Is It Possible That The Mecha I'm Talking About Is A Toy?

Chapter 40 Vertical Sonic Boom! Take Off At Zero Distance!

"Lu... Chief Lu, this, this is the fighter you developed?!"

Chen Yong followed Lu Yuan to a warehouse.

In an instant, his eyes were shocked by a fighter plane inside, and his mouth opened wide.

From the appearance point of view.

This fighter was very similar in structure to the quasi-third-generation fighter he had driven before.

But the lacquer surface gave him a completely different feeling.

The paint coating on the outer layer of the fighter plane is even brighter than the T-series anti-missile armor.

in addition.

Two exaggerated air intakes are arranged directly under the head of the entire fighter.

"How is it? Compared with the fighter planes you flew before, do you feel more handsome?"

Lu Yuan smiled and showed four teeth.


"It's so handsome!"

Chen Yong nodded.

His body uncontrollably turned around the entire fighter plane, and finally his gaze stayed on the five quantum entanglement engines of the fighter plane.

The black engine nozzle was bigger than any fighter jet he had ever seen.

Moreover, the material and coating inside are all blackened, which makes the jet port look deeper.

"Come on, let's go up and try it first, and simply test its flying speed near the ground."

Lu Yuan picked up a small notebook and walked under the belly of the fighter first.

Different from common fighters.

The cockpit of this fighter is obviously much larger than ordinary fighters.

The landing method has also changed from the ladder on the scaffold to the lifting platform that comes under the fighter plane.

Even more outrageous.

Chen Yong discovered that this elevator platform was not connected to the fighter plane, and it looked like those alien spaceships in sci-fi movies, and the landing method was similar to spaceships.

"What are you still doing? Hurry up."

Lu Yuan stepped onto the lifting platform and turned to look at Chen Yong who was in a daze.

"Oh oh oh..."

"I, I'm coming, I'm coming..."

Subconsciously swallowed his saliva.

Only then did Chen Yong regain his senses, and quickly walked over to Lu Yuan.

"The landing platform is rising, please do not stand in the edge area..."

The sound of electronic synthesis sounded.

Chen Yong hurriedly leaned towards the central area where Lu Yuan was standing.


The landing platform is closed with the fighter plane, and several automatic locks fall down to ensure that the landing platform will not fall out due to external force when the fighter plane is in the subsequent take-off state.

"Master Lu, is this also made with the traceless technique?"

Chen Yong stared at the landing platform under his feet.

After the closure is complete.

The traces just now disappeared completely, no matter from the naked eye or the touch of fingers, there is no trace at all.

"That's right."

Lu Yuan nodded.

"Using the non-marking process, coupled with vacuum adsorption technology, can ensure the airtightness of the landing platform."

while talking.

He walked towards the pilot's seat of the fighter plane.

There is a control area of ​​about 1.5 meters, with various instruments and buttons, which seem to be much more complicated than ordinary fighters.

Behind the main driver's seat, the two co-driver's seats are distributed on the left and right sides respectively.

The layout here is much simpler. No matter the number of buttons or the number of display screens, it is incomparable with the main driving area.

"What are you still doing in a daze? I feel like I'm coming to prepare for the test flight."

Lu Yuan sat down in the passenger seat, turned his head and glanced at Chen Yong.

This guy scratched the back of his head belatedly, and walked towards the main driver's seat.


"Chief Lu, where is the control lever of this fighter?"

Sit in the driver's seat.

Chen Yong looked around in embarrassment.

The fighter was not found to be equipped with conventional control sticks at all.

"You start the fighter first, and put your palm on the green grid screen."

Lu Yuan raised his finger and pointed to the left side of the driver's seat.

Chen Yong did as he did and raised his left hand, spreading his fingers and sticking his entire palm on it.


"Complete the biological pattern recognition..."

"Iris authentication is turned on, please do not blink during the authentication process..."

Electronic synthesizer sounds appear.

At the same time, a red beam spread out and scanned towards Chen Yong's eyes.

"Authentication successful..."

"Superluminous Particle Fighter M000 is confirmed to be activated..."

The device screen in front of Chen Yong quickly lit up.

Information about the five quantum entanglement engines also appeared on the left screen.

"Please select a driving mode..."

asked the electronically synthesized voice.

"Manual mode."

Lu Yuan spoke from the side.

As his voice fell, a metal panel opened on the main console in front of Chen Yong.

From below emerges a joystick similar to that of a normal fighter jet.

"Curvature engines No. 1, No. 3, and No. 5 have successfully started, and preparations for takeoff are ready..."

Electronically synthesized voice prompts.

Chen Yong subconsciously put his right hand on the right lever, preparing to move the plane out of the curry.

Lu Yuan reminded: "No need to move out, let's take off directly from here."


He added a sentence later: "Alpha, open the door on the top of the warehouse."


"The warehouse door is opening..."


Warehouse Curry A shrill siren sounded, and a crack opened in the middle of the closed warehouse roof.

And at an extremely fast speed, it completely opened to reveal the sky outside.

Chen Yong was bewildered: "Master Lu, there is no runway here, can we really take off?"

Lu Yuan nodded.


"See that lever on the left? Just push it all the way."

Only then did Chen Yong find out.

In addition to the throttle lever on the right fighter, he has an identical yellow lever on his left.


Follow Lu Yuan's order.

Chen Yong pushed the yellow lever on the left to the frontmost position.


A terrifying upward force struck.

The three quantum entanglement engines under the wings and the nose of the Superluminous Particle Fighter jetted out a burst of yellow light.

Quickly push the fighter plane to a high altitude.

Almost at the same time, it broke through the sound barrier and made a deafening noise!

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