Is It Possible That The Mecha I'm Talking About Is A Toy?

Chapter 45 Good Guy! The Rocket Engine Is On The Fighter Plane!

"Good guy, isn't this propeller too big? One nozzle is bigger than the destroyer we designed, and the sum of several parts is bigger!"

The chief engineer of Factory 105 clicked his tongue.

Looking at the quantum entanglement engine jet of the black hole, I feel very surprised.

"I'm afraid it can be compared with rocket nozzles, and this fighter is equipped with five of them."

The chief teachers of other factories also nodded in agreement.

"But this is too unscientific, isn't it? If a fighter jet is equipped with such a large engine nozzle, and it takes one minute to run, the consumption can be counted in tons, right?"

Intercontinental missiles and rockets can withstand such a large engine nozzle entirely because, except for the topmost warhead, the power engine behind them is the high-concentration fuel required by the propeller.

How big is this fighter?

Except for the five oversized rocket engines and the cabin for the driver, it is estimated that the remaining space of the entire fuselage is not enough to build a mailbox.

"I said, Lao Song, you can do a good job of keeping secrets. We didn't respond to any rumors at all before. I didn't expect that you have developed fighters to the point where they are comparable to intercontinental missiles and rockets."

Officer Liu came over, patted Song Kaiming in shock and said.

"No way, I just found out!"

Song Kaiming also looked helpless.

Before the factory manager called to inform him, he had no idea that Lu Yuan had already produced the fighter according to the drawings.


According to his thinking, it is estimated that this fighter is better than the quasi-sixth generation they developed.

How can it be like this Nima came directly to a cruising speed of Mach 20+?

This can't be called a fighter at all!

Almost ICBMs are not so outrageous!

"Pretend, you continue to pretend, a fighter that comes out of a factory, do you tell us that you don't know?"

"Do you think we believe it?"

Everyone stared at Song Kaiming.

The chief engineer of Factory 105 blushed even more and said, "I didn't expect Factory 106 to be so old, with such advanced fighters, to fool us with a defective one?"

"Song Laoliu! You won! I admit that your fighters are awesome, let's go!"

Song Kaiming's mouth twitched.

Why don't you believe me when I tell the truth?

At this time.

Several academicians on the podium followed the base commander and came here.

"Xiao Song, the fighter you developed this time is really good, and the speed can reach Mach 20 or more."

"And this deceleration ability is also very good. It only takes a few seconds to descend from Mach 20 to hovering in the air."

"Honestly, when did you successfully modify the rocket engine to the fighter plane?"

Mr. Huo walked over quickly.

He stared at the super-light particle fighter with a fiery face.

Especially those five engines are definitely taken from intercontinental missiles or rockets.

Ordinary fighter aircraft research and development centers do not have the ability to fiddle with this thing.

Song Kaiming reluctantly put on a smile: "Mr. Huo, to be honest with this thing, I don't really know what's going on. For the specific situation, you should wait for the chief engineer of the design of this fighter to come down and ask yourself. .”

Little Lu.

It's not like I'm trying to sell you on purpose.

I really don't know what's going on with your fighter plane, you'd better come down and tell a few academicians yourself.

"Oh? You're not the chief engineer responsible for designing this fighter?"

Huo Lao was a little surprised.

According to what Song Kaiming meant, not only was this guy not the chief engineer of the fighter plane, but he also didn't seem to know much about it.

"How can I, if I can get this fighter plane, how can the previous generations of fighter planes fall down?" Song Kaiming said bitterly.

Mr. Huo nodded subconsciously.


If Song Kaiming had mastered the technology of modifying rocket engines to fighter planes, he wouldn't have missed the first place several times in a row.

"Then who is in charge of this fighter plane? Could it be that Lao Fang did it himself?"

Huo Lao muttered to himself and guessed.

As a young officer, Fang Hongyun had worked with him before.

Thinking of getting the rocket engine on the fighter plane, it should not be impossible.

Song Kaiming shook his head: "It's not the factory director."

"But the name of this chief engineer, I think you should have heard of it, Mr. Huo, Lu Yuan, the chief engineer of the R&D of the T00 series of individual mechas."

"Lu Yuan? Who is this?"

"You don't even know this? Do you know the 12 finalized first-generation individual mechas? The chief engineer for the development of the T00 series mechas."

"What? It's him? The chief engineer of the mecha who uses the blue star as a big magnet to accelerate the mecha? Isn't he in charge of the research and development of the mecha? Why is he messing with the fighter again?"

Everyone almost dropped their jaws in shock.

The chief engineer responsible for the research and development of the mecha has just completed the innovation of the mecha, and now he has produced a super fighter with a cruising speed exceeding Mach 20.

Is this guy still human?

"It turned out to be him. I didn't expect that the younger generation would dare to think and do it. Using a rocket engine as a fighter propeller, and improving it so successfully."

Huo Lao was amazed.

Then he said to Song Kaiming: "Xiao Song, let Comrade Xiao Lu tell him to come down. We have a few questions to ask him."

"Alright Mr. Huo, I'll let them come down now."

Song Kaiming quickly picked up the communication device and called Chen Yong in the super-light particle fighter.

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