intelligence brain with a volume of more than ten meters has been fully assembled.

"Activate Goddess of Fairness!"

Lu Yuan gave the start command.

next moment.

The silent artificial intelligence host was pressed the physical start button.

This is somewhat similar to the host computer.

But it is a little troublesome to close it. Except for Lu Yuan who can close it remotely, others can only close it physically.

One is to enter the secret of forced shutdown, and the other is to use violence to directly blow up the host of the entire artificial intelligence brain.


"The artificial intelligence system has been launched, and the image of the Goddess of Fairness is being generated...

"The generation is complete, please confirm the image and voice of the Fairy Goddess..."

With the sound of electronic synthesis, it sounded in the base of the entire moon center.

Three female virtual influences of different shapes appeared on the screen of the artificial intelligence host.

"Choose No. 3 image, No. 2 voice..."

Lu Yuan's gaze quickly scanned the screen, and finally picked the last avatar.

The first one is wearing a very kawaii short skirt, which is eye-catching, but it does not conform to the image of the goddess of fairness.

The second one is Yujie with glasses. She has a hot figure and is wearing a professional white-collar outfit. She is very excited, but this is not a beauty pageant.

In the same way, he gave Pass directly.

As for the last image, there is a very advanced-looking AI glasses in the eyes, and there are metal cables on both sides.

Coupled with a skirt slightly higher than the knee, a more capable light blue hairstyle.

Whether it is the effect or the style, it is obviously much better than the previous two images.

And the sound.

The first one was too sweet.

The third one is too loli, and it sounds completely inconsistent with the projected image.

Only the second voice.

Relatively cold.

There are not many emotional fluctuations, which fits well with Lu Yuan's chosen image of the Goddess of Fairness.

"It is confirmed that the sound of the goddess of fairness has been stored..."

"Hello, Your Excellency Lu Yuan, it is a pleasure to serve you..."

On the screen of the artificial intelligence host, the other two images completely disappeared.

The remaining girl, Tian Fen said to Lu Yuan coldly.

There are no emotional fluctuations between the words, which makes people feel that this is an artificial intelligence brain.


This is what Lu Yuan wanted.

The Goddess of Fairness is an artificial intelligence brain. After setting it too human, there is actually no benefit.

"Let's go, let's talk about Blue Star first."

"As for you..."

After Lu Yuan glanced at the Fairy Goddess, he asked Alpha to project a three-dimensional projection for her.

It makes her look almost indistinguishable from the real person.


This can only achieve the effect of visual deception, and cannot be directly touched like in the second world.

"Master Lu is here!"

Passing through the fixed-point shuttle device of the wormhole, the personnel guarding near the portal immediately notified Long Lao and the others not far away.

"Comrade Lu Yuan, how is it?"

Elder Long walked over quickly.

Several other people also showed a touch of curiosity on their faces.

"It has been successfully activated. Let me introduce it to you. This is the artificial intelligence brain of our dragon civilization in the future - the Goddess of Fairness."

"She has super computing power, can realize global supervision, and can kill all plans that are not conducive to the development of the Federation in the cradle."

Lu Yuan took a step directly to the side.

Originally, the three-dimensional projection of the Goddess of Fairness was behind him, and she directly appeared in everyone's field of vision.

"Hello, my name is Goddess of Fairness, and I am the artificial brain of the dragon civilization..."

It seems to have felt the eyes of everyone.

The Goddess of Fairness was very friendly + cold, and greeted everyone.

"Full, full, full!"

"This forceful frame is directly full!"

Wu Linghui circled around the Goddess of Fairness, and after several laps, he shouted excitedly and forced Graman to be full.

"Goddess of Fairness, demonstrate your network supervision function to several leaders."

Lu Yuan glanced at the Fairy Goddess and said.

"Okay, Your Excellency Lu Yuan..."

The voice of Goddess of Fairness without emotional fluctuations sounded.

Then her voice and voice, the opportunity appeared in the entire transmission area, everyone's mobile phones and electronic devices at the same time.

"Hello...... I am the Goddess of Fairness, and your device is currently under my control..."

Even the most advanced satellite phone in Long Kingdom before, under the attack of Goddess of Fairness, did not last for 1 second.

"The effect is good. In terms of deciphering and supervision, it has completely surpassed our network security department."

"That's right, the last time they were asked to break into a satellite phone, it took a long time to get it done, but the Fairy Goddess actually did it directly.

"It seems that we have the Goddess of Fairness to assist in the management of the dragon civilization, and we will obviously have a lot easier in the future!"

"Haha, you guys are really, are you still thinking of being lazy at this time?"

For the performance of Goddess of Fairness, Long Lao and others expressed their satisfaction with it.

The Lord of the Kingdom also came over to try to communicate with the Goddess of Fairness, and then said to everyone: "It's almost time, let's start the press conference for the establishment of the Human Federation."

"In addition, the beta version of the Federal Code will be added to the database of the Goddess of Fairness, and the follow-up work guidelines for the Fairy Goddess will rely on the Federal Code.

"As for what is unreasonable, we can vote in the Federal Assembly to vote."

Following the voice of the country lord, it fell.

The Goddess of Fairness also began to quickly read the test version of the Federal Code.

"Federal Code Reading...Thirty-six Core Code Regulations...Seventy-Two Main Code Regulations...12 Supplementary Code Regulations...  ..."

Almost in the blink of an eye.

The Federal Code, which was finalized by hundreds of talents, has been completely read into the vitality database by the Goddess of Fairness.

at the same time.

The fixed-point shuttle device of the wormhole in the center of the moon was also unilaterally closed from the moon side under the control of the Goddess of Fairness.

If you want to turn on.

An application is required, and the Goddess of Fairness will review it to determine whether the applicant meets the requirements for entering the lunar core base.

"let's start!"

Code of Federal entry complete.

The founding meeting of the Human Federation on the blue star was officially launched at this time.

"Hello everyone, I am the former ruler of the Dragon Kingdom, and I am currently the commander of the Blue Star Human Federation."

"According to the final agreement of the 200 relevant personnel dispatched by the Dragon Kingdom and the code drafting representatives of various countries, the first version of the beta code of our Human Federation has been successfully finalized.

"In the future, some rules and laws of the Human Federation will all be made with reference to the Federal Code, and will be supervised by the Federation's advanced artificial intelligence, the Goddess of Fairness."

"Now I announce that Blue Star officially abolished the imperial system, the personnel in the original area will remain fixed, and the level of personnel in the military region will be lowered."

"The management personnel are temporarily granted temporary authority, and they will coordinate with the regional governors arranged by the federal headquarters to manage. Among them, the outstanding management personnel can be in the

After completing the assessment of the Goddess of Fairness, she becomes a full-time member and obtains a formal federal title.

"As for ordinary people, the Dragon Kingdom, including Treasure Island, is directly promoted to federal citizens, among which Treasure Island personnel are third-class citizens and enjoy the privileges of third-class citizens, and Dragon Nation personnel are second-class citizens.

enjoy the privileges of second-class citizens. "

"The rest of the imperial personnel, except the military personnel and management personnel, are all given civilian status."

The ruler of the Dragon Kingdom... No, the chief commander of the Federation began to announce the founding of the Federation.

At the same time, some changes after the establishment of the Human Federation were also announced.

"Fuck! We actually became second-class citizens directly?! This is too strong!"

"Second-class citizen! This treatment is not too strong. Not only can you exempt 60% of the treatment expenses for illness, but you can also get a monthly allowance of 2,000 dragon coins after retirement!"

"This is so simple! This kind of treatment can wake up the labor and management when they fall asleep!"

"Hahahaha! I read the detailed information 2.4 on the federal official website, and the green card obtained by disobedience can also enjoy the same treatment as second-class citizens!

"Long live the Human Federation!"

Dragon Country here.

Except for Baodao and those who did not immigrate in the evening and got the green card of Longguo, everyone else was so excited that they were about to take off on the spot.

"It's not fair! Why are we only third-class citizens? The medical reimbursement is only 30%? The retirement allowance is only 1,000?"

"We are also part of the Dragon Kingdom, it's not fair!"

"We must also be given the status of a second-class citizen! We must also enjoy the treatment of second-class citizens!"

It's just that such voices didn't get support, and they were completely overwhelmed by the voice of Longguo in a blink of an eye.

The lord of the country also continued to announce at this time: "Now we continue to announce the title of the Human Federation. According to the request of the chief engineer of our wandering planet, our Blue Star Human Federation will

From the beginning of the day, it is officially named as the Dragon Civilization!"

It is jointly managed by a commander-in-chief, twelve elders, five marshals and three dukes. "

"All decision-making instructions about the dragon civilization need to go through a recall vote before they can be implemented.

"Now I read out the list of elders, the first elder... the second elder... the third elder Lu Yuan.....


Lu Yuan, who was cracking melon seeds, suddenly heard his name, almost trembling with fright, and scattered all the melon seeds in his hand on the ground.


"My brother has become the chief thirteenth elder of the dragon civilization?! What the hell is the third elder?!"

Gu Dayong was also stunned.

But the next moment.

This guy bounced directly from the dormitory of the Mars base, and ran out in a hurry. .

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