Is It Possible That The Mecha I'm Talking About Is A Toy?

Chapter 36 Show Off To Everyone By Raising Your Hand And Throwing Tanks, Dismantling Planes With Bar

"Whether it's a toy or not is not up to me. Just look at the production department below and you'll know."

Zhang Dahai looked at a few people.

Then he raised his hand and pointed to the column of the production department on the application materials.

Impressively written on it is the Toy R&D Department of Factory 106.


Several school officials couldn't help but swear.

Toy R&D department? !

This mecha that looks so awesome is actually made by the toy research and development department? !

But when did Factory 106 have such an extra department?

"Old Zhang!"

"What the hell is going on here? Are you sure you didn't do it on purpose?"

Several school officials stared straight at Zhang Dahai with shocked eyes.

"What do you mean it was done on purpose?"

"We are also a military factory after all, but we look so boring without this effort."

Zhang Dahai pretended to be serious.

Vice President Lin next to him also nodded very seriously: "The information on this is all true and effective."

"And after the subsequent approval, the production order of this mecha will also be in charge of the toy research and development department of our factory."


"Old Lin, you guys are too confident. Whether this mecha can pass or not, we don't just judge by appearance."

"It depends on its maneuverability and various performances." The school officer holding the information coughed twice.

Deputy Chief Teacher Lin showed a confident look on his face: "Okay, then let's start the test quickly."

"Liu Xun!"

"Ready to land on the mecha!"

Liu Xun, who had experience in mecha driving, quickly walked towards the mecha.

As he entered the mecha manned compartment.

The miniature ark reactor on the mech's chest was also fully activated, emitting a faint blue energy light.

"Mecha testing begins, testers are asked to complete the target destruction as required!"

A school officer held a communicator and spoke to Liu Xun in the mecha.

at the same time.

In the test site with complex terrain, some dummies with guns appeared.

As well as armored vehicles and eliminated tanks for testing, and even drone targets that simulate helicopters.


Liu Xun turned on the electromagnetic orbital ray.

A sound of electric current sounded quickly.

next moment!

The first target is directly destroyed.

Tread Tat Tat!

One hit.

Liu Xun controlled the mecha quickly and rushed towards the nearest armored vehicle.

With the strength of the two arms, the armored vehicle was lifted over the head very violently, and it was thrown towards the gun-wielding dummy.



The sound of heavy objects falling, accompanied by a terrifying impact, instantly overwhelmed a large group of dummies.

Armored vehicles are also like bastards, and those with four wheels facing the sky are identified as targets for destruction!

"How is it possible! How could it be so mobile?!"

Several school officials and everyone in the entire test site opened their mouths in shock.

An armored vehicle with a self-weight close to ten tons was just thrown out as a throwing weapon? !

"Liu Xun, show off to the reviewers again, what do you mean by throwing bastards?"

Zhang Dahai's excited voice sounded in the mecha through the communicator.

"Guaranteed to complete the task!"

Liu Xun responded immediately.

His eyes also shifted quickly, and fell on the rusty Type 96 main battle tank.

"Old Zhang! You don't want to throw the tank, do you?!"

A school officer stared at Zhang Dahai in shock.


His voice just fell.

The anti-missile armor in the test field immediately rushed towards the Type 96 main battle tank.

Very fast!

Even compared to a car with a speed of 60 miles per hour, it is not bad!

"Damn it!"

"The speed of this mech is so fast!"

"Crazy! Crazy! This guy really wants to lift the tank!!!"

All eyes were fixed on the anti-missile armor.

With the activation of the anti-gravity components in the arms of the mecha, the 41.5-ton Type 96 main battle tank was directly thrown by Liu Xun as if it were a bastard.

Flip over easily towards the ground next to you!


The heavy Type 96 main battle tank gun tube snapped off instantly.

The turret above was also directly pressed into the soil on the ground by this terrifying weight!


Everyone is dumbfounded at the moment.

In addition to the sound of various testing equipment, there was only the sound of heavy breathing coming from the crowd.

"It... actually turned over?!"

"It's terrifying mobility! The auxiliary force bonus of this mecha is too terrifying!"

"It's more than terrifying! This thing is fast! It's powerful! It's the nemesis of armored tanks!"

a long time.

near the test site.

The stunned crowd woke up faintly.

Zhang Dahai smiled from ear to ear: "Don't worry, this is just an appetizer, and the wonderful things are yet to come."

"Liu Xun!"

"It's time to show the flying ability of the mecha!"


The test materials and communicators in the hands of several school officials fell directly to the ground.

This can it fly? !

Zhang Dahai's words were quickly verified.

The armor plates around the back, legs, and waist of the anti-missile mecha open automatically.

There is no imaginary thruster ejection phenomenon.

The whole mecha just flew off the ground and flew into the air.



The original and violent punch directly hit the drone target in the air.

The simulated cockpit equipped with bulletproof glass was instantly destroyed, and the drone quickly fell from the sky!

"How about it?"

"Is the toy mecha from Factory 106 okay?"

Zhang Dahai looked at the school officials with a slightly teasing tone in his voice.

Especially the word toy mecha is very heavy!

"This is more than just a book? Raise your hand and throw the tank! Dismantle the plane with your bare hands! This mecha is so fucking awesome!"

"That's right! If this frankly doesn't work, it won't work without a mecha!"

"Purchase! This mecha must be purchased! This is the individual combat weapon that our army should have!"

Several school officials looked at Zhang Dahai excitedly.

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